Was Mary a Perpetual Virgin?

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Many believe that Mary stayed a virgin after Jesus was born, was conceived without sin, and even ascended bodily into Heaven! The problem with those beliefs is apparent if you've read your Bible. This is why this study on Mary's perpetual virginity will reveal if your authority is the Bible, the Pope, traditions, or just your feelings about what God has said.
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An interesting note regarding Jesus asking John to take care of His mother is that of all the disciples, John was the last to die. Thus, when Jesus instructed him to take care of His mother Mary; He was providing for her a secure and stable environment and provision for the remainder of her days.

If Mary had stayed with say James, the brother of Jesus, after Jesus' death and resurrection; she would eventually have needed to find another home where she would be taken care of. Jesus remedied this by asking John to take care of her.


Mary, the Mother of the Lord, is ever virgin. Even many Protestant reformers taught that Mary remained a Virgin after having Jesus! Had Mary planned on having future relations, she would not have questioned the Archangel Gabriel on how a future Conception would take place! James and Joseph are called BROTHERS of Jesus, but are later identified as being the children of Mary of Cleophas.
In Matthew 1, Joseph is called one of 12 BROTHERS. Yet, these 12 BROTHERS are born of 4 different Mothers! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink


Your correct understanding of the text which, of course, is principally the Protestant position on this doctrine is one that I find easy to accept. The fact that anyone would believe Mary could continue to be a virgin when Jesus, according to the text, had brothers ( and, possibly, sisters ) is incredulous. Almost as ridiculous as transubstantiation!

You mispoke at 4.41 when you said "consecrate". I think you meant to say "consummate".

Thanks Scott.


Do you have the sources for these church fathers at 8:22 ?
