The Impossible Virtuosity of Yuja Wang

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In this episode we take a look at the incredible piano virtuoso, Yuja Wang.

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Yuja Wang is not just incredibly fast and accurate with her playing, she also maintains clarity and musicality plus striking rhythm. Her hand jumps & hand crosses come to the audience as if the playing is a simple matter of fact. Her music does not come across as an overlapping blur, but really extreme clarity and fantastic musicality. She deserves to be among the best pianists in history.


Not just her speed and virtuosity but also her clarity


I'm the third generation of professional classical musicians, my father was a concert pianist and I've heard many of the best. When I first heard Yuja play live what stood out was every note was perfectly weighted for the moment - no matter how fast or slow, the articulation and clarity was perfect and sensitive. She's something else.


What’s astounding to me was that Carnegie Hall marathon Yuja did a few months ago where she performed all four Rach piano concerti and the Rhapsody IN ONE CONCERT! Plus two encores! Most pianists who do say the Rach 3, that’s it for the week! Amazing! Yuja’s spoiled me; I have trouble listening to other pianists after her! As an 80 year-old jazz pianist and classical and jazz composer, I’ve heard many pianists in my time (in jazz, Bill Evans and Keith are my greatest influences. I spent 3 hours with Bill one-on-one in L.A. in 1962). Anyway, I’ve heard many classical pianists during 65 years in music and my humble opinion is Yuja is unsurpassed!


May I speak on behalf of the 3.3M subscribers when I say that we’d love to see Yuja Wang interviewed right here in your studio. 😊


I don`t know if anyone realized that she played the flight of bumblebee with all the intensity and soft notes on point. The parts where you should only barely touche the key she does it at that speed. It ridiculous how she manage to play super soft notes and really hard ones in a split second apart. JUst mind blowing


This is an encore!!! After a full concert. Astounding. Another universe.


How she maintains that pace without losing any timing or musicality, it’s amazing. She has precision and flow. Wow!


As a professional pianist, no one would understand the amount of strength it takes to play like this. It certainly looks relaxed and effortless but the amount of strength needed in your arms and shoulders (and upper back to an extent) is quite high. You have thousands of micro adjustment to make in everything - hands, arms, shoulders, etc. - to make this happen, and the muscles and tendons have to response to the slightest movements at breakneck speeds while varying the level of dynamics and other nuances at the same time.

She basically has a Marvel superhero level of speed and ability.


She's definitely one of the greatest pianist ever.


Rick should have mentioned that Yuja was only 21 years old when she tore through that version of Bumblebee, just at the outset of her adult career back in 2008. Her playing has continued to grow in maturity and emotional complexity with each passing year 🎹


after she finished, the piano lit a cigarette...


We are recording all four Rachmaninoff concerti and the Paganini Rhapsody with her over the next two weeks. She is a force of nature. Extraordinary.


What's incredible about this lady is how she stays so relaxed no matter what she's playing. And her fingers never falter, they always find their place on the keyboard no matter how large the jumps she makes may be (as we saw with the stride passage). What's even more insane is that even at that blistering speed she still incorporates a sensitivity to dynamics and feeling. A true virtuoso.


I’ve seen her play where they’ve kept track and followed along with her with the actual sheet music running below her playing and she is accurate, she does not miss or mistake a single note…she’s really something special


And she’s a wonderful young woman, beautiful, full of humor and energy. I had an opportunity to see her and talk to her at the Verbier Festival after her concerts. Unforgettable!


Rick, we were at the Philadelphia Orchestra last Friday night ( January 27) to hear Yuja Wang perform two piano concerto by Sergei Rachmaninov.
She was awesome. The audience stood and called her back several times, and she did an encore (after her full concert) with the same level of energy and excitement she bought to the piano concertos. She would be still taking curtain calls today if the audience had had their say.
The next night she performed at Carnegie Hall playing five Rachmaninov piano works. Unbelievable.
It is the 150th anniversary of Rachmaninov's birth, and there are many celebrations. Hers is the best.
She will be back in Philadelphia on February 4.
Everyone should hear her perform once in their life.


The most amazing thing about Yuja Wang is that it doesn't matter what she is playing, you can tell she enjoys every second of it. She has fun every time she sits in front of a piano, that itself is insane.


Emile Gilels was my go to for speed and dynamics gradations! I didn’t think we’d ever hear anyone to rival his touch with inner voicing. Yuja plays EVERYTHING with such refinement it takes your breath away. Her partnerships with conductors and orchestras is unparalleled; I believe they all step up their game when she solos - it seems like they know they’re in the presence of greatness. And she’s a hoot during her interviews ❤❤


That's gotta be one of if not the most talented pianist in the world. Absolutely incredible!
