Dubtown S01E09 - Jehovahs Witnesses Predict End of the World ... Again

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STOP MOTION- Watchtower, the false prophet, has a history of predicting the end of the world. yet everyone in Dubtown still believes the end is SOON!
Even in 2017 they predict the end is soon! with the current time limit being, the 'overlapping generation' must be alive at armageddon so must be soon cuz they be getting old.
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Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Even in 2017 they predict the end is soon! with the current time limit being, the 'overlapping generation' must be alive at armageddon so must be soon cuz they be getting old.
Dubtown Theme:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
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