What to expect at the police academy

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It's finally here, one of the most requested videos; what to expect going into the police academy. Let's take a trip back to my academy days and I'll fill you in on what goes on and give you some tips, tricks, and secrets to successfully complete the academy.

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Dude! Thanks for making this vid! I start in 8 days! These are helpful tips! Hope to collab with you one day!


I decided to become a criminal instead of law enforcement. I'm really glad I chose that route to success. Life has been great since.


I graduate from the academy in 2 weeks. I finished all my serious tests and a few tips I can give for people applying or already waiting for a start date is DO NOT GO LATE. Make a checklist on what to bring everyday, it's better to overpack then not have a certain something for that day, because let me tell you that day will not be fun for you. Try your best to understand the courses, it's boring, but it's going to make you a better cop in the long run. Take everything with a grain of salt, there's going to be a lot of yelling and sometimes you will feel like you're the only one being picked at, they want to stress you out as much as possible, everything is a game in there and you have to remember that. If you can't handle it in a stress simulation where you are as safe as possible you have a rude awakening when you have to handle these situations on the field. It's a military environment so study your commands, the first day is rough, but the more you do it the more you start being more confident. STUDY YOUR CODES for your city/county. Everything else is basically common sense, don't drink or do stupid shit during your academy or even after. It's a life change, be a responsible human being and know the career you're choosing. Lastly, Be humble and make friends. GOODLUCK!


My academy experience for day 1 went down like this. We were instructed to arrive in workout clothing. They checked us in at the gate in our vehicles. Assigned us a parking spot and then told to stand by our vehicles. Then we were formed into squads on these blue lines. This whole experience the instructors were nice and pleasant. After we were formed into squads then nice went away and it was like we were being punished just for showing up. To make it worse. I personally knew 2 instructors from back when I was growing up. I had a target on my back the whole academy just because they new me. We would check in Sunday evenings by 10:00 pm and we had to stay on campus until Friday evening. For tests, I had an overall academic score of 94.7 and was still not in the top 20 of my class.


Appreciate the advice currently only 18 years old, but trying to get a Headstart on things to prepare for the Academy. This video helped a lot!


Nice vid. My academy was cake 17 years ago. I believe it's harder these days.


Dude! Thanks for this vid! I start in 9 days! These really helpful tips


I start my academy in 3 days, nervous as hell but also excited to get my career started, these tips really helped out.


My husband is starting the academy in a few days, I'm so excited for him... Thank you for your help! 🙏🏽👌🏽💯🔝🙂


These videos help so much to get future law enforcement prepared for what they’re about to do. Thank you so much for creating such informative videos to help.


Being a police officer would be a dream come true for me. Thanks for your work, officer


Thank you officer! Got my physical booked on August 24th this year (2024) and the process has been overwhelmingly positive so far, and am preparing as much as I possibly can. Working out nearly every day, researching, picking current officers’ brains including the one in charge of the recruiting department… this is gonna be tough, but so damn worth it.


Baby shampoo and saline solution! Those two are the very best thing right after you have been pepper sprayed. I always carry them in my duty gear bag now.


June 1st I’m apply for the FWC academy. I’m not the best book smart. But I’m everything else. Love your videos. Hopefully everything works out in my favor and I can push thru the book side of things


amazing video bro!!! i’m thinking about becoming a police officer because i want to do something active while i’m young. right now i’m in culinary (high)school and i still really enjoy cooking but i don’t think i want it as a job while i’m still physically capable of doing really active things. im already doing kravmaga as my hobby and i think that will also help a lot in the fighting and self defence part. i already talked with some police officers that i know and i think that the job suits me. amazing video, keep up the good work 👍🤙


I loved academy. It was fun, but hard work.


Thank you for the advice! I start the academy next month down in North Carolina, this was very helpful


I’m starting the process of getting into the academy with the airport I work at as my sponsor. Looking like I’ll be going in January! I’m excited but nervous. Appreciate this video!

I’m turning 28 before I go so imagine I’m older than most going but hoping my life experience may be useful for me. This has been my dream for a while so I’m stoked to finally be chasing it.


Thanks for this video I’m at the beginning of my process and I’m super nervous lol everyone stay safe


About to start police academy in March. Appreciate the advice!
