I exposed a guru so badly he changed his name. Here's why. (The Trading Geek 'Brad Goh')

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The Trading Geek is now Brad Goh, following the long history of brands switching names after becoming associated with controversy, fraud, and/or scandals.

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He changed it back a few weeks after I made this, lol, good job everybody

The channel name change could be totally unrelated, but, even if it is, this was too easy of a slam dunk to ignore. Plus, it gives me a chance to organize everything he's done in chronological order.


This literally just makes me so sad for all new traders just looking for some SIMPLE guidance. Thanks Iman for exposing these frauds and furu's. So much respect.


I kind of want to start a fake guru channel now, just for some easy side income.


The amount of fraud in this industry is seriously mind boggling


I quite like this video. Thank you Iman. I have watched a video of the "gentleman" at the centre of your video, where my content is literally repeated word for word. I was once told that there is nothing new under the sun, when it comes to trading. I reject this idea. That would assume that all traders (humans) stay in a state of inertia. That is simply not true. We always evolve, and we are forever trying to outsmart each other (as traders). That creates a trading environment which is constantly evolving. The markets I traded 20 years ago might look the same, on a chart, but they are not. I guess that is why I still sometimes fall flat on my a##.

Iman, I am sorry I haven't thanked you before, and I am sorry I have to do it in a public comment section, but I do not know how to reach out to you otherwise. I think your videos are a marvel to view. They are like a Quentin Tarantino movie, impossible to stop watching. How you edit, and how you comment, leaves other YouTube'er like myself in the dust. Thank you for you. Stay strong, and stay healthy.



I would pay money to be a fly on the wall and see Brad’s reaction whenever you upload a new video about him


So happy for you Iman, you hit 100k. I have been subscribed to you when you had around 42k. I hope you keep making honest content like this, cause there's not much genuine traders in the space. Thank you.


Goddamn man...

After almost 2 years of backtesting and refining my strategy and strictly not watching any youtube videos, I decided a few days ago to check for some ideas regarding breakouts. You never know what idea will spark what consequent idea, so I thought why not.

I ended up watching a video from The Trading Geek and then I saw your video "Exposing him" in the recommendations. Eversince then I watched all the exposing videos and I'm so disappointed in this shitass industry.

But I get it. These parasites are there to take advantage of the generally lazy and shortcut seeking demographic that is literally everywhere these days. What fascinates me is how you can become such a piece of garbage of a human to scam hopeful people. That's just sad.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time and exposing these fake gurus. Good job! And good luck on your trading journey. From going over your other videos too I believe you got what it takes.

Peace <3


I had a big turn around last week when I found Iman's channel. I was introduced to "discretionary" trading and got an eye opener about the gurus I was watching. Since then, I've been on a journey of pure observation to find my edge and develop my trading intuition. Which cannot be taught. Iman will be the turn around in the trading community. He will bring balance to the force and more traders will follow his lead. Making it difficult for low lives to rip new comers off. Happy new years and cheers to Iman. May your channel grow to the millions and change more lives. ✊


I never buy anything from these guys but still enjoy listening to motivational chatting


I'm amazed how you keep up your humor after all the BS you endured during your research.
Happy new year!


You should have a tag "how to trade" or "How to make your first million in trading first step" so beginners like me can see your videos about fake gurus like him immediately


This is the chanel that this community needed! True honesty and laying things out plain and simple. Brings me joy. Respect for putting in the work to hopefully protect new traders


Keep doing what you're doing brother! Hopefully you pop up in more peoples feeds to save them. I took some hits from many scammers, but I grew and learned. So I want to say I wish I had knew of your channel years ago, but its lifes timing. Thank you and happy new year!


I actually subscribed to his channel and I was so convinced because he told his childhood story and stuff. And now that I’ve seen your video…. I feel betrayed


There’s something that I noticed from Brad myself… so I been reading “The mental game of trading” and from one of the chapters in the book. It was talking about mapping your emotions and Brad here copied the same exact wording described in the book when he was talking about psychology and from there I instantly knew.


Thumbs up and keep exposing those fake gurus


Iman. I think you are borderline genious. I wish you use your intelligence and knowledge to inspire and guide/teach us more than to expose others or ridicule them.
You got incredible good material to use without wasting your time with fakes. You do more with building good than with trying to eliminatee bad.
Keep it up.


I started to buy his course but asked him (from his channel) how many of his students were profitable.... twice.... crickets, each time. Then I ran into you! 😁 Thanks.


Keep up the good work bro..m sick and tired of all those lies and seeing beginners got ripped off..I was once a beginner and I sure don't appreciate the lies.
