Budget Buys: 5 aircraft in the $50K range

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Older model two- and four-seat airplanes can be the perfect ownership starter aircraft for you—they are tried-and-true designs; many have lots of used parts on the market; and you can often find them for a good deal.

Cessna 150/152
--Fly Me to the Fun™ - YouTube
--Fly Me to the Fun – Instagram
Piper Cherokee 140
Grumman AA1 series
Van’s RV-3
Piper J-3 Cub
--Joe Costanza Bananasssssssss - YouTube

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I own a 1946 J-3 with a Continental 65 HP. I have about 400 hours in it after having 1, 000 hours in Cherokees and 150's. To me it is the best airplane to make good pilots. Power management, W&B, winds and tailwheel all teach you to pay attention. Interesting note, the stall "indicator" is the lower half of the clamshell door. You are at stall speed when the door starts to come up. So a perfect landing is when you three pointed and the door is about 75 degrees up. Great airplane!


My entire level plane was a Cherokee 140/150. Very friendly and forgiving plane to handle. Loved that plane.


Got my PPL in a C-150, flew a C-140 as part of my training, and flew the majority of my hours in a C-152. Did get about ten hours in a J-3, and it was fun, but the instructor/owner had to go back to the airlines as his furlough was over, which ended my J-3 time.


Did the bulk of my training in the early 80's in a 152 which was almost new (1979). I loved that airplane BUT I was also about 60 lbs. lighter then. I guess it is still flying according to flight aware in IN. We (me and the 152) were in Texas then. 😀


I'm casually shopping for a 152 or Cherokee 140 but prices still seem high, seeing a lot of airplanes with engines at or near TBO as well as really outdated avionics. Hopefully prices come down a bit!


10 years ago: "Budget Buys: Airplanes That Cost $40K Or Less!"
20 years ago: "Budget Buys: Airplanes That Cost $30K Or Less!"
30 years ago: "Budget Buys: Airplanes That Cost $20K Or Less!"

...and so on, and so on...


Thanks all! I have not taken the plunge on my own airplane, but if I did I would probably get one of these 5.


They aren’t too plentiful, but I did some early training in the PA-38 Tomahawk. It was a fun little plane for basic maneuvers.


I have flown the Cherokee 140 great airplanes! I have also flown the Cessna 150/152 also great and fun airplanes. I own and fly a piper Cherokee 180 which is just a big brother to the 140. With more power, slightly more speed and a better useful load you can put 4 good size adults in it and still nearly top off the tanks. It’s cruises around 115kts with a fuel burn of about 7.5 gph


Insurance cost was a factor for me as well. Ended up with a 172. Availability of parts was a plus for cheaper insurance.


The Cherokee 140 with the 160HP STC has been a great first plane for me.


Have you considered te Champ or Taylorcraft?


The biggest problem with the current used GA market (one I have been following religiously for a few years now) is supply. Because Textron et al. manufacture planes at a starting price that is unreachable by the overwhelming majority of pilots coupled with the fact that even if you are in the upper, upper income bracket that can afford a 500k+ Skyhawk (just why?) or a 800-1m SR22, the delay to take delivery of said aircraft can be a year or more in some cases. That means even the very wealthy are also in the used club, which you will be competing with. But the supply of high quality used birds (circa 1970s/80s) is fairly low and interest rates are very high (mid 7’s to 8s). Did I mention there is an A&P/iA shortage driving maintenance prices through the roof? Simply put, it’s just not a great time to buy no matter what price point you can afford (these 50k range birds need more than that in maintenance a lot of times). Perhaps, it never will be?!


Should have added the piper tri pacer. $40k will buy a nice 4 seater with 125mph cruise, 800ft/min climb and 4 hours of range.


The used aircraft market for basic aircraft is out of control. We bought a cessna 150 in 2010 for 14, 500. A few years later sold that and bought a v-tail bonanza for under 20k.
