The Origination of the Continual Virginity of Mary

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We started off with the historical background you will never hear from those promoting the perpetual virginity of Mary.

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What made me leave catholicism is when my priest during his homily at Christmas told us that Jesus wasn't actually born but instead beamed out of mary and appeared in her arms. The loops these people go through!


Thanks for calling all this out - again.

Most of us wouldn’t know where to begin. Having left the RC church behind me I know what it ls like to have folk impress upon you how informed they are, so you don’t need to think for yourself. How could you? Tradition and previous bastions of “the church” have done all the heavy lifting. You are just one person - how can you inform yourself?
Being a Christian is difficult with so many “experts” telling you someone else is wrong or that your understanding of x y and z is misinformed.

Thank you for helping us steer an even keel. The waters are definitely choppy these days!


Of all the things Rome teaches this one might make the least sense lol


God is ORDERLY and not confusion/chaos... God would not allow Blessed Mary and St. Joseph to commit the Vow of Celibacy freely while they are under OATH to God by the Sacrament of Matrimony or Marriage Vow... it would be UNHOLY to do the ACT of Celibacy while under their Marriage Vow...

Take Note: ... before Angel Gabriel visited her to do the task offered to her voluntarily, she was already BETHROTAL (Jewish Pre-nuptial marriage) to St. Joseph... In his dream, the Angel told St. Joseph not to be afraid to TAKE (marry) Mary to be her lawful wife... and he ABIDED and did what he was told...

Both of them have marriage duties to consummate their marriage vows and have children of their own... Only when Blessed Mary became the WIDOW of St. Joseph could she FREELY accept the Vow of Celibacy for she was already a FREE woman... and I believe, that was the right TIME that God had RESTORED her VIRGINITY before she died... to remind us ALL that a "VIRGIN MAIDEN" (Almah Betulah) gave birth to the Son of God/Christ Jesus in Bethlehem and not just a "Young Maiden/ Woman (Ha Almah) as prophesied by Prophet Isaiah...

Facts and Truth, Biblically and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ ... Amen and Amen.


That was a really interesting video. The Quran has borrowed these stories and placed them into that book (which is co-eternal with Allah, by the way). The story of the infant Jesus beaming out of Mary's womb is something they teach and now we know where they got the story.

Islam is Gnosticism too, as is Jehovah's Witnessism. Many modern bible scholars are converting to Gnosticism too. The newer translations are decidedly Gnostic. Seems like everybody wants to get into the act of dethroning the King these days.


Does anyone know if one can take Church history classes with Dr James White online? What a huge blessing would be


Wow! Thanks for that little bit of history, Mr. White. All those in the comments below, who are trying to defend the perpetual virginity of Mary - please read the early part of Luke's gospel (chapter 2) which so simply and plainly shows us that our Lord Jesus was BORN OF MARY. Also, that He was her FIRSTBORN. The term "born of" implies that Mary "bore Jesus." If this had been some sort of supernatural occurrence where Mary's body would not have been changed by the birthing process - SURELY, Luke -- the doctor who wrote this gospel -- would have indicated that, since he explains in Luke 1:3, that he decided, after investigating accurately to write it down in an orderly sequence. Why, oh why, can't those of us who profess to be believers in the bible, simply ... "believe the bible"? Life is too short and eternity too long for us to blindly go by myths and ex-scriptural heresies on which to lay our eternal souls.
I'm supposing that neither James White's nor my explanation here would change any Roman Catholic's mind who is bent on believing everything that the Vatican posits, but, for what it's worth ... I'm repeating below the account of Jesus' birth in Luke's gospel, chapter 2 - (read it and insert your own interpretations if you wish):

1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled.
2 This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
3 So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town.
4 And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,
5 to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, WHO WAS WITH CHILD.
6 While they were there, THE TIME CAME FOR HER TO HAVE HER CHILD
7 and SHE GAVE BIRTH TO HER FIRTSTBORN SON. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.


Babylon is the mother of all idolatry.


The odes of Solomon... hmm, learn something new everyday. Thank you.


Eeeewww! I find the Odes of Solomon to be 'odious' & on par with the Salome's disturbing 'internal investigation' account. 😱😱😱


I just cannot believe they have so much LIES about this and they act like it's no big deal


Can you believe in the perpetual virginity and not the immaculate conception and have a sound Christology ?


PERPETUAL (Forever) VIRGIN Dogma of the R.C.C. is Non-Biblical... Blessed Mary was a VIRGIN before she gave birth through the CONCEPTION of the Holy Spirit, which Father God (YHWH) had "PREPARED BODY" for HIS Son (ref. Hebrews 10:5) was the BIBLICAL TRUTH ... but not AFTER the birth of her FIRSTBORN SON, in human form, named Christ Jesus...

Blessed Mary's IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, ASSUMPTION/ASCENSION, PERPETUAL VIRGIN, THE MOTHER OF GOD, ROSARY are just some of the R.C.C. DOGMAS that are nowhere to be found and supported by the Holy Scripture both O.T. and N.T. Scriptures... Facts and Truth of the Matters...
Glory, Praise, and Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen and Amen...


Ode #19 - Odes of Solomon - makes me ABSOLUTELY cringe.


Between the "Protevangelium of James" and the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" have come many lies...some of which have found their way into even more heretical works, like the Quran.


Why listen to FALLIBLE PROTESTANT PASTORS like James White, when we have the infallible Holy Scriptures?
Mary herself questioned the Archangel Gabriel on how a future Conception would take place, prior to the Archangel Gabriel revealing to Mary that this future Conception would be supernatural!
In Matthew 1, it states Joseph was one of 12 BROTHERS! Yet, these BROTHERS were born of 4 different mothers! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink


Mary was Prophesied to be a Virgin in the OT to fulfill God’s plan.

The OT Prophecy of Mary’s Virginity was the foreshadowing of her Perpetual Innocence and Purity for God’s good purpose.

Mary was to be made pure like the OT Ark and sinless like Eve.

Through “Biblical Typology” we know these 2 things.
1) Mary is The New Ark of the Covenant.
2) Mary is the New Eve.

Mary was created pure like the OT Ark and sinless like Eve.

-The Ark was a foreshadowing of Mary.
-Eve was a prefigure of Mary.

Biblical Typology clearly demonstrates Mary is the New Ark and the New Eve.

Because God did NOT want His Son to be bound within Mary's Womb; where the stain of sin had presence, or where Satan had Dominion.

-It was for God's good purpose alone that Mary was preserved from sin to bring forth the Messiah.


“…useful resource…?” 🤔 Nope, don‘t think so. Pastor, as you were reading some / most of those citations you had in your presentation, it sounded to me very much like what little of the Koran I have read and / or listened to. 🙄 To me, that just sounded “nutty.”


Catholics once taught that Jesus was born fully adult, but baby sized.


It is so ridiculous that those first words were uttered.
