US Army Unit Patches

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US Army soldiers wear patches on their right sleeve of their combat uniform and sometimes on their left sleeve. You might be curious about those patches so in this video ill talk about what is known as the SSI or Shoulder Sleeve Insignia.

* Keep in mind that the content in this video is intended for a general understanding of the topic. Im a US army veteran with over 10 years in the Army but some information in this video may not be included for time purposes. Always make sure to seek out additional information from an Army recruiter, career counselor or an appropriate Army representative for updated information and further details on the subject. *


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What I like most about these videos is how they are directed towards a general audience rather than being specifically for enlisted personnel, active duty soldiers, or veterans. Although I'm enlisted myself, I could definitely see myself watching these videos to learn about the Army if I wasn't.


I spent my entire 3 years in the Big Red One. "No mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great, DUTY FIRST!!"


Growing up on Oahu, Hawaii, always like the 25th ID patch.


I spent all of my 7 years in the 101st. So the Eagle is my favorite.


Every time I see the 4th Infantry division patch, I’m always proud that my grandpa served in Vietnam.


I've been out of the Army since 1998. Though there was one unit I have been very proud to have served in and that the 2nd Infantry Division. When I was in 2 ID, I was stationed at Camp Garry Owen just southeast of Mun-son. I was a 19D and loved my time there in Korea. I did go up to Warrior Base which in near the JSA for a month for us, the CAV, to let the Infantry guys get some down time. We moved up there one week after I got in country, that was a quick transition.


I have been a collector of these patches for a long time. Was able to get some felt that were used in WWI. The history of so many of these patches is awesome. Thanks for the current patches.


I love the 160th special operations Aviation Regiment, the 173rd Airborne Brigade patch and the Third Infantry Division patches. Not so much for the patches themselves (although they’re nice) but because of what these units did in Europe, Vietnam, the desert and Somalia.


My dad is a retired Honorary Lieutenant (Submarine arms) from the Indian Navy. Your video's are informative and inspirational, thank you Sir!


The Big Red One or 1st Infantry Division is also called “The Bloody First” also.


I am going into my junior year of high school and have been working towards the Marine Corps almost my entire life. Recently, I’ve done a lot of reflection and decided that being an Army officer life my grandfather and his father before him would be the best route for me. Your videos have been a major factor in helping me come to terms with that decision. I will be building myself up intensely through ROTC graduation to prepare myself for Airborne, Ranger, and eventually the Special Forces. My great grandfather was OSS in WWII and then CIA after the war, and I feel that the army will be my best preparatory route to follow in those foot steps.


1st Infantry Division was my unit for my whole enlistment and it will always be my favorite.


Fun fact in the Netherlands we have a company that uses the US 2nd ID Indian head emblem since they were attached to that division in the Korean war.
They are even named after the area where the fought. Wonju Company from the Van Heutsz regiment


3rd Infantry Division. Rock of the Marne


My grandfather was 797th Military Police, never seen the patch for it was disbanded after WWII. My dads was 1st I.D. "Big Red One" or as his NVA counterparts called it " The Bloody Red One" in Vietnam.


Back in 91 I was stationed in Korea on Camp Liberty Bell, I had a few friends on the JSA, Thank You for


Proudly wore the following patches on active duty. 2nd Armored “Hell In Wheels”, 3rd Armored “Spearhead” & 11th ACR. 85th & 33rd in USAR & ILNG.


My grandpa was in the Army for 28 years. I remember a few of his patches such as the 11th airborne patch he had on his hat that he always wore, and the Taro Leaf patch from his infantry unit in the Korean War (24th infantry division)


My favorite is the one I wore in 1964 in Korea. The 7th Infantry Division. Look left to see it.


The one that I like the most is my 10th Mountain patch. I when dumb soldiers used to argue with me about the mountain tab and they would say " That is one of the hardest tabs to get right? Didn't you have to do something crazy to get that tab?" I would look at them and tell them that the mountain tab is just part of the unit patch and all I did to get the patch was go to Iraq with the 10th Mountain.
