Lesbian Dating: How to Know If a Woman is Interested In You

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Flirting with a girl at work and unclear if she's interested in you? You're not alone. Flirting is a subtle art that needs to be experienced in order to BE recognized. Someone who is interested in you will let you know by exhibiting a few key behaviors.
These subtle clues include:
*Eye Contact
*Making Excuses to continue to be around you
*Laughing at everything you say (even if it's not funny)
*Smiling at you
*Finding ways to lightly touch you

I describe each behavior with more detail in the video....

Little Gay Book is the only matchmaking agency, that focuses exclusively on healthy lesbian & bisexual relationships for successful, professional women in the US, who want real love and
real connections, during a time of decreasing quality social opportunities and lonely online dating.

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Yep. No. I still have no clue 😭 it’s so hard to be a feminine girl that is attracted to other feminine girls. 😭😂 I’m lost guys 🤷🏼‍♀️


Girls/Women wanting to make friends display the exact same signs, so they might not be into you but just wants to be your friend. I have done most/all of these things with women who I do not fancy but want to become good friends with.


Rather than lying and saying you like the artist, why not say "No, I've never heard of them, but I'd totally like to check them out." It's telling the truth AND getting the date. Thanks for the advice, Dr. Frankie. Haha, can't wait to be social again...


my girlfriend had to touch my leg and ask for my phone number and my facebook, and I didn't have a clue


I feel pretty dumb too because I had this one girl... I said a bad joke. I knew it was bad and I instantly regretted saying it. And she laughed so hard at it, I just watched her and smiled. I kind of knew then "she must like me" but I never acted on it because I was worried I was wrong. Now we're friends and she no longer laughs at my jokes like that. Pretty sure I missed my opportunity.


Questions like these were being asked nearly twenty years ago when online community groups began. Started by ordinary women who wanted to meet others and make friends or more and give advice. Now all closed down. Took over by huge social media platforms eventually. A whole new generation it appears are asking those same questions today. It makes me smile. Everything stays the same it feels. Its only the faces that change.


What if it's a stranger? Like you're at a bar or a restaurant and suddenly you make solid eye contact with say one of the waitress. How do you know if she's even gay?... my gaydar is broken so I can't tell.


I love watching this and realizing that none of this has ever happened to me 😂


OMG. I do all those things that she mentioned. No wonder why my co-workers think i like them hahahaa


MAN! There was a girl who ticked literally all of these signs, and she asked me over text about this art thing, and I said I didn't know it, and when I tried to invite her to something, it was too late and I killed it! I'm hopeless.


Dr Frankie looks very confident. I think she is getting plenty of action.


Gay or not, male or female, people convey romantic interest...by conveying romantic interest. Focusing on specific signs is bad advice because everyone's level of friendliness and generosity is different. The better advice is to *calibrate*. What I mean is that you observe how that person interacts with everyone else. If that person is friendlier towards you, that's a potential sign.

The next step is for *you* to convey interest, and if that person reciprocates, that's a stronger sign.

If the risk is worth it, it's better to be direct about your interest. But risky places like some work environments warrant indirectness, i.e. conveying interest and observing if it's reciprocated.

You also have to discern between platonic and romantic interest. I think romantic interest is also predicated on platonic interest; romantic interest just has the added sexual tension. In indirect situations, sexual interest gives rise to certain body language.

At the end of the day though, we have free will and we can choose to hide our interest and/or body language (although it's difficult).


Doctor, do you have a girlfriend?🤔...maybe we can have a cup of ☕ just coffee


Literally every single sign is a yes and I'm still like "but DOES she?" :D


It's so hard to find useful videos on this exact question, lo and behold a video that actually helps. Thank you!


There is this friend I totally like. She is really nice to me and sometimes she gives me signals which applies that she is interested in me. But other times it seems like she is just (very) nice to me.
What can I do? I thought about inviting her to a date, but I'm to shy. Actually she should have noticed that I'm into her and I don't want to ruin anything between us.


What irritating me a lot is those girls who are really "flirtly" with you and are hetero. They are making fucking signals but you know they are hetero! lol I have this friend from school, I spend most of the time at school with her, I'm lesbian but I don't think of her that way, just a friend, she is not my type. But she is acting like she is filtring with me everytime hahah she touches me a lot, laught everytime etc and sometimes as a lesbian I just feel angry lol


Wow, and this is my first time hitting on a girl, but somehow I already knew exactly what to do these past few weeks and I don´t really know if she´s even straight yet! I´m coming out of the closet this year, although I guess I´m going too fast because I´ve seen her like three times in college since I´ve known her but we´ve been talking a lot by audio messages. I can´t stop giggling about everything when I talk to her, and she´s super serious (I don´t think she even knows I´m bisexual but I gave all the signs apparently), I have asked her to join me to the movies next week, and go to a pub next month, and also I signed her in to make a group project together. I´m scared that she won´t feel the same, but ever since I first saw her, I got a really nice feeling about this like "I can build something meaningful with that girl". IDK, I´m so nervous cause it would be my first time doing this.. everything. Wish me luck! any tips will be very much appreciated.


This only made me realise how interested I am in this one person cos I do all these things but I’m pretty sure it’s not mutual sigh


I've never really been with another woman but I have always thought about it a lot. Especially now (I'm 40 yrs old) and I would totally be open to a relationship with another woman if its the right one of course. I just don't know what the heck im doing at all when it it comes to this. And how to signal to someone im interested in them that way, without just outright asking about it.
