3 Brutally Honest Reasons Men Don't Commit ︱Arica Angelo Advice

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3 Brutally Honest Reasons Men Don't Commit

#commitment #dating #relationship #aricaangelo #advice
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If a guy is a 10 he isn't going to settle because he has too many options. Remember just because he will sleep with you does Not mean he will settle down with you. Now you may have a chance with an average or older guy if he really wants to settle down and have a home n kids. I am a average guy except for wealth. If you can be feminine, and nurturing as well as fulfill his sexual needs often if not always then you have a great shot. I also believe God fearing women and men are the most compatible and raise the best children together.


I wanted to commit, but I was summarily dismissed by every woman I asked out! No one ever wanted to go out with me even as a friend. So after 20 years of trying I finally accepted that marriage just wasn't going to happen! Been single not by choice my entire life. I can't tell you the emotional trauma I've endured. But life is not always fair! You have to accept how things are!


Men these days don't commit due to being burned just like women have been burned in relationships. Men to have wised up and seen that is something happens they will be paying child support or spousal support for the rest of their life. For all the damaged souls out there. Best wishes to everyone and this dating gsme of life.


Three brutally honest reasons why men don't commit. 1) entitled women. 2)divorce/family court where men lose half their stuff. 3)the red pill rage that comes to men after divorce. More and more men are walking away from this sick game. When women say show up or step up, that tells me "Please come back to the plantation, it will be different this time." No it won't.


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I’ve said it before, but hopefully some newer people will learn something new. Confirmed Bachelors/MGTOW’s are not about hatred. It’s an UNDERSTANDING of many Modern women, popular society, and the family courts. It’s a life-path decision based on that understanding. It’s not much of an egomaniacal argument either. IT’S ABOUT COLD LOGIC and UNDERSTANDING.

Smart guys are not in the market for most modern North American Women anymore. While most gals were out spending their 20’s partying their ass off with bad boys, working a job, and accepting little responsibility, we cultivated a career. And we worked really really damn hard to get into higher levels of responsibility & pay. Now we (I) have a career, earned several homes, cars, lots of vacation time, and a retirement. We (I) am stable. We wants to give a ton of emotional support. We want to love and be loved. But we know better. That’s what this society has taught men and women.

The contemporary Criminal Justice/Social climate is very much against men. The courts still treat women as if their economic wellbeing is dependent on the man (it’s not like that anymore.) We risk losing more than half of everything we’ve slaved to earn, and around half of what we will earn. The courts still treat women as victims. If a woman say’s, “He raped/beat me” (1) we are seen as guilty in the public’s eye. Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you when a client sits in the defendant’s chair the jury sees them as 50/50 guilty/innocent. That’s a big jump “innocent until proven guilty.” A false rape claim is not merely an attack on a man’s character. It’s an attempt to kidnap, imprison, emotionally torture, and destroy an innocent man. (BTW, This comes at the cost of the credibility of all women who truly endure such horrors.) It is a profoundly evil act and yet there are rarely any real consequences for women who make false rape claims. (2) If cohabitating, we will be barred from our own home immediately and without a judges decision. (LET THAT SINK IN. WHERE ARE GOING TO GO?) (3) We will be suspended from our career pending the legal outcome. It might take a year or more. (4) We might have our beloved children taken away too. Put yourself in our shoes ladies. How’d YOU like that? (That’s role reversal for the purposes of understanding.) NOT HATE. COLD LOGIC. PROVE US WRONG PLEASE. If women were really about equality, they’d be screaming about mens equality, not just enjoying the elements of the social order that benefit them.

Resources men spent their life building can be cruelly snatched away from us by sneering lawyers, judges, and their own wives, desperate to abandon them at the first opportunity that a richer man comes along. Smug, twisted smiles of greed and barely-concealed hatred accompany the clawed hands, grabbing hungrily at the fruits of the man’s labor, the sweat off his brow and back, meant to be shared by a loving couple raising a family, now cruelly stolen away by unfeeling harpies screeching for more even as their ill-gotten gains, overflowing their grasp, tumble to the ground all around them. All while the judges self-righteously admonish then men if they don’t pay regularly, and on time, their very freedom will be taken from them. And they must pay, even when under lock & key, unable to toil for the resources that (so many, but not all) women covet so selfishly. The woman a man marries, will not be the one they divorce. Women who lie undermine the integrity of all women. Honest women need to speak up and put the other gals in their place.

Sound like a good deal there ladies? Yeah…but for who?

Any person of reasonable caution will understand that men in western culture must work extremely hard to prove themselves and achieve consistent results in the face of adversity. It takes YEARS to accomplish this. Years to build resources. Talk with each other and ask, “How many families have you seen torn apart? How many of them were torn apart by the woman?” 75% of divorces are initiated by women and we know darn well that 75% of men are not the jerk who have it coming. Men are waking-up to it and we have women to thank for it. They do not love US! When the bank goes dry, so do they. (So much for “For richer or poorer and in sickness or in health.”) Any person of reasonable caution will understand that men are seeing so many families destroyed by USERY born from selfishness. What makes women think they deserve a good man when we see this? What makes people believe men aren’t gonna say, “Thanks…but no thanks. Not gonna deal with that level of self-entitled selfish attitude.” NOT HATRED. COLD LOGIC.

Here's a true story: A man made a first date with a woman. They had that date. It went well enough for the man to make a 2nd date later. But he broke that date. That’s nothing new under the sun. Then she sued him for emotional distress for $10, 000. That’s crazy of course. But guess what happened next? He had to go before the judge and defend himself over this. Yes he did. Y E S H E D I D! The courtroom video is in a Youtube link. What kind of self-centered, selfish, vindictive, greedy, disgusting jerk are we having to deal with here? Ladies, how can you possibly wonder why men are walking away dating and marriage? How is that even possible? You good gals need to bring the hammer down these jerks. Cuz you all talk, and we’re not mind readers. NOT HATRED. COLD LOGIC. PROVE US WRONG PLEASE. And then there are the activists, decrying marriage as patriarchy and oppression, who are so wrapped-up in their slogans and sound bites that they cannot see they are hurting the very same women and families they claim to be fighting for. They are so lost they cannot be saved. Even God’s honest truth (if you believe in God) sounds like lies to their ears, unless it comes cloaked in their propaganda. Most, but not all, women clapped in glee at the gains equality made for them where marriage & careers are concerned, not realizing (or even caring) that for every gift they were given, something had to be taken away from others. Eventually, so much was taken from men, that the covenant of marriage is no longer worth a man’s vow. A vow that’s broken by 70%-75% of married women. “It’s just not worth it!” men cry, speaking of the sacrifice of nearly EVERYTHING they have and are, for little benefit. NOT HATE. COLD LOGIC. Another true story: “She made life hell. She hid her bipolar from me until we were married and after the first kid was born. She was physically and mentally abusive to my daughter and I. The police supported her, only wanting to arrest ME for her violent behavior. She kidnapped my kids and moved them 1500 miles away without telling me where they went. She got full custody. I got ‘reasonable visitation’ which turned-out to be 12 days in 7 years. She was rewarded with 71% of my gross pay, leaving me sleeping in my car and on friend’s couches, and unable to travel the 1500 miles to see my beloved kids. She changed her number and screened calls so I could not talk to them on their birthdays or holidays. She told them I didn’t care about them, only the money… then when they turned 19 and the support ended, she kicked them out. I stayed. I stayed to protect them from her. I was always concerned as I slept that she would do something to me. I taught my daughters to crawl, walk. Ride a bike, read, write, count, add, run computer, paint colors, and to think critically. When they turned 19, they came to live by me. When they came to visit, they were amazed I had food in the house. Their mom spent $6, 000 she got every month…and HUD paid the housing, the state paid their bills. All she had to pay for was food and car insurance. She made sure my daughters would never be able to have a good relationship. When we hear people blaming men for everything and running out on the kids, we don’t believe it anymore. We see it as the woman as the cause and trying to get sympathy for their bad choices. Very few man abandon their children. On the contrary, we are run-off by abusive women. It’s hard to believe that women are asking, “Where are all the good men?” Not where we were when we were stupid enough to chase you. We moved on. We share these truths with each other.
-Thump Er the Sweaty Fat Guy

Similar true stories are too common.


i have never committed because the juice has never been worth the squeeze.


Change the divorce and child custody laws and the marriage rate will go up.


Women want an alpha male. After they get him they try to turn him into a beta. Lol.



And if he won't commit it's a prison cell for her but it's not a prison cell for him if she's not committing but you say that women won't don't want to commit because he's weak or something else he's not doing something for her


1.People Pleaser
2.Nice Guy
3.Poor Boundaries
