Assisted dying: 'I just wish the law let me have him for a little longer' - BBC News

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Geoff Whaley had motor neurone disease and decided to end his life rather than experience the final stages of the illness.

Assisted suicide is illegal in the UK, so he and his wife Ann travelled to a clinic in Switzerland.

They had been campaigning to try to get the UK to change its law, and met peers and MPs to explain their views.

The couple spoke to BBC Home Editor Mark Easton during Geoff's final days.

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Hope one day everyone who chooses to die with dignity can do so wherever in the comfort in their own home on their terms.


What a beautiful loving couple... knowing me like I do I would hope to have the same courage as Geoff Whaley if I was in his shoes !!! What a marvelous man... and the Lord will welcome him with open arms !!!


I would like to do this for me when I'm in a stage where my body will never get better but going down hill with an incurable disease. RIP Geof Whaley, and God bless you Mrs. Whaley for an awesome job as a wife and loving partner.


I don't need permission from the government to end my own life.


Bless her, she supported him and acknowledged his requests. Well done.


I have MND. I’ve had it since the summer of 2012, or at least that’s when I was aware of the first symptoms. I’m using two hands to type this with one finger. Looking at this man, I reckon that I’m in a very similar state, although there are multitudes of symptoms with hugely varying levels of severity. I’m about 20 years younger than him (I’m 55), and I’m truly enjoying life to the full. There are a few short crappy vids on my YouTube channel, if anyone can be bothered.
It is a physical and psychological nightmare, and I understand and respect anyone who decides to slip away to the next life (who knows, eh? - I hope there’s reason and reward for this absurdity). I lived a very active and adventurous life before MND, and I ain’t giving up, for now at least. Love love love to all, xxx


My aunt chose to die on Jan 10th, a week after her 81st birthday. She had been unable to walk for years, living in a care home, then a lung cancer diagnosis made her decide it was enough. She didn’t want to carry on. She was asked by doctors several times over many weeks whether she was sure of her decision, and again twice on the morning of her death. It’s not a whimsical choice, and the support and dignity help them make their final transition. Fortunately, Canada allows euthanasia. In other countries it is still done, secretly and putting caregivers in unnecessarily difficult positions. Far better to be in charge of your own fate. 🙏🏻


We put our pets to sleep when they are suffering. We should be as kind to humans.


What a beautiful couple. They are very intelligent and so supportive of one another. Beautiful home they have. God bless the wife as she Carrie’s on without him. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


So many people judge assisted suicide without complete understanding of suffering. Nobody wants to die, but nobody wants to live in pain and misery either. This poor man had lost all motor function. He cant even wipe his own butt, how humiliating that had to be for him. He sounds very educated and he really looked deeply into this. Im so happy his suffering is over and bless his lovely wife.


Government has no right to tell you what you can or can't do with your own body.


May you be at peace and pain free now wherever you are now!


When a person is suffering with pain and making others around suffer as well, having the option to end life with dignity is such a wonderful relief...!!! We all have that right. If the terminally ill person has signed consent in front of credible witnesses and even makes a video stating final wishes, there's no reason for imposing legal sanctions on anyone assisting in the execution of the person's final wishes. I understand that for some there is a moral issue to debate here, but why not let the person choosing to die deal with that. It is their body, their life and their right. We are all going to die anyways. I don't see a moral issue when all a person wants to stop suffering and pain.


RIP Geoff. Your strength was inspired. I have already decided that should I be in the same position then I will take them same decision.


People should be allowed to end their lives. Whether from conditions like this which are long term suffering, or cancer which is short term but treatment to prolong life will just mean suffering for about a year before dying. Not what I would personally want, but I believe others should be allowed to make that change.


I had a cancer scare and knew the treatments would be brutal and recurrence rate was high (so I’d have to treat it like a chronic illness which I already have and it’s exhausting). I said right away “I’m not living through this. I don’t want to be living if this will be my existence”. Unfortunately where I live dying with dignity is illegal so I would have needed to go to a different state. Medically assisted dying is a right people should have no matter where they are. I saw what cancer treatment did to my loved ones and I refused to go through that too


This is so difficult and touching to even watch. Cant imagine what the couple must been going through. RIP to the brave man.


Life is so short and it is also so hard. I'm 23 and I can't bare to think about dying, I have a lot to do still and I will miss my beloved family.


Don’t want to be condescending but until you have lived with MND and I’m not talking about just the victim I’m also talking about the family’s impossible to understand what this disease can do multiple times I sat next to my father thinking of ending his life .... my heart goes out to all who experience this


A very brave family indeed - UK need to move on to let this allowed, of course under supervision with medics
