How To Make Money Fixing Computers

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Do you want to make money fixing computers? If so then this video will give you some tips to get yourself started. I've been a computer tech for 22 years and in that time I have made a lot of mistakes. So hopefully I will help others to not make the same mistakes.

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I was an independent repair tech for about three decades both consumer (computers mostly) and industrial. Most of the suggestions here are spot on. Building a business is like building a snowman: you start with a small ball and roll it around and around adding to it until it's useful. You will need to able to fully support yourself for one to two years after you go full time self-employed. The net income from the business should go back into the business those first two years.
Advertising is a Black Hole: you shovel money into it and hope that it squirts back out. But it is the fire that fuels your enterprise. (You do know that coupons and discounts for entering a code at checkout are methods for tracking your advertising dollars, right?)
You're never making as much as you think you are; there are no paid holidays, you can't charge on some (many?) jobs as much time as you have invested; self employment tax is A Bitch; medical insurance is On You; there is No Income when you're not working - whether ill on or vacation.
If you ever hire someone his actual cost to YOU is about 50% more than the gross hourly rate you're paying. And now you have unemployment tax and withholding ....
Freedom is in the eye of the beholder; if you're behind the plow... well, you're behind the plow. If you don't plow you don't reap any crop.


I do computer repairs as a side hustle and learnt it along the way.


I 'm working as an IT tech for a company in California. I came to the USA 8 years ago and I've worked for that company since then. On my country of origin, I had worked by myself, distributing PCs, laptops, repairing them, fighting malware, installing home and small business networks. When I saw the title to this video, I got interested. I'm 70 years old, I've worked on computers since 1975. Maybe it's time to start over on myself. You're absolutely right about cheap customers. I learned that by my painful experiences. I was a fail about advertising, because ai didn't do any. Thank you for sharing all these wise tips.


Word of mouth is the best advertisement you can get .1 its free, 2 People passing your name on to their friends, associates to do work for them is the best review you can get .The customer likes you and trusts you to get the job done otherwise they wouldn't recommend you .


I been a computer tech 35 years and repair computers and to be honest don't work on computers in customers homes for alot of reasons one is dust and dirt, taking the cpu or ram out should be done in a clean room and no dust or dirt, 2nd you don't know who the customers are or what they do so getting paid for a job should be done in a computer lab and no pay no computer. Your new replacement parts are in there computer so get paid 1st and then customers get there computers


There was a lot of great advice here, much even not specific to the computer industry. I told my hairstylist friend some of this advice.

I am not done computer tech, but I have been a freelancer, and I would say that general networking is also the best advertisement. You never know who’s going to have what opportunity for you


ive been doing this for 12 yrs, but your on point with this.


Thanks for the great advice. Can you do another one highlighting your favorite tools (hardware & software) while doing the job day to day?


First two advices are right. I had Guitar repair shop and it's all true. One of those wanted to bring me guitar to do it again for free because he didn't like mod but one year later. I wanted to be cheap to help new musicians who are starting and had less money. People that I charged more were happy and payed with no questions but cheap ones were always complaining and wanted something else for free. 200% correct...


I have a recording studio, for 15 years, honestly when I started I was a great musician but recording and mixing? Still had a lot to learn. I started the business anyway as a side job, today, it is still my side job but the extra income is really great and I finally consider myself a master of the craft even though I’m always learning.


I work for the railroad. I've learned so much through the years but I really want to start my own computer building/repair store.


I learned through making lists. I'm a builder on the PCMR subreddit and havent actually had a ton of build experience. Yesterday, I did my first full fledged build for the first time, took me an hour. Blazed through it


Thank you for this video . I've been looking for someone to be honest about the computer repair business and I liked what you had to say .It gave me the confidence to continue with my repair business. Thank you .


I am in the process of starting my own computer repair business and also building computers. I'm starting with very little capital, and I love the ideas.


The few minutes I spent watching your video extremely valuable. Thank you very much. I am always open to good advice and tips. and It was a pleasure to receive if have other comments or suggestions for helping our computer tech deal with users problems.


I'm A CAD Designer. My Brother has been a CAD designer for as long as I've been around. I also took it all through school so that helped! I also repair computers on the side. I don't live in a big city where there are a lot of people needing computer repairs so I usually just fix friends and family's computers. There is a computer repair shop in town but I find people bring their repairs to me instead of taking them there. ;)


Rich, what you suggest makes a lot of sense. I have been retired for about ten years, but my last job was as a help desk analyst for a major healthcare provider. I'd like to think I know how to listen to what a customer is saying and what they need.

During that time I, too, had many people come to me when they wanted advice on purchasing a computer, or when they were experiencing problems with their machine. I never gave them the impression they were compromising my time for free advice.

This presentation has piqued my interest in starting a small side business building computers, repairs, and troubleshooting.

My main question is what tools do you consider necessary when doing something like this?


I would also add that you need to be able to fire some customers. I came into a business to fix and issue with one of the programs on their PC. They were angry about the last company that worked on it. I quickly found out the source of the problem. After that tech left they installed so much software their hard drive was full. After discussing where the problem came from I asked them who they throught was responsible for the full hard drive. They said the prior tech rather than the office worker. I told them my professional opinion, what could be done to prevent it in the future and when they continued to complain about the prior tech, I walked away. I explained to them that I could not take on the liability of being blamed if an honest mistake on their part. It just isn't worth it. I can't prevent every unforseen source of mistakes by an inexperienced user and be blamed after the fact.


I have a computer repair shop

Thanks for making not feel cheap besides I choose to charge a little to gain more customers.

Am learning a lot watching your videos.


I also have flat rates which helped me and help them out, figuring out exactly what they’re getting. Which avoids customers from suspecting you of overcharging unethically but that’s just my opinion.
