Tatting Simple Motif

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Shuttle tatting a simple motif that is a good project for beginners. Demonstration includes how to tat the double stitch, picot, ring, chain, and the join. Also shows sewing in ends.

The tatting pattern is:
Ring 3-3-3-3, close ring. Reverse work. Chain 7-7. Reverse work.
*Ring 3, join to last picot of previous ring, 3-3-3, close ring. Reverse work. Chain 7-7. Reverse work.
Repeat from * until there are 5 rings and chains.
Final ring: 3, join to last picot of previous ring, 3-3, join to first picot of first ring, 3, close ring.
Chain 7-7. Tie, hide ends, and cut.
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Thank you for this video, my aunt tried to teach me when I was seven years old but results were not good, now 68 years later I see how it should be.


Your closeup demonstration is very clear and the speed is just nice for a beginner. Thank you for sharing, Marilee!


Thank you for finally showing in minute detail how to hold the thread (both shuttle and spool) in hands. Other videos made me "dizzy" trying to figure out what the threads were doing, and the hands kept "getting in the way." I was completely quiet before and after your first double but when you did it, my eureka moment occurred with joyful noise. Thank you from the bottom of my crafter heart! ❤❤❤


THIS IS AMAZING! I got my hands on a shuttle 2 days ago, and now thanks to you and this video, I have a full creation to gift to my gram for Christmas! Thank you so much!


For several years (pre Pandemic) I worked for a local yarn/needlepoint/cross stitch shop. At least once a year we would have a customer ask about tatting. I’ll be letting the shop owner know about your channel!


I taught myself 35 years ago from a booklet. I haven't done much since those first few years but decided to pick it back up. Your video and instructions are great! Thanks!


I just stumbled across this video when watching crochet videos and half way through I ordered myself some shuttles. This is so amazing


I never heard of this before, you put a slight warmth in my dark cold day, thanks. Those are also really nice colors.


The commentery tips along the way are so helpful for beginners. This way I have the chance to learn tatting in depth through a single pattern. I might have to check your other videos too! Have a nice day, continue doing what you love!


Just got tatting shuttles from my daughter for Christmas, can’t wait to try this now I’ve mastered the double stitch! Thank you.


Dear Ms. Rockley, Thank you for posting this video. It really inspires interest in tatting, builds confidence in new practitioners to the art, and is detailed, well-paced and beautifully done. Thank you for taking the time to post this helpful resource and sharing your gift and talent with us. Edward Lieberman


Video was easy to follow without a lot of other commitments. Thank you!


Очень была рада, что нашла канал где можно с нуля научиться плести челноком. Желайте пожалуйста больше видио.... Подписалась!Большой Вам лайк👍👍👍👍👍


Marilee 👏, I just finished my first SHUTTLE TATTED motif. It is this pattern.
Thanks to the way you demonstrate and teach. You helped me get over the fear of the thread and to be able to manipulate it. That helped me so much! Tysm!


Thank you. The finishing of the ends is what I was looking for and you showed it beautifully.
The whole tutorial was nice and slowly shown so it was easy to follow.


The BEST tutorial ever!!!! Thank you 🥰 I finally feel that I can put to use the 7 suttles (some very diffferent than used on this videos) and dozens of DMC and other crochet thread from 20 - 80 (very fine) weights! Marilee, I hope you read this, but you are a wonderful teacher, with a very calm and kind voice and let me add as well a wonderful video equipament that help so much visual learners like myself - wishing you all the best! 🤗🤗❤❤!!!


I found this extremely helpful for learning to tat thank you so much! I made quite a few mistakes along the way, but I'm looking forward to progressing on this!


Hi Marilee, I tried your motif with the 5 rings and 5 chains and it looks beautiful. Then I decided to try and make a motif with 8 rings and 8 chains and it came out beautifully, so then I made another one with 8 rings and I joined the chain picot to the first motifs picot on the chain and again the chain picot to the first motifs chain picot and now I can keep on joining motifs to make a runner for table, or a tray cloth. Thank you so much for teaching us, may you be truly blessed. Valmai


I have alway wanted to shuttle tat. I’ve tatted with a needle using different size threads. Your video is the first one that I’ve ever watched that makes me feel I might be able to do it. The best tutorial ever. Thank you so much. Now, let me go find my shuttle. ☺️


I'm totally mesmerised and confused watching you. 😂🤦‍♀️
I've never heard of this tatting and just stumbled on to it here.

The final finish work looks absolutely amazing.
