When you should NOT take Vitamin D

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Vitamin D / Vitamin D3 is one of the most popular supplements but is there a time when you should NOT take Vitamin D?

In this video we discuss that topic.


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Thanks for watching!

JT "Jared Taylor"

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Disclaimer. Yes, I am a certified keto and intermittent fasting coach. (Certified by Dr Berg). I am NOT a medical doctor. Information in this video or other videos on this channel are intended for informational purposes only and should never be considered medical advice. It is always best when considering supplements or making dietary changes to consult with your healthcare professional.
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Critical or deficient, by what measure and based on what studies? I've come across quite a lot of information in recent months which got me wondering about this supplement. Initial 'D3' experimentation was based on cod liver oil's ability to affect health issues, in this case rickets (and night blindness - vitamin A). Oddly enough during these experiments in addressing rickets they found other 'cures' from which they chose not to pursue isolating any specific chemical or treatment from them. Adolf Windaus found the structure in cod liver oil believed to be D3 it was soon after, in the late 1930s, that a chemical synthesis of lanolin would match this chemical, cholecalciferol, to become labeled 'vitamin' D3. Windaus was awarded the Nobel Prize which historically often propels a consumed product's value to forever unquestioned heights. Since the late 30s Vitamin D was given the role for protecting bone growth and for preventing rickets, a disease that was once crippling for children yet up to this time and for the most part children, and adults, were malnourished because of poverty, ignorance, food choice/availability, and the affects of war. It makes much more sense that the acquisition of improved conditions/lifestyle cured rickets and bone health rather than believing the consumption of D3 supplements along with the fortification of milk and other foods was the only cure. The similar timing calls to questioning this curative correlation over time. There is no doubt, as with any drug, D3 acts in many ways upon human physiology. Many have recently taken to larger doses though it comes at a cost, affecting the body's need for additions of supporting vitamins/supplements - K2, Mg, K, Zinc... To equate an understanding of the history, use, and the awarded cure status associated with D3, in comparison to the effect of sunlight's rays and energy, is impossible, and is closer to a misunderstood faith in 'science'. Sunlight is an important life/health entity that should stand on it's own merit. At present we only have a sudo indication of a D3 level in our blood though it's not truly a measure of overall health. I believe science needs to go back in time to before the 20s and start all over in the understanding of the role of the Sun in human health, separate from and alongside a human healthy lifestyle. Based on what I have researched I personally have stopped taking D3. All I have experienced has been noticeably positive 😊


I’m sure you know, but for those that don’t, RDA is a minimum amount recommended to prevent deficiency diseases in 98% of the population.

It remains to be determined what is the optimal amount generally and individually.
