What is Morgellons disease? #Lyme #morgellons

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it is NOT psychiatric... it's aggressive and it's real


I am pretty sure I have lymes but not diagnosed. After much research I gathered up all the advice I could find and these are the things that have been helping to continually reduce the effected area...let me know if this works for you too, and if there is anything else to add.
1. Wash the affected area at least once a day with a gentle soap, with Borax powder. About 3 parts soap, 2 parts borax. it is both an exfoliant, and antifungal/antibacterial let the borax/soap have contact with the area for a couple minutes - if possible}. Bathing in borax is also helpful and a good start. The best soap is selenium sulfide, and add the borax, easiest to mix in the hand, or just sprinkle the borax on.
2. Dry thoroughly, then mix tea tree oil (kills any mites, antibacterial, antifungal), and clove oil, (stops pain and itch, also great for a tooth ache) into a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil, and coat the affected area and beyond. (reapply as needed)
3. Then cover with clotrimazole cream, this is sold at dollar tree for 1.25 labeled as Athlete's foot cream.

Steps 1-3 can and should be done many times a day.

4. Take Oregano oil (it's very hot, best to use softgels) 1 or 2, 3 times or more a day with at least a cup of water. This is an antibacterial/anti-fungal.
5. 1 pinch, (1/16th teaspoon) of borax in a liter of bottled water 1-2 times a day
6. Niacin and MSM as directed on the label. (MSM powder can be added to the water with the borax too, but some people taste a strong sulfur that would be hard to drink, Dr.s Best MSM doesn't seem to have any taste).
7. And AVOID ALL sugar! Within a short time after indulging in something sugary it turns it all back on and feeds the Morgellons. No soda pop, no cake, no sugary junk food. A couple of dates might cure the occasional desire for sugar without activating everything.
8. 0.5 to 3 mg of IVM Every 1-7 days will help with healing.

This has been quite effective in both stopping the itch and week by week there is less affected area to the point it is almost gone...but not quite...yet. The hardest part is to stay on all of this long after it is all gone, or it starts back up.

Morgellons does affect the teeth, most likely because it messes with the micro-biom and bacterial balance. Salt mouthwashes didn't seem to help enough, currently testing some borax dissolved in water for a mouthwash. Anyone with advice to protect teeth from getting brittle?

And please let me know if there is anything else to try.


I was treated by Dr. William Harvey, using his protocol for late chronic Lyme. It worked on both the Lyme, and for the most part the morgellans. I would highly recommend following a keto/low carb diet, for those suffering from this.


Has anyone noticed the gray or transparent hairs on their head. Has anyone noticed that that same hair is normally very close or wrapped around or touching a regular hair. Has anyone noticed that the transparent/grey hairs will very cleverly grow just about as long as your normal hair but always a little tiny bit longer maybe an eighth of an inch Max. Has anyone ever out of pure frustration completely picked all the gray/transparent hairs from their head in a section only to come back 30 or 40 minutes later to find that all new gray transparent hairs have completely taken over that section again. I'm not some sort of hair doctor but I know for a fact hair doesn't grow that quickly. It's not hair at all I believe that these gray transparent hairs are some sort of feelers or sensing mechanism for the smaller fibers. I also believe that they use these gray or transparent hairs as a jump off points. Here's another strange phenomenon if I put a trucker cap on and I put it down close to my head all of my regular hair will stay under the cap as hair should do but all of these gray and transparent hairs all stick and poke out of the ball cap so that they are exposed to the open air. That's not right. That's not at all how hair behaves. Because of that it's a fact that it's not hair. It grows too fast, it moves on its own and it moves with a purpose!!! I kid you not these things are smart!! Incredibly efficient no wasted energy everything that these things do they are doing for a reason. They don't make mistakes.

Is it possible that these things are utilizing the lymphatic system in order to navigate under the skin. One thing that I have noticed is that once they create an opening out of the skin they tend to continue to use that same opening. Seems as if they're not just boring holes willy-nilly all through the skin. But they are actively searching out pathways that already exist. I have so much more to say.. I've made so many more observations but I feel like this is getting too long and I feel as if this post is getting to the point to where people aren't going to read it if it's any longer. Is there a message board or some sort of place where our community can come together and talk


These creatures start to mimic objects they come in contact with I also noticed that when I had this certain I will say area of entrance or they would drag other insects such as ants or small cockroaches spiders inside of the sore I also noticed that these things are or spit out some type of flammable flammable gas this is the weirdest thing I ever saw it's like having worms scabies lice bed bugs all-in-one I am certain that this has a tie with Lyme disease also but I think I can remember when I caught this disease when I was in Florida at Orange Grove with flip-flops on it was as if I was stung all over my body this happened when I visit someone's house who was not very sanitary and I also noticed something prying itself underneath my toe nails and cuticles and that was extremely painful after this happened that's when I started to notice these fibers and sores breaking out especially especially when I did not keep the sore disinfected another thing they make a funny noise when a house is contaminated with them similar to a light buzzing I don't know why for some reason when you close your eyes for about thirty seconds to a minute and open them and look at the floor you can see them crawling everywhere in different stages of life. I'm not sure if these things are mutating into a species that they are mimicking or and also and I also see that they are almost like chameleons they camouflage I wish I would have taken the time to record these things because I'm sure people really think I'm off my rocker but every time I would come up with some reason for this I thought I had a tick bite I thought I had hypertrichosis I thought I had scabies I thought I had bed bugs but I know damn well I wasn't crazy if I was to pick one I would definitely say this is some type of worm because not only does it start out as a small little egg and a fiber I've noticed that they turn into different types of bugs most of them are microscopic but the ones that camouflage are the ones that I'm afraid to tell someone about because I'm tired of people trying to say I'm crazy if someone seriously wants some real information about these things and I'll take it to my grave these are facts I'm an expert on I was wondering if there's any way I can like get some credit because I almost have a cure


I have been dealing with this disease for 12 years at times I thought I almost had it cured I've tried everything there are few things that people might not notice but I am not crazy or delusional


is nanotechnology in us it looks like hairs but is not you can help your self with magnets


So many from the Morgellons community are no nowhere to be found
I fear we lost many within the community


My dad had this, It happened because of methamphetamine. (I'm like 90% sure of that) He mentally manipulated me for 6 years because of it.


No man! It's not psychiatric! It's real and very serious. I'm up now it's 4:34am because I cannot sleep because of this stupid thing


I had so many Drs accusing me I was on drugs by the 20 the Dr he finally took a magnifying glass to look at my welts, the worst is when you actually feel it coming out of your eyes my vision goes, I got it from being missing and held in a disgusting room in human trafficking I was sleeping with ticks


Thanks for your expertise and honesty Dr. but can u please put some recommendations on how to deal with this besides Lyme disease antibiotics? What other things have helped your patients?


Hello, have you thought about contamination of the environment or medical equipment? I discovered by chance under a microscope that my blood glucose sensors produced filaments of different colors when in contact with the heat of the skin. 30 to 45 minutes after the blood glucose sensor pauses. I am looking for an independent laboratory to analyze the filaments thank you for those who can help me


He fails to say what the treatment is.


As always, I just tested various things to purge out the fibres, tonight. The thing that worked best tonight was antihistamine Sinex micromist. I am questioning if my dr is right to give me antibiotics instead of antihistamines because he says it's infection. The old injuries get contaminated by fibres and sores reoccur in the areas of old wounds even where the skin never broke. I have had trouble with aching in my neck. Several times I had whiplash in the same part of my neck. Including assult on it with wooden bats. After two months the neck ended up with a hole boring from the inside out. It finally came to a result. The hole produced black centre. It came out. Healed on the surface and now it aches again as before. It's a bloody loop of a short break between this starting all over again. So it's a historic traumatic injury to the same area of neck, the fibres come out of the area. The weakness is a fibre breeding farm. The question I'm asking do the pathogens that breed fibres attach to mast cells, then the antihistamine separates the mast cells from their function of breeding fibres?


What change in treatment do you so for those patients? I just passed the year mark of treatment, and morgellons has improved but still persistent


He has no idea what morgellons is but he is happy to treat it.


What to take? 8 years and I feel like giving up.


Where are you located, Dr? So many in the states are looking for you, for they can't go to a certain medical doctor in Mexico who has had success treating Morgellan's disease.


My mother had this shit in her TONGUE.
she would pathologically bite her tomgue out on the porch and smoke while trying every day to eradicate it from her tongue
