7 Sneaky Psychology Tricks That ACTUALLY Work | Interesting Facts About The Mind

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7 Sneaky Psychology Tricks That ACTUALLY Work | Interesting Facts About The Mind

Welcome back to Planet Psych. Today we’re going to discuss “7 Sneaky Psychology Tricks That ACTUALLY Work”. What we are about share in the next few minutes are some practical psychology tips and tricks to help you out in various situations. Hopefully you’ll be able to help yourself and others. Okay, here we go:

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Planet Psych Chapters:
0:00 Intro & Preface to Psychological Tips That ALWAYS Work
0:29 Number 1: Ditch the Snooze Button
1:15 Special Subscriber Give-Away
1:30 Number 2: The Perfect Amount of Eye Contact (Trick)
2:12 Number 3: Listen Attentively (Paraphrasing Trick)
2:47 Number 4: Showing Interest (The nodding trick)
3:29 Number 5: Warm Hands (1st Impressions Trick)
4:10 Number 6: Leaning Forward (Subtly Build a Connection)
4:40 Number 7: Leading Goodbyes (Relationship Building Trick)
5:43 Outro & Special Subscriber Give-Away

This Channel Animates Using Doodly Software:
(I may be compensated for purchases through this link. Thanks for your support :-))

Source References:

Here at Planet Psych we like to discuss practical psychology and human behavior. Our videos aren't exactly academic psychology lessons but we do like to present common psychological facts in a simple, easy to understand manner. We also bring awareness about various mental health issues which people have. We hope you enjoy our animated presentations about everything from relationships, the human mind and psychology facts.

Video Credits:
Script Writer: Dave Roebuck
Voiceover Artist: Iraaj Majumdar
Animation: Eternity Media

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I'm really enjoying these tips and tricks videos lately


I'm going to start using that 'leading goodbyes' trick, i think it'll help build relationships with new people


I've noticed the pace of these videos has become faster lately. Keeps me more engaged. Keep it up :-)


I knew most of these, but I've never thought of the eye contact tip. I've never really been uncomfortable with eye contact though


I have a firm grip
On reality
I can strangle it
Any time I like
There is a purpose
When you look in my eyes
You can't handle that
I don't believe in your lie
