ZBrush for iPad: General Sketching Workflow

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Hey everyone! In this video, I'll guide you through a simple workflow for sketching a creature in ZBrush on the iPad. This is part of a series focusing on using ZBrush on iPad, making it easier to create while on the go. Let’s get started!

Find more about this tutorial and its resources at:

01:12 - Setting up ZBrush for a New Project
02:30 - Blocking Stage
04:42 - Your modifiers tab inside iPad for ZBrush
06:29 - Merging your Subtool in iPad for ZBrush
08:58 - Your Dynamesh Settings
10:23 - Adjusting the Base Mesh
12:23 - Using the Custom Brushes
21:42 - General Sculpting Brushes
26:29 - Reprojecting the Mesh
29:17 - Skin Brushes Pack
29:31 - Detailing Process
34:14 - Adding High-Frequency Details
37:47 - Masking Options
40:02 - Customizing the Brush properties
44:35 - Saving your project


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@Pablo Muñoz Gómez The most detailed and helpful ZBrush for iPad tutorial video I've seen so far!Thanks!


I just got ZBrush for iPad and I love it! I come from Nomad Sculpt but I must say I love ZBrush’s intuitive interface and advanced features. I think I will use both Nomad and ZBrush in my projects. By the way, your tutorial was very helpful to get me started 👍


this video was so eye opening - thankyou. would love more like this, taking something from a sketch to a finished product


Thank you so much for those tips and tuts!
They really helped do my first steps with the Zbrush for iPad ;)


Awesome video! I had a question. Is there a way to reproject from high poly to low poly and get a normal map out of it like you can in Nomad Sculpt? In Nomad you can unwrap a low poly mesh and bake all the info from the high poly mesh to the low poly mesh including color, roughness, normals, etc. Zbrush for IPad also has displacement maps options but I don’t see a way to create a displacement map from a high poly mesh. I think the desktop version of Zbrush can do what I mentioned above so I’m curious if any of this can be done on the iPad version.


This is wonderful! Will you ever do a series on the free version?


This video is quite helpful and you show a ton of different things. However, it would be easier to follow along if you didn't jump back and forth between the thing you are showing and other neat features at the same time. It's hard to keep up.. I thought I accidently set the video speed too high but I guess you are just keeping a high pace. Maybe slowing down and splitting the video into shorter digestible videos would make it easier. Anyway, I didn't come here to complain, I appreciate that you are doing these videos and show us how to do it. Thank you!


Hi Pablo, great video series. Love the way you’ve organised your quick menus. Any chance you can post some images so we can replicate for ourselves. Cheers.


Hi there - Kind of new to 3D design here and have limited knowledge of Zbrush. I’m just trying to follow along with what you’re doing. Right off the top, when I add the cylinder, it seems to attach itself to the sphere ie: I can’t resize or move the Cyl. separate of the sphere, both objects resize and move together. Any thoughts? Thanks!!


I want to bring a character from ZBrush to Unity for animation. Can you provide guidance on how to reduce polycount and import into Unity. I've heard that Zremesher would help and some work would be needed on Retopology. But, Im not sure how it all works.


thanks for the video really helpful how do we install custom brushes you have created that i've purchase from you?


Amazing that it doesn’t crash and close for you like it does for me on a brand new iPad Pro.


I was going to say you need to get your synergy rolling with the new Alien movie and bust out those brushes here and then you wiped out the Giger lol. I would love to see how you are using reference while on the pad. Lack of spotlight and saved camera spots is driving me a little nuts.


which RAM you have on your ipad here, brother?


Do you have any links or videos to the custom brushes


Hope there will be more iPad tutorials (Nomad user here).


Hello good afternoon Mr. Munoz, could you tell me which tool I use to specify the size of the part when exporting it for 3D printing?


Nice video, thank you! I just wanted to ask, since no one is responding to this issue on zbrush discord, did try using transpose master? Every time I go to tpose mesh and then want to go back to sub t it doesn't work.. I just the error saying ''zscript note: Interface item could not be found''. I'm not the only one with the same problem. Seems to work just fine with the demo soldier though, weird..


Hi is it possible to show a performance difference breakdown between zbrush on the latest ipad mini, ipad air, the entry level ipad pro, and the maxed out ipad pro?

I'm curious as to if there is any real difference especially with an ipad pro with 8gb ram and 16gb ram


Is it possible to add thickness to a mesh since there is no longer the zmodeller in the ipad version?
