The Great River LOTR 1.25 [HD 1080p]

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Lord of the Rings. Fellowship of the Ring Extended HD 1080p Xvid AC3. Watch in 1080p fullscreen, enjoy. Medivh.
Gollum. He has tracked us since Moria.
I had hoped we would lose him on the river. But he's too clever a waterman.
And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts it will make the crossing even more dangerous.
Have some food, Mister Frodo.
No, Sam.
You haven't eaten anything all day. You're not sleeping, either. Don't think I haven't noticed. Mister Frodo.
I'm all right.
But you're not! I'm here to help you. I promised Gandalf that I would.
You can't help me, Sam, Not this time, Get some sleep.
Minas Tirith is the safer road. You know it. From there we can regroup strike out for Mordor from a place of strength.
There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us.
You were quick enough to trust the Elves. Have you so little faith in your own people?
Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men. But you will not see that. You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows!
Scared of who you are, of what you are.
I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city!
Gollum. He has tracked us since Moria.
I had hoped we would lose him on the river. But he's too clever a waterman.
And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts it will make the crossing even more dangerous.
Have some food, Mister Frodo.
No, Sam.
You haven't eaten anything all day. You're not sleeping, either. Don't think I haven't noticed. Mister Frodo.
I'm all right.
But you're not! I'm here to help you. I promised Gandalf that I would.
You can't help me, Sam, Not this time, Get some sleep.
Minas Tirith is the safer road. You know it. From there we can regroup strike out for Mordor from a place of strength.
There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us.
You were quick enough to trust the Elves. Have you so little faith in your own people?
Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men. But you will not see that. You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows!
Scared of who you are, of what you are.
I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city!