Alternative treatments for Lyme disease symptoms brings new hope to those suffering

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The multi-step, laser therapy treatment targets the biofilm that surrounds the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.
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A recent study was done in a psychiatric hospital, and they tested all the patients for tick-borne infections. It brings out rage and mania, and my son has just recently found out he’s had it since he was 7!
90% of the patients tested positive for a tick-borne infection! I feel so sorry for the people who never have been diagnosed and have no idea why they are like they are! No one wants to hear the word Lyme! It’s like saying “bomb” in an airport! They tell you there’s nothing wrong and it’s anxiety! My poor son went through his entire life with one of these infections and the only reason we found out about it was because I took him to a specialist to be tested for mold toxicity. This had emerged from the lowered immune system from the mold.
He has horrific headaches, neurological disorders, hallucinations, sweats, etc. I’m just thankful we found this out now at his age of 36. It explains his life! Now, he has to get well, and it’s going to be a long road ahead for both of us. I’m a retired teacher and babysitting him has been my life for the past two years.


So a spokesman from the CDC said we should talk to our healthcare provider about the risks of doing alternative treatments? How is that gonna help when doctors don’t believe that Lyme can become chronic. We’re screwed. Any Lyme patient knows that.


Insurance should pay for alternatives for these types of illnesses


The CDC and Medical Industrial Complex will not acknowledge alternative therapies. I’m very happy this woman found help. A friend of my sister’s killed herself because of the pain she was suffering from Lyme disease.


Fighting lyme just never ends. It’s a constant battle to keep ahead of it.


I suffer with chronic lyme disease 6 years ago I'm still suffering today I had to get three bone marrow biopsies done finding out that I have feel less cells in my bone marrow currently at 20 to 25% and it should be at 70% for my age my blood doctor tested me for syphilis HIV leukemia lymphoma everything came back negative except I had high levels of bar virus that most people have in the United. I suffer with chronic got issues I lost a lot of weight my knees ache my shoulders and my neck I have mildly low white blood cells and platelets but they are stable low. I don't have no infection in my bone marrow but I know it's Lyme disease that lessen my cells. Bright lights bother me I deal with chronic fatigue depression anxiety and I'm only 35 years old. I only can do so much of the income that I'm on for SSI doctors looked at me as a patient not a human being. The CDC denied me once and I had all the symptoms of blood work and testing I have no idea what to do I just want to give up on some days and be with the Lord through My Savior Jesus Christ. I got copy of my medical records from Dean clinic now I'm getting all my medical records from UW clinic and I'm going to get a new doctor and discuss why I'm still sick and sit down with infectious disease doctor give me some answers because it's not right.


Lyme disease is one of the major causes of fibromyalgia! There are only a couple labs in the country that identify Lyme through the genetics of the organism. Now I am taking binders, and my symptoms are slowly going away… This is after 25 years!


"It takes 9 months to break the biofilm all over the body" As a Lyme researcher, it pains me to hear such non sense. Managing Lyme is much more complicated, unfortunately. It is incurable, as it is not a disease, but a multi-pronged bioweapon. Managing is all what you can do.


My son did this treatment in Canada, it took almost a year to clear it from his system, although he feels so much better, he is still dealing with the long term damage from the lyme disease, including inflammation, and nerve pain.


My sister has a chiropractic practice in Kennett Square PENSYLVANIA and has a detox business on the side. She is helping people get rid of parasites and Lymes symptoms. Many of her patients are more than pleased with the results of her treatments.


nfrared light therapy I buy bulbs from amazon.


Hope for her it sticks. I seemed to be cured once too. But it came back and now I'm partly disabled. Brain fog all the time, which makes me confused of what to do. Any simple problem throws me off my ideas for the day. Before I got Lyme, I was a focused trouble shooter. It's left me a shadow of a shadow of myself. No way to live. Most horrid.


Would love to know how she’s doing now!


Hey, I just found out that my fibromyalgia that I’ve had for 24 years, has actually been a whole bunch of tickborne diseases! I wonder how many other people with fibromyalgia have tick problems? Regular testing -Did not find it! I was diagnosed negative twice. You have to use the Vivant test for the antibodies. And genetics. Vivint lab.


Chronic lyme sufferers are at the mercy of zll snakeoil salesmen because they rarely get help from their GP. As . GPS are cdc approved so the test kits can't pick up Chronic lyme symptoms as 5hey are 3xpensive and hit and miss. Chronic lyme is very good at faking symptoms of something else.


Why is it ALWAYS a chiropractor. Id love to know more about the science behind the laser therapy though.


Now if only it helped the neurological


I’m 60, strong and fit, for my self, outdoorsy. When I have a flare up… I have a hard time moving my arms turning my head my neck hurts, my skin burns, my ears ring. I have shooting and stabbing pains in different parts of my body and terrible muscle spasms.
Could last and evening, could last a day or two, just like that it fades days for a week or two. Those are the times I think I can go back to work and be normal then bam, it comes back😢


They always like mental health to. That's BS


Thank our profit driven health care system. We go to the gas station for a gallon of gas but if you only got a 1/4 of a gallon you would be outraged, well welcome to the spirochete world.
