Unleash the Power of Dictating Action Items - How to Talk to To Do

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*See Below for Links and Resources:*
Dictate action items, appointments, and any reminders into your phone and have them show up in your Microsoft To Do list automatically - with optional time and date stamps for when reminders will pop up. This is the recommend tool for GTD* fans as well.
For example "Set Reminder - Call Frank tomorrow at 11:50"
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Example: Remind me tomorrow at 11:50 to Call Franklin
01:47 Setup iPhone Link to Microsoft 365
03:00 Create Default List for Reminders in To Do
03:40 Set Default List in Reminders App
04:39 Test The Connection from Reminders App to To Do App
05:02 Confirm Default List in Reminders App is Still Connected to List in To Do
05:14 Check Dictated Request is in To Do
05:32 Examples of Cool Ways To Use Dictation
/MWL (NAI) **
BOOKS (See Brilliant Books That Matter Playlist below under VIDEOS)
Microsoft To Do is my tool of choice for Getting Things Done*:
⚪ Watkins, Michael D. The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013
⚪ Allen, David. Getting Things Done: the art of stress-free productivity. Penguin Group, 2015.
GTD, GETTING THINGS DONE, GTD Connect, GTD-Q, GTD Weekly Review, Mind Like Water, Ready For Anything, & Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them, are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.
⚪ Grenny, Joseph, et al. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition. McGraw Hill, 2021
Bonus - The classic from Tracy that is still smart today
⚪ Tracy, Brian. Eat That FROG!: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less Time. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2017
Note: This page contains affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you, however if you use the link to purchase something I will receive a small commission. This helps fund this channel and the content I create on my off time. Your support is greatly appreciated!
** MWL(NAI): This content was Made With Love (Not AI) ™️
#GettingThingsDone #TheFirst90Days #CurticalConversations #BrilliantBooksThatMatter #productivityhunter #EatThatFrog #Leadership #MicrosoftToDo #ms365 #microsoft365 #MicrosoftToDo #ToDo #networkpeople
Dictate action items, appointments, and any reminders into your phone and have them show up in your Microsoft To Do list automatically - with optional time and date stamps for when reminders will pop up. This is the recommend tool for GTD* fans as well.
For example "Set Reminder - Call Frank tomorrow at 11:50"
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Example: Remind me tomorrow at 11:50 to Call Franklin
01:47 Setup iPhone Link to Microsoft 365
03:00 Create Default List for Reminders in To Do
03:40 Set Default List in Reminders App
04:39 Test The Connection from Reminders App to To Do App
05:02 Confirm Default List in Reminders App is Still Connected to List in To Do
05:14 Check Dictated Request is in To Do
05:32 Examples of Cool Ways To Use Dictation
/MWL (NAI) **
BOOKS (See Brilliant Books That Matter Playlist below under VIDEOS)
Microsoft To Do is my tool of choice for Getting Things Done*:
⚪ Watkins, Michael D. The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013
⚪ Allen, David. Getting Things Done: the art of stress-free productivity. Penguin Group, 2015.
GTD, GETTING THINGS DONE, GTD Connect, GTD-Q, GTD Weekly Review, Mind Like Water, Ready For Anything, & Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them, are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.
⚪ Grenny, Joseph, et al. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition. McGraw Hill, 2021
Bonus - The classic from Tracy that is still smart today
⚪ Tracy, Brian. Eat That FROG!: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less Time. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2017
Note: This page contains affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you, however if you use the link to purchase something I will receive a small commission. This helps fund this channel and the content I create on my off time. Your support is greatly appreciated!
** MWL(NAI): This content was Made With Love (Not AI) ™️
#GettingThingsDone #TheFirst90Days #CurticalConversations #BrilliantBooksThatMatter #productivityhunter #EatThatFrog #Leadership #MicrosoftToDo #ms365 #microsoft365 #MicrosoftToDo #ToDo #networkpeople