PSYCHOLOGIST has big REACTION to SIMONE BILES decision to withdrawal from the TEAM GYMNASTICS final

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I react and explain what a sports psychologist may do to help Simone get back in action.

#Gymnastics #SimoneBiles #TokyoOlympics


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The backlash against Simone is insane! I am shocked that people sitting at home, eating Cheetos on the couch, have the audacity to criticize her mental toughness. After training her whole life, dominating the Olympics in Rio, people think she lacks grit, or isn't a competitor!? This is a time to show empathy and compassion. It's a time to honor the power of mental health. Attacking Simone shows an incredible naivete and lack of perspective.


I'm so proud of Simone for taking care of herself above all else.


What a superstar competitor Simone Bikes she is! Good for her! A great mental performance by Simone Biles!


Simone experienced what they call the ‘twisties’- being unable to sense where her body is in relation to everything. I don’t understand the backlash. If you’re flying cross country, and the pilot says ’hey folks, I can’t sense what’s up or down, or if the plan is in a turn or roll, but don’t worry! I’m gonna tough it out. It’ll be fine’, would everyone be good with it?


I am really proud of Simone for her strength in taking care of her mental health, her physical safety, setting boundaries, and using her voice to help others see that they can do the same.


I think that Simone should be championed for prioritizing her mental health. If she had broken her back, we would not have cheered her on in continuing to compete. We all know that competing with a broken back can lead to lasting damage and consequences. So can pushing yourself to a mental breaking point. It's no secret that the USA Gymnastics program is a pressure cooker. People need to quit judging situations they don't understand. Simone is not a quitter or a "victim". Simone is an Olympic Champion. If she thought it was too much, I suspect it was. Stop judging her from the couch.


It sounds like she just didnt want to have a bad day. Shes never been in a position where she in not the best and it seems she doesnt know how to deal with it (which is what seems to be explained here with what a psychologist would help with). Having a bad day but not quitting happens to everyone. Staying around and cheering in front of the camera just seems odd for someone struggling mentally, at least how I would be. I respect her decision but someone else would have loved that spot.


I’m gonna speak facts. ⚠️ WARNING⚠️

The Olympics are the whole reason for doing gymnastics. Otherwise your just good at flips.

She needs to get off the internet and compete

This generation is weak minded they think this is pressure imagine what Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson had to go through and this new generation wilts if someone sends one bad tweet..Snowflakes generation..

I’ll stand on my own 2 feet and LOSE before I ever quit over mental issues.

First Naomi Osaka and now her, these girls love when they get all the praise but fold when they choke.

She trained for four years to get to the olympics and sits out to work on her “mindfulness” 🤨

Absolute disgrace and a waste. Trainers and coaches wasted time training her and she took a spot on the Olympic team only to give up. Someone willing to go the distance could've had that spot, b!tch could've at least finished.

Stop the cap she had one bad run and now she rage quits wtf. If I were her coach I’d tell her to stfu and win this medal again

If a dude were to do this he would be Damn what's the point of training and working for it if you don't want the ball in your hands come crunch time!

If a dude were to do this he would be Damn what's the point of training and working for it if you don't want the ball in your hands come crunch time!

They pushed the "emo" culture on ethnic groups so now it's a new excuse. Minorities been having every reason to be depressed but fought it off for centuries and now mfs on psych meds and listening to b.s. like juice wrld and crying like little b!+ches.

Ok I’m done ranting 💯


She 100% did not have a panic attack. When you experience a panic attack you feel like you are having a heart attack and dying. All reason is thrown out the door. And even though you know you're having a panic attack and it will subside, you still call 911! A girl did not have a damn panic attack. She's not used to being the best she's not used to having no audience. Psychologically I would be looking at her super-ego which is very strong inherently. I'm certain someone at her level should not just be throwing in the towel as I've seen women play with broken ankles. She's not the goat anymore she's a joke. She knew she was having issues before she went out of the country. But I bet she competes solo so she gets her attention that she craves so desperately. I don't know what type of narcissus she is but she is one. And I've been onto her from the beginning and I am so glad she just showing her true colors. Body language psychology and her actions paint the picture. She did not have a panic attack unless it was in private because it damn sure was not when she got off that vault


David, It's more than disappointing that you would (without prescribing rights), choose drugs as a first line treatment for Simon Biles, or any individual for that matter. Benzodiazipines are highly additive after 2 weeks. Beta Blockers as well as Sedatives are not permitted for use by Athletes.
1. Firstly remove her from the environment that is causing her stress/anxiety. This includes the Olympic Venue and anyone that is placing pressure on her to perform, or affecting her in a Negative way.
2. Secondly, find her the Support she needs (without Drugs). People she trusts and she is close to.
3. Thirdly if she wishes to return to the USA and be with the people she loves, encourage her to do so.Have someone accompany her on the flight that she feels comfortable with. She does not need to be brave. She needs love and support.
4. You obviously do not have experience prescribing/utilizing Sedatives nor Beta Blockers. Numbing the pain only brings the pain back later.
5. Very disappointing Video.
Signed a Medical Doctor and previous International Athelete


Great analysis! It's really sad to say, but I think it's clear that she has ruined her legacy.


Do you think there's enough time between when they requested the sports psychologist and Thursday?
