7 Reasons Why Women Only Date Up (Backed By Data)

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00:00 Women Date Up
00:43 REASON 1
02:37 REASON 2
06:29 REASON 3
10:53 REASON 4
14:39 REASON 5
19:43 REASON 6
24:21 REASON 7
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Don't sweat it guys. All you have to do is just be perfect. You got this.


"The reality of why dating is so easy for women is because men make it easy for them." Nail hit right on the head there. The root of the problem isn't women, it's simps.


"I want 6ft, 6 figures etc."
women: "you go girl, don't settle for less!"

red/blackpill: "women only date up and they don't settle for less"
women: "that's offensive"


Please don't apologise for making longer videos- ever! They are even more thorough and insightful 🙂; thanks so much! You really help men to see things the way they really are!


The best thing any young single man can do is be the best version of yourself and learn the art of not giving a fuck what women think of you. After I learnt that, things started to change massively for me. I started being rude to women who were rude to me, walking away from women who weren't giving me what I wanted, setting clear boundaries early whilst dating someone, and ghosting women that didn't respect them. From my personal perspective, if a woman thinks that you have the self respect to walk away the moment she wastes your time or crosses a boundary, she will actually respect you for it and not do it. Be nice, and she won't take you seriously.


The best way to live life as a man is to be born tall, with a Chad face. Everything else is attainable, especially with positive reinforcement along the way, because of the Chad face.


This is a phenomenon I haven't heard anyone bring up so I want to talk about it. Last Halloween I dressed up as a trojan warrior with a mask....I had been working out and was in good shape...there was this girl (about a 7) who came in and she was hanging out with this Chad-light. I made eye contact with her a few times but didn't talk to her because she was with some dude...then I walked by her again, made eye contact, and she stopped me and said "how are you"....we started talking and I took off my mask and she said "oh I like your face"...I thought "that's good", but not really cause a little later she leans over to the Chad-light and says "I think you have some competition for story short -- I got competition anxiety and got out of the interaction. Last week, I was talking to an attractive girl and after 10 minutes she said "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." So I give her some time to come back but she doesn't come little later she comes back with her friend and I just ignore her (I considered that a flake and I was done with her at that point). After a while she gets up and leaves and when she comes back she sits right next to me and "accidentally" rubs her legs against mine. I continue to ignore her. She looks at me and smiles. I she does something scary -- she goes on her phone and texts a guy to come to the bar. 5 minutes later the guy comes over and kisses her. I get the fuck out of there. It wasn't her boyfriend because they weren't seen together the rest of the night....I think she just "ordered some dick" on her phone when she wasn't getting any attention and was possibly trying to raise competition anxiety. Why are these women doing this nowadays? They're copying high status men who have women compete for their attention. The difference is that no self respecting man is gonna be a dancing monkey and try to win a girl over another guy (possibly ex lover). Things in America are becoming a shit show.


It all comes down to the biological fact that men have an abundance of semen, while women have a finite amount of eggs, in addition to what you mentioned about the females investment being much greater than the male. Hence, the females are biologically programmed to be more selective. As you said it includes both genetic quality for the offspring, as well as providing skills for the family. However as of recently many more women can now provide for themselves, making the priority genetics.

Excellent video, this might be your best one.


34 tomorrow and got a promotion lined up to take me into the top 10% of UK earners for my age in a few months time. Yet shockingly because I've never had a relationship there is no preselection benefit available for me to capitalize on and even though I've been improving myself it still feels like a constant endless battle of zero success, ghosting on apps and now seemingly surrounded by single moms, some of who are now stating on the profiles that they "do not want any more kids", yet they still feel that what I have to offer is not good enough for them 🤣 There's pretty much no words to describe how deluded women's standards have become in 2022


The graph is correct. Women who are 3s and 4s, wanna date 5-6 men. Mid women wanna date chadlites. And Stacy tier only gigachads or billionaires


The Normie class is merging with the Sub5 class while Chads are pulling away and living the lives of gods. You see a similar parallel in economics with the disappearing middle class and the rich getting richer.


"I'm a strong, independent woman!"
"Now pay my bills!"
The funniest part of those statements is that THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE BOTH statements.


This is gold. As a man, it was pure joy to absorb a 27 minute long video with nothing but facts on the subject at hand, as well as it all being explained in a most constructive way. Subscribed.


Historically what did low value men with no dating options do in order to cope with being sexual losers? I’m sure they didn’t just sit around and cry all day about Chad’s harem… Things are gonna get much darker in the next few decades if something doesn’t change.


Society is programming us to follow women timelines.
Absolutely brutal.


My whole life I've been wondering why women didn't like me I didn't do anything wrong, am I crused to not receive love and affection? Now I know why Blackpill is the answer to all these questions it's not my fault and it's not women's fault either it is what it is even a slight hope of finding someone who likes me also is a big mistake that I wouldn't do.


Men, do not hesitate for one moment to place a court-issued restraining order against your female partner if you feel your safety and health is in jeopardy. Placing a permanent restraining order on my female partner was absolutely the wisest protective move of my adult lifetime. My only regret is not doing it years earlier. Men, be safe!


The thing is though, a lot of women (and even men) don't want children nowadays. But I guess the desire to date up is still being driven by the biological need to reproduce even when the woman doesn't want children.


Women " we will only marry rich men "
then women " there's more rich men tan women, that's unfair, we need positive discrimination "
Women now " there's not enough rich men to marry, how did that happen ?".


This is a sad time for many young hard working men trying to reproduce that perhaps weren’t fortunate enough to be among the top 20%. Unless they Simp out to an over 40 yr old woman with more miles than JLo. However this is all very true.
