Arianism vs the Trinity

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By the end of the third century, most Christian leaders adhered to the paradoxical belief that the Creator is God, Christ is God, and the Spirit is God, whiles also insisting that there is only one God. However, they continued to be bitterly divided about how to explain the paradox. While some insisted that the one God simply appeared in three different forms (Modalism), an Alexandrian theologian named Arius articulated a different formula, by which the Creator was the sole uncreated eternal God, and Christ (while divine and unique as God’s Son) was nevertheless subordinate to the Creator. John Hamer of Toronto Centre Place will look at Arius’ understanding of the Godhead and the legacy of Arianism.

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#ArianismVsTrinity #ChurchHistory #ChristianDoctrine
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Better watch out,
better not pout
In the Trinity better have no doubt
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
You'd better be trinitarian,
Or he'll slap you in the face!


Mr Hamar you have an incredible gift for teaching. You are always offering substantial scholarship and historically verified accounts during your lectures. In spite of the academic substance you have a gift for presenting the information in a way that is both tangible and entertaining for the listener. Thank you.


John Hamer gives great lectures, the absolute best on YouTube!


This channel is underrated. I'm impressed with the knowledge being shared here


Oh wow, this has to be one of the most logically and historically comprehensive videos about theology and specially this thorny topic on the whole internet. The mindblows-per-minute are off the charts. Congrats and Thank you for putting this and yourself out there (here) Dr. Hamer!


The Santa aside about St Nicholas just shows how down to earth and decent Mr Hamer is essentially wiping away any confusion and answering what might be distracting curiosities. A genuinely considerate person and one of the reasons he is a great teacher/lecturer. And all for free. We need more people like this who are about enlightening and enriching without it always being about money. A form of Charity you could say his lectures. Bravo.


Arius getting bitch slapped by Santa Claus was not something I expected today.


Your lectures are always so enlightening Dr Hamer..thankyou ..


Thank you for these lectures. They are so interesting. Thank you, John, for all you do.


Thanks for your lectures. Despite how prevoked I am by my disagreements I always find them to be engaging and illuminating.


Long ago when I was a Christian, I studied intently the early church, the scriptures, councils, and more. My own developed view on the Trinity was that the Living God's Word (Logos) was the spoken Words of the Father as such eternal being the very language used to create reality, Birthed when the Father first spoke. The Spirit was the Father's breath, in this way they are God as God is the essence of Living, and as such all that comes from his actions in the body live and move and have to be, since the Father is eternal so too are the Father's words and breath and in this way the trinity made sense to me. Father essence, Son Word, Spirit Breath. As such it is one God but that which emanates from the Father. Birthed in the sense of words spoken. Since the Father is unchanging and eternal so too are his words and breath.


Wow! This is tremendous eye opening information. Thank you very much. I couldn't have heard that there was ever a Christianity before Constantine Christianity.
Amazing! This is great work, Sir. I appreciate you to the max.


another slam dunk. hate i missed the live but absolutely amazing channel. been around years now.
Don't sleep on the oldest lectures either, the ones with the live audience I always have really appreciated


Santa Claus slapping Arius across the face is crazy, lol


Arianism DID sort of become the Roman state religion for a while. Constantine near the end of his life started favoring Arianism because the closest bishop he had was his relative Eusebius of Nicomedia, who was Arian through and through. Constantine didn't reverse his policies but he listened to Eusebius and exiled many of the anti-Arius bishops (including St. Nick in some accounts). Similarly, the "Church historian" Eusebius of Caesarea who was his main chronicler and one of his main panegyrists was a sympathizer of Arius who tried to reconcile the two parties - he was one of the people who proposed homoiousion as a compromise. That's why the Orthodox never made Eusebius a saint despite relying heavily on his "History of the Church" interpretation.

Constantine in the end was baptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia and this technically made him an Arian. After his father's passing, Constantius II went all the way and basically reversed Nicaea, exiling many of the anti-Arius bishops who survived and effectively making Arianism the official form of imperial Christianity. Julian's reign was actually the start of the Nicene Christians' return to power, not the Arians', as Julian deliberately equalized the two branches again to make them fight each other.


About the Arian baptistry: Arians don't use halos for their imagery of Jesus and the holy people. That's the most common and distinguishing feature.


One feature of the Council of Nicaea that doesn't usually get mentioned, but is remarked upon by Geza Vermes in his book "Christian Beginnings: From Nazareth to Nicaea AD30-325" is that almost all the participants were from the eastern part of the Roman Empire; I think it was just six bishops from the western part and even the Bishop of Rome did not attend, but sent one of his priests. The argument between the Arians and Trinitarians was of little interest to almost all Christians in the western part of the Roman Empire.


Always the best lectures of YouTube. Simply blown away.


Mr. Hamar's lectures are extremely informative and comprehensive.


Thanks yet again John Hamer ! It takes real courage explaining the Holy Trinity ! I missed a word or two about the Nestorians, they’re still around as a write this.
