Use Minwax Wipe-On Poly to bring out your furniture’s natural wood grain and skip the stain!

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Did you know you can skip stain and bring out your piece’s natural wood grain with one magical product?

1️⃣ strip or sand the original finish

2️⃣ wipe the wood with a wet cloth - this will give you an idea of what it will look like after applying topcoat - if you like the color of the natural wood, then there’s no need to stain!

3️⃣ let it dry and apply two to three coats of @minwax Wipe-On Poly

4️⃣ lightly sand with 400 grit in between each coat of poly

5️⃣ now you have beautiful, natural wood grain, without taking the time to stain

Don’t forget to save this Reel and try it on your next project!!

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Hit it with your final grit of sandpaper after the water dries. The water causes the grain to rise and partially undo some of the sanding you just did


I use denatured alcohol instead of water to pop the grain. Evaporates completely, you never have to worry about moisture under the finish!


It looks good but I’m a purist. I won’t say more. Love that poly wipe on… gorgeous finish.


Can you put the wipe on poly on the painted sections?


Another hack, wipe-on poly is 50/50 poly and mineral spirits. Make your own, much cheaper.
