What is Memorial Day? | Kati Morton

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I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
#katimorton #therapist #therapy

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Journal Topic! Hey Kati so last night I was at this cool thing called "Sisterhood" where just a ton of awesome women get together have have some deep conversations and the leader said something that really stuck and made me think. "Being wise and mature is just simply healed pain." I love this because it is so true! You don't just get maturity and wisdom at random but you gain it from getting through all of the hard times! It gives me encouragement to keep pushing through.


Such wise words. We are so fortunate in north America and many take that for granted. Thank you to all the men and women service members. 3 on the west coast will be 6 on the east coast, time will differ depending on what part of your state you live in.


We have Remembrance Day in November in Canada. I have always liked the idea of Remembrance Day because it always makes me remember everything that I have that even the military doesn't have when they are fighting. P.s. Amazing video!


I believe this young lady has briefly and clearly expressed the meaning of Memorial Day... And ALL Americans need to remember this and respect all of the men and women serving in our U.S. Armed Forces. That is if you enjoy freedom...


Hi Kati, can you make a video about EMDR? Thanks!


Hi kati can you do a video about an eating disorder that started just through a simple diet? I'm bulimic and stared as a diet :-(


Although I don't live in the states, but I do live in a "free" democratic country, UK :) .... So I'm really thankful for that, because through the news I have seen that there are a number of countries that are currently in war, and is terrifying to see how some of them are not even allowed to leave their lands or express what they feel about something without being mortified of getting murdered. 
So really gotta give it up for the people who fought for the countries that we live in that give us the freedom of expression and the freedom to travel and to be able to walk out our houses without being afraid of anything war-like.


hi Kati! I just want to let you know I watch your videos every night and I love them and you so much! i have two questions:
first, I don't know if you've seen it in the media but the story about "Rachael's road to recovery" because it would be an interesting topic for a Thursday video! and second, I am 17 and my mom is an alcoholic. she's gone to aa meetings but doesn't anymore and sometimes she still does/says hurtful things. there's not much I can do since Im not 18, but I just was wondering if you would ever touch upon teenagers/kids dealing with an alcoholic parent. thank you!


A few years ago I had an ovarian cyst which stayed in my body for about 6 months and at the same time caused what I think was probably depression.  If it was in fact depression, could it have been cause by the cyst? And consequently, could I potentially become depressed if I go on the contraceptive pill? Does it mean that I am sensitive to hormone changes?


#KatiFAQ - Why does my therapist have to send me into the hospital if I'm suicidal? I'm so confused about this. It would mean a lot to hear your answer. You inspire me..


Hi kati 😊 you probably won't answer this but if you do thanks in advance. I have been diagnosed with bpd and struggle with relationships and attachment a lot. I have currently just gotten my first love interest and find myself being overwhelmed by them when they want to talk to me or spend time with me. Other times I find myself craving their attention and I can tell that they are struggling with my cycling attachment problems. I don't know if I should just cut them off so I don't feel the constant stuggle? Please help?



so for the past couple of years i have struggled with purging and restricting (no binging) my first question is, is this considered an eating disorder, and if so, which one? 2nd- sometimes recently i have gone about a week without purging or eating abnormally.... This just recently started, because normally i purge daily. But it has slowed down, and I'm not trying to recover, so my main question is- is this a problem, and can eating disorders just "go away"?

Thank you! Love your videos!!!


Hey Kati, please please PLEASE answer this, i'm really at a loss here.
I've just turned 18 and I lost my dad in february of last year to brain cancer. We were closer than I can even explain in a question so i'll leave that out, but basically he was everything to me. My mum and I have an extremely toxic relationship, she has a drinking problem and I think she may have BPD or NPD after doing a lot of research into it. Through my research I have found that I think I have BPD, I match all 5 criteria and am still waiting to see a doctor and a therapist about it. Everything just feels like it's getting too much, I've always been quite sure of myself but now I feel lost, I don't know who I am or what I enjoy, feel or believe....I'm stuck. I also suffered really badly with repressed memories after my dad died, I think it was because it was so traumatic for me as his illness was very hard to witness. I don't remember any of our memories apart from him being sick, I can't even clearly picture his face or voice in my head. Please help...I'm just in a really bad place


Kati I am not getting an email for your website when you create an account! Help :D


#katifaq  I have a IEP and recently was diagnosed with an eating disorder. I have the option to add this into my education plan. This means my teachers and school staff would be aware. I don't know if I should or not. I think it could either be helpful or bad because my teachers could judge me.



Hey Katie,

Great videos, they have helped me a lot during the past few weeks. My girlfriend of almost 8 years just disappeared from my life, took all of her things from the house and was gone. She had confronted me with a letter that said we both need help and that she will be back if I get the proper help that I need. Which I am. I have been struggling with panic attacks and OCD for about six months after we recently moved into a new house last year. Over time, she had developed panic attacks as well (probably because of mine). She has been going to college and struggling to make the grade. As far as I know she has withdrawn from school for the semester and have not heard from her since Easter of this year, so about two months. No contact has been made. I'm so lost without closure, how do I go about this type of situation? I was blocked by her on all social media platforms, my phone number was blocked...etc.

