Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | June Zone 10a

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Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | June Zone 10a coastal central Florida. Enjoy!
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The banana heart (flowers) that your son cut off from the tip of the fruit is edible when cooked. It is used as a viand or a meat substitute. You will find banana hearts in Filipino/Asian groceries that sell produce. The core of the banana trunk and even the softer parts of the trunk are chopped into chunks, cooked and used as feed for pigs in the provinces of the Philippines. I love your plant pirate videos. Makes me happy when you’re able to rescue, grow and rehabilitate discarded plants.


Greetings from Ohio where we are currently in a heat wave with nearly 100 degree temps this coming week! I love watching your videos. Unfortunately its not warm enough here for a long enough time to grow most of these gorgeous plants, but I like living vicariously thru you all! lol


That variegated buttercup plant is a real beauty! Variegation in plants is just so cool. Your garden is magnificent, I dream of having a tropical garden- I grew up in australia where many tropical garden plants thrive- now I’m up near the arctic circle so I miss that heat and beautiful vegetation a lot! Thanks for sharing and I always look forward to a new episode of plant pirates! 😊


I just found your jungle....errr channel this morning and can't stop watching !!! People think I'm nuts for growing Dragon fruit in East TN. Just hve to put them on wheels to wheel in during our winter lol


I love that idea to use coconuts as a border!


The strawberry tree! I’ve always thought they taste like the crunchberries in Captain Kangaroo cereal. I’m so glad I found you! Im in 10b. Your gardens are beautiful!


I totally look forward to your late spring and early fall food forest tours! And yes, every gardener has home projects that have been untouched for years.


Great video. I have beauty berries, they are growing in my oak tree. I did not know what it was until now. Thank you.


I did not know about the saw palmetto. I didn't even realize they have berries. Now I need to take a trip to our back 5 to see if we have any.


HAHA Analisa is quoting ALDI just like me!! ❤


What? A variegated turnera! Love those flowers. They grow easily from cuttings. If you let that one grow, then observe to see if it reverts to green.


There is a true native milkweed, which is not yellow, but requires very moist conditions.


Good evening plant pirates! I have recently been watching your plant pirate episodes on YouTube and I am blown away by what you find down in Florida in the landscape waste! I was wondering if you guys would be willing to sell a few cuttings? I know You mentioned your son was selling at a market, but unfortunately I am not in Florida so I would happily pay shipping. I am really looking for variegated song of India and plumeria which I cannot find up here even in stores. I am off to watch more plant pirate episodes and dream of my own endless cutting supply.


I just got a highly veragated bromeliadthe other day for free it is awesome I want to start a collection of veragated plants. After seeing that veragated awapuhi I will be looking for one of them that was so beautiful, if you ever want to share some of that rhizome let me know I'm just south of yall in saint lucie. Beautiful property, great video


The banana stem is edible, you can make them into fish noodle soups


Your banana flowers you can eat that …. A lot of Asian eat it.and you mention your sugar apple and that you hand pollinate….. my mom has a tree and we don’t do anything to it…. Only thing you have to do sometimes is cut it back and it will fruit more.


Do you have a recipe with instructions on how to use beauty berry to make bug repellent spray. Native Central Floridian myself. I have several of the beauty berry plants on pur 10 acres. Would love another recipe for more natural bug spray for myself & 4 horses hubby & I have.


I wish I could get some of those budded coconuts.


Thanks for the great June garden tour. I have a question: When you break off the tops of your ripe pineapples, do you put the tops in the ground right away while the wound is still fresh and wet or do you wait a few days for the wound to dry before planting it?


Do you have a loquat(japanese plum) tree? If so, please share any info you have on it. Can it be rooted? If so, how? Will it grow from the fruit seeds? If so, what is the growth time from seed to fruit bearing tree? I also luve in Central Florida, between Tamoa & Orlando. The loquat grows well, at least it did in my old neighborhood. The tree I have now has grown very slowly since we moved to a different county 5 years ago.
