Diablo 4 - New Best S5 Highest Damage Sorcerer Build Guide - New OP Chain Lightning = EASY Endgame!

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Season 5 Sorcerer Chain Lightning build is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Enjoy!

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00:00 It's Good Guys
0:08 What is This Build For? IMPORTANT
1:07 Sorcerer in Season 5 So Far
1:36 Free Axial
2:01 Build Power Showcase
4:47 How Axial Conduit Works - IMPORTANT OR NO DAMAGE
9:07 Skill Tree Guide
14:38 Gear Unique Affix Aspect Guide
18:47 Tempering & Masterworking Guide
20:26 Paragon Guide
23:40 It's On The Way
23:55 Final Thoughts & Next Build

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I am the designer who made this item and the balance for Sorcerer this season. Hearing your great feedback, comments, and praise have brought a huge smile to my face! Keep blasting Sorcerers!


Go with Starlight aspect instead of Recharging. With the buffs to Warmth and the fix to Starlight making it work with overhealing and the fact that we have a constant barrier, it's basically unlimited mana regen now. Also, I would temper chance for lightning spear to spawn an additional spear over chain lightning casts twice. An additional lightning spear means another stack of conjuration mastery whereas you want to be able to control how many chain lightnings you have out so you don't run out of mana.


i would LOVE to see a charged bolts build using the lam essen staff, ive been using it and i dont even have to move much the bolts just chase everything


The only issue is have with Axial is that my chain will rush ahead of me and clear a room before i get to it.


Thank you so much for this. You helped me out a ton!


Would love to finally see a Meteor build that works


ty so much for this build! I was struggling to find a sorc build I had fun using, but I love this one! I was able to get to t4 with this build at just level 55, the survivabilty and damage is great!


Man I’ve just had the best experiences with your builds. Def one of the few YouTubers that I trust with a build. Keep it up 👍


love this build !!! I've got "Raiment of the infininite" chest added on this build. Its so much fun! teleporting them together and stunning them to have the chain instantly bounce in between and melting all elites.


I leveled with Axial, as I was extremely lucky to get an Axial to drop from the first reputation cache in season 5. It is so fun, OMG. Once I got to Tier 3 I switched to your incinerate build until I get to Tier 4 where I can open that last seasons journey cache to get the ancestral Axial.


so glad sorcers got a bump this season, hopefully we just get more defensive buffs too in the future


Thank you for your explanation into it. Your awesome man and really appreciate your work!


Best build ever! Did finish getting most of the gear to make it work and is awsome! Thanks


please do a full paragon board when you do these builds.. i love useing your builds.. but often i go elsewhere because the board is not complete..


I don't know if its bugged for me but the written guide's paragon board section doesn't have any points allocated.


Currently, I am running with the "Vox Omnium" Casting a core skill such as chain lightning casts 2 non-core previous skill casts dealing 90% increased damage. plus 20% Core attack speed with 120% non-physical damage. This weapon kicked my chain lightining into Overdrive and I am wiping the floor with mobs. If I got the Axial Conduit with Vox Omnium, it would be godly! I am excited!


Why get attack speed on gear if you're running out of mana too quickly?


I'm trying a lightning chain build myself as i got the chain lightning pants at level 20. I hope that I'm finally smart enough to get the paragon boards right haha


Barely lv.52 hoping to hit 70ish after work but man I'm already hype with what my current chain lighting is, it's been my fav core skill since launch and I'm so hype to see it getting love


Fantastic build! Could you please fill in the paragon board on this? I am really loving playing this one.
