How K2 Gets More Dangerous Each Year

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How K2 Gets More Dangerous Each Year

Only 14 mountains around the world are taller than 8,000 meters. When you cross that height, you enter the death zone, which is a place where there isn't enough oxygen for people to live. This is where fatigue also sets in, impeding one’s cognitive sharpness. Many people who tried to defeat K2 have died because of its cruel nature. Every step is a fight against the weather, but the peak is still a place of wild beauty. This is why K2 is called "The Savage Mountain" and why it is a death sentence to climb it. But why does it continue to get riskier each year? Let’s find out in this video.

Mountaineering, Climbing, Accident, Mount Everest, K2, Deathzone, Disaster, Danger Zone
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Great presentation with outstanding narration.


People don't "die because of K2". They die because they are not physically fit enough for the challenge, or the big serac on the Abruzzi route sheds ice, or they are just plain stupid. As for K2 getting "more dangerous each year" one must either prove that statement at least in a qualitative way. The likely answer is that there are increasing numbers of climbers up there each year who should not be on the mountain.


K2 is a mountain, not a gunslinger, if men and women want to climb it and die, its not K2's fault. Please climbers, stop putting your wounds and your death into the mountain's fault. Its all yours.


Imagine if someone snowboarded down K2...
