How Amazon Is Ripping You Off | Robert Reich

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Amazon has been accused of ripping you off. Here’s how.
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Google just lost an anti-trust lawsuit. Amazon must be put through the courts.


"We have the best government money can buy." Mark Twain


I stopped shopping on Amazon years ago. Until Jeff Bezos pays his fair share of taxes. Instead, I flip the old practice and use Amazon to figure out what I want. Then I go to a brick and mortar store and buy it.


The part that is really annoying is that so many people in rural areas have few choices for brick and mortar alternatives. The number of times local stores have not carried what I need is endlessly frustrating.


Not going to lie- Amazon helped us out so much when we had a baby and needed diapers all the time. That being said, I am concerned by how people feel “entitled” to convenience. We’re not renewing our membership once it runs out and have gone back to buying almost all of groceries at Union supporting or local grocery stores and farmers markets instead of Whole Foods. It makes me happy that GenZ prefers brick and mortar shopping over online- a Barnes and Noble is opening near us which feels like a good sign. Thanks Robert Reich for always keeping us informed.


This could easily be called: How Walmart is Ripping You off. They use the same tactics. Eliminate all the competition within an area and then raise the prices as no one is left to compete with. Producers are forced to sell to Walmart at what Walmart deems to be their fair price or Walmart just won't sell your product.


Thank you Robert Reich…I do not shop Amazon. Have forwarded this podcast to my family members who simply would not listen up as to why they should abandon Amazon Prime etc…
I’m 82 and shop local in the Napa valley where it is already way too expensive for me to survive on my small budget…Hopefully they will get smarter!!!
Still voting Blue💙🇺🇸🙏✨🌞


I have grown accustomed to the ease of ordering from Amazon. As of today - that will change. Thank you Robert.


Thank you, Robert. As an individual in America, it is hard to see how insidious the practices of big business are. I definitely feel the need to avoid Amazon, especially after seeing this video.


This is what companies do! Market monopoly is the desired goal of every company. Anti-trust laws should disallow this but laws are nothing without enforcement. Anyone who uses Amazon as their only source is making a big mistake. It literally pays to comparison shop.


I've heard that some independent sellers on Amazon also get screwed by the company making a worse Amazon Basics version of what they sell, and undercutting them out of the market.
Also yeah, no online retailer should also control a game streaming service (Twitch), have its own TV/movie production studios, own another movie studio, web hosting services (AWS) and all the other things they control that give them a de facto monopoly. It should be forcibly broken up/required to sell off all of these things.


I try to use Amazon as my last resort when I cannot find things in person or online at other stores. I needed to buy work slacks a few weeks ago and not one of the many stores that carry cloths had pants in my size!! And trying to see goods in person before buying them is starting to feel impossible. The prevalence of online shopping has just made a worse shopping experience all around I feel. It is great that it exists for those who aren't capable of in person shopping but it shouldn't come at the expense of consumer choice and agency.


I agree on every point but I do believe that Amazon is not the only company that is playing the Monopoly game. Walmart / Sam's club, Target and Walgreens have done the same thing but Amazon learned from their mistakes to beat them at their own game. It was always sad to watch a store close because Walmart moved in down the street receiving tax breaks that allowed them to not pay local taxes for 5 to 10 years. These companies all leech on America's assisted living programs.


Thank you!!
Everything mentioned in this video 100% TRUE!!!


I’m a regular Amazon shopper bc it’s so damn convenient. We are also Prime members. BUT, here’s my frustration: When I do go to b&m stores, I often find it difficult to find products on the shelves that I used to easily find. Since the pandemic, I don’t think the stores put as much as much on the shelves. I’m not gonna drive all over town to find my fave face cream or deodorant. So even though I find Amazon very convenient and often cheaper, but not always, I would LOVE to see some REAL competition. One of these days, I think the gov (if we can maintain our fragile hold on democracy) will have to break up Amazon as a monopoly. They’ve gotten too big, too strong and too abusive in their sales and marketing practices.


I’m in my upper 60’s and saw this becoming a problem as big corporations gobbled up all the mom and pop stores! Less competition means they can pretty much charge what they want because you can’t get it easily anywhere else!!


The problem in rural communities is there is no place to shop. In my town Walmart ran out Kmart, J.C. Penny, and who knows what other stores, leaving it the only option. So, we turn to online shopping and while I'm sure what you are saying is true, the one thing Amazon does is make it easy to shop. I try to but other places, but on my limited income I must select the cheapest place possible. Often times, regardless of what is said, Amazon is the least expensive option.


I gave up my Amazon addiction earlier this year. I don't like how they treat their employees, and now to learn about this.


I have become accustomed to looking on Amazon before I go to a brick and mortar store. The convenience is unparalleled. I will start making an effort to use Amazon less. The only problem is that it's not just Amazon. Every corporation is on the monopoly train and apparently our laws to prevent things like this get superseded by cold hard cash on the back end. I'm impressed that this country can make me incredibly proud to be an American, while also making me disgusted.


I hear you and I agree Robert, but all I know is...for what I buy, Amazon usually has the item, and it's usually the lowest price.
