Ask a Mortician- Pet Death

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Putting the "Cat" in RequiesCAT In Pace.

Ending mUsic- "Crazy People" by The Boswell Sisters
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Its kind of weird to watch this knowing that now The Meow is actually dead.


My vet has this wall of cabinets. On top is a large white candle and a framed sign. "If this candle is lit, someone is saying goodbye to their beloved pet. Please lower your voice out of respect." I've been to a lot of vets in my life, but I've never seen anything so loving. I'm going to have to put one of my cats to sleep later this yr. At least I know we'll be in a place that cares.


When I had Mister B, my old cat, euthanized, I brought him home and buried him in the front yard near my bedroom window. For the next several days, my other two cats left whole dead rats and mice on his grave, as if they were funeral offerings.


i'm on the "mr jiggles is my only friend" end of the spectrum :-)


My little man was taken by coyotes and i never found his remains for closure. A month went by and i had to ask the vet through email to stop sending me health reminders. I was staying someplace else, and after a few weeks went back to the house we lived in together to move out. I was doing well holding it together till i went through the mail and there was a letter from the vet offering condolences. I balled like a baby for hours! Ugh so heart wrenching.


Warning: If your pet has been euthanized, do not leave the carcass outdoors to be scavenged by other animals. The medications Veterinarians use will remain in the blood stream and tissues and can poison other animals. Love your channel <3


When my cat died, (she was ran over during her daily walk around the neighborhood), little 3rd grade me was devasted, and we went all out. We buried her an hour after the death in our yard, under our lilac bush, her favorite shade spot. We made a grave marker out of a DIY stepping stone kit. I held a funeral service, all by myself. We made a photo album for her, and we all got a framed picture of her.


When they die, I have my pets cremated and I have instructions that when I die, their ashes are to be mixed with mine and scattered. Slightly creepy to most, I know. You can't take it with you, but I'll try to take the most important ones I can.


Ten years ago I watched this video a few hours after it was uploaded. I remember at the time I was so scared of losing my cat Luna, she was already around 11 then. Today Luna has left earth and I'm absolutely heartbroken, but i remembered this video and came back to rewatch and its very comforting in a way. I'm petting her while watching. Thank you so much Caitlin. I'm going to give her a nice burial.


Pet death is really hard.. My dog got put down at 1 AM and the next morning I had to work an 8-hour shift. It's one of the toughest things I've ever done.


When my daughter’s beloved kitty girl passed at home, we used a stamp pad to take a paw print. She later had that translated into a tattoo on her shoulder, where the cat always liked to be carried.


I had to have someone get my dead dog because she was too big for me to move on my own with um... hurting her? 
And when we got her remains back the box was full of stuff, I mean there was a paw print, a poem, a card, another card, candy, dog treats they think she might of liked, the wood urn was decorated and had her name burnt into it and for the low low price I could even get a necklace with her paw print on it. But the funniest was that they had included a lock of her fur. Freya was nothing but fur, it's been a year and I am still finding fur, it will never leave!


When I had my dog euthanised last year I held her as she died. I felt her go and even though it broke my heart I knew the most important part of her had already gone. I have lots of photos, a lock of hair and a pawprint but for me the most important thing is that you're there for your pet and that they feel comforted


I got a clay tablet with my cats paw print and his name and deathday from the cremation company. I was and am still comforted by it.


I had to have my cat euthanized yesterday. I've known your channel for a while, so I decided to see if you had material about the death of pets.

Caitlin, this video is such an incredible gem. Thank you so much. Your honesty, respect and humour are such a huge help. Your whole philosophy on Death is so, so, so healthy and can give such powerful closure.


I work at an animal hospital and we can make impressions of deceased pets' paws in clay with their name it. It's not something that we just take the liberty of doing, we do it by request. We send out sympathy cards, but we don't make it sound like the deceased pet is writing it, I think that would be hard on the pet parent.


My dog was put down early this morning.He was an amazing dog and it happened so fast. Y’all have helped a lot.


i literally thought you where holding up your dead cat in the beginning omg i'm freakin


"I like her more than I like most people" - girl...SAME!


I lost my Polly about ten years ago, I then vowed never to get another cat because I didn’t want to go through the heartbreak again. Here I am, with my little ginger girl who’s an absolute little sweetie. I’m dreading the day I have to say goodbye to her. She’s my little baby :(
