Simple Frugal Living Habits You Need to Start NOW!

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Whether you’re just starting your frugal journey or you’re a frugal pro who is looking for new inspiration, here are some simple frugal habits that you should start, today.

Right now, our economy is changing. And it will change more. Wealth, the markets, money – It all goes in cycles. We’re in a challenging cycle right now. And although we are NOT alarmists, we do think that this cycle will be deeper than usual and last longer.

Because of that, we think that there are some frugality habits that you should be sure you adopt NOW. So, that they become a regular part of your lifestyle.



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We're Hope and Larry and we love practical frugality. We raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home when our income was well under the national average. For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.

Information on Under the Median represents our opinions only. We are not medical doctors, medical professionals, nutritionists, or investment professionals. All content found on Under the Median is intended for informational purposes only. Please be sure to exercise due diligence and always contact a professional with any questions you may have regarding any information you have seen or heard on our YouTube channel. Use caution when following instructions in this video. The creator and publisher of this video will not be held responsible for any adverse effects that may arise from the use of any method on this channel.


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My Mom would add water to an almost empty ketchup bottle, and keep it in the fridge - we didn't use it. Then when she had an almost empty BBQ sauce bottle, she'd add water to it, and pour it into the ketchup bottle. She'd eventually add the mixture into whatever type of soup or stew that she was making!


My friend and I were both young single mothers and lived in the same neighborhood. We both needed a lawnmower and weed wacker. So…. We bought the two items and we split the cost and co- owned them! We would walk the mower to and from our homes. Sweet frugal memory. Love your channel.


Who today can afford Not to be frugal? When I listen to tips on being frugal they are things I have always done and never realized I was being frugal😅


When my liquid soap and shampoo get near empty I always add some water and get multiple uses out of an “empty” bottle.


When we were first married, and had nothing, my husband asked the older lady next door if he could I use her lawnmower in exchange for mowing her yard! Also, I keep a container in the freezer where I put the leftover veggies from meals, and when it's full, I make a nice crockpot of vegetable soup! I watch it fill up and 'plan' to have leftover beef or chicken to go into the soup as well! (They are PLANNED OVERS, not leftovers!!)


Hope I just love you...I am from India..eastern part of India near kolkata...I just listen to you and your beautiful methods of saving and bringing out the maximum...our grandparents used to follow these rules and we are taught and of course we follow...its just us American s are very rich people and do whatever they want....every talk of yours is just fantastic...I keep it written in my diary so that I day my grand children can also follow your path. I don't know whether you will read it or not, but my love, respect and gratitude for you and heart for you.❤❤


Bottom line: frugality improved our quality of life. Whether it’s squeezing out the last of the ketchup or buying an affordable house, we’ve had less stress and more fun in our day-to-day lives. Not that we’re stress free or that every day is fun-filled with butterflies and sunshine. Nope. But living frugal gave us the choice to retire 5 years early and pay off our mortgage. It also ensured our kids graduated debt-free from college. Those were the biggies for us.

Thank you Larry and Hope for the tips and tricks as well as the reminders that frugality isn’t deprivation and that there are a whole bunch of us who live frugal lives by choice. The Doppelgängers


I have always swirled the cans & bottles to get the last bits out and poured into the dish I'm making.


Frugality is also ethical ecological living.


I have always eaten leftovers. Sometimes it taste better the second time around. I absolutely hate wasting food. We do a wing it weekend, which means eating up any leftovers that are still in the fridge instead of cooking a new meal.


Volunteer! Feed the hungry, read to children at the public library, help the disabled run chores, walk dogs at the local shelter. Whatever... just get out of the house and out of your selfish little rut! You'll meet great people, you'll do some good in the world, and some good for yourself.


Our economy is changing it important now to be frugual


I have 8 people in my family so its cheaper to buy a zoo membership. We spend 75 dollars and got to go into the zoo any time we wanted. Zoo would be 90 dollars for one time.


I have a small hard cover note book I take everywhere that I use for grocerie shopping and I list what I need and I cross out what I buy so I will know I already have something and wont purchase again. I would be lost without my book. A absolute essential.


A way I avoid food waste also is simply cooking less and buying less food. Often recipes are written to make 6-8 servings which can be problematic for people who cook for only themselves. I either cut recipes in half or make the whole recipe and freeze the rest in individual containers. That way leftovers stay fresh and having a week of “freezer clean out” meals allows me to skip a week of meal prepping.


My tip is to buy xmas presents throughout the year, as and when you spot something suitable. Make a rough list and keep an eye out for those items being on sale.Ive actually got my parents reusing wrapping paper from the year before after I started doing it. Packaging like tissue paper and stripey brown paper can be smoothed out and saved for presents.


I feel the biggest over all habit for being successfully frugal is being fiercely cheerful about it and taking it on as a challenge! I need to cut way back for the rest of 2023 to get back on track after major car repairs etc.. Now I stay home and simply don't shop if I'm not up for the challenge. Today I went grocery shopping very early and only used the contents of the change jar to buy my weeks groceries. I still have enough for a half tank of gas and a trip through the do it yourself car wash! It felt like such a psychological win. I have a weeks worth of food and gasoline from the handfull of coins and dollar bills that were just sittibgbthere in a jar cluttering up my desk top.


Most of the county fairs in my area has free admission for senior citizens on a specific day. I may have to drive a bit, but I really enjoy checking out the 4-H projects and all the animals! And I make sure I eat something before going instead of eating high priced fair food!


Our library has a thing you can check out things crockpot, gardening tools, board games, knitting needles, music instruments. Also mueusms around here have free days once a month


I like going for long walks it helps destress
