Answering your questions about foster care adoption | Spring 2023 Adoption Q+A

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It's normal to have a lot of questions when you adopt from foster care! The truth is, there is not a ton of information out there about foster care adoption...this is where I come in. As an adoptive mom of 3 kids as well as an adoption consultant, I want to help you realize your dream of becoming an adoptive parent. In today's video, I'm answering YOUR questions that you posted on my community tab!

If you have additional questions you would like me to cover in an upcoming video, please write them in the comments below :)

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I created this channel as a space to encourage others. I truly believe that even if we have differing views, we can still get along and be kind. That being said, any hurtful, mean, offensive, or malicious comments will be deleted.

Thanks so much for watching!

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Great video! I can add that I take medication for bipolar disorder, and my husband and I were approved to adopt. It's something that runs in my family, and I was able to turn in letters from my psychiatrist and therapist to show that I have been managing my symptoms for years with medication and professional help. Mental ailments are just like physical ones in that the state needs to see that you can take care of yourself in order to take care of kids. Hope that helps!


My husband and I just signed up for our parenting classes and got an application for our agency! We’re so excited to get started with a foster care adoption


Every time I think there’s nothing left to talk about, I watch another video and it’s awesome and covers new things :)


Thank you for answering my question :) My husband and I are still trying to decide which type of adoption is best for us. There’s so many things to consider and sometimes it gets overwhelming


Love your videos, Katie! Love how transparent, down to earth, and straight to the point you are


Thank you for answering my Q! The main reason i actually want to wait until my son is a bit older is because i want him to understand whats happening. Ive been preparing him for a few yrs now that one day hell get siblings etc but i want his opinion as well when hes a bit more mature. I guess it does depend on each case, but i have an uneasy feeling about it dunno why.
I dont want really young kids and i dont want to wait until my son is 10 yrs old either so its kinda hard because I do want the middle ages.


I was in the foster system for a few years as a kid before being adopted. It's an awful system. I hope to adopt someday.

Also, my adoptive mom made me a similar book. Wish I could've gotten it back before we split ways.


Can you explain more what the matching process looks like after a potential adoptive family reviews the “social summary” document and says they are interested in the child. For example, is there opportunity to meet the child in person before committing to the adoption? Or does the child likely know you are a potential adoptive family and so we would only meet the child once the adoption is pretty set. We are thinking of adopting a child 7 or older.


This video has been very informative! I would like to know your opinion on adopting a child around my son's age. My son is 7 and has been diagnosed with "low support" autism but does have aggressive meltdowns a few times a month and can be needy. How would this affect the child? Our son is also a little behind in his social and emotional development but is at or above grade level academically.


Just a bit of personal testimony. My father was a school teacher. He made us go to the school where he taught. We were bullied terribly for being teacher's kids. I think that we would have had a better overall experience if we had gone to the school in the neighboring town where we actually lived.


Single person fostering to adopt. Is this a dealbreaker, or can I proceed with the process?


How do virtual classes work for you guys? Did your husband have to sit on virtual class with you training or did you do your training classes and he did his because I know both of you probably don't work at the same time


What did your kids call you when they were first place? If it wasn't mom/dad right away, when did they start?


How can I get in touch with you outside of youtube?
