12 BRUTALLY HONEST Reasons You Look Like a DUMBASS!
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1. Buying any 'get rich quick' courses on the internet -- the secret of success is working your ass off. There is no shortcut. Try and try again is the key.
2. Not understanding that you have to match your leathers -- but when it comes to white casual sneakers, do NOT rock a white leather belt.
3. Having a 'look at me' car -- this car (aka Mazda Miata, Kia Spectra, Dodge Charger) is all souped-up, and it makes you look like a dumbass.
4. Not understanding that you have to remove the basting -- the x over your new suit vents, sleeves, and pockets need to be removed.
5. Acting like an asshole no matter who you are -- society is giving certain people a pass if they are good looking, rich, or a celebrity. Also, if you surround yourself with dumbasses, you are a dumbass.
6. Not wearing a watch -- not wearing a watch sends a subliminal message that you are not reliable, not responsible, and not stylish. There is no more important accessory than a watch. Vincero is killing it in terms of styling, sexiness, and features including their new automatic version.
7. Getting a girl pregnant that you didn't intend to get pregnant -- unprotected sex leads to pregnancy! You're a dumbass if you don't wrap that rascal, even if she says she's on the pill!
8. Wearing a hat to dinner -- and wearing it backward even looks worse. Even hats with brims shouldn't be worn -- you look stupid, and they haven't been popular or stylish for quite some time.
9. Being a simp -- being obsessed or always doing something for someone for nothing, you look like a loser.
10. Spending your entire salary on a luxury item -- if you are living above your means makes you look like a dumbass. You need to live below your means. And stop posting pictures posing in front of cash, cars, and tigers. You look insecure.
11. Smoking -- smoking weed is NBD. But smoking cigarettes is one of the worst things you can do -- same goes for being a sloppy drunk.
12. Not apologizing when you do something wrong -- acting like you didn't do it and not owning it makes you look bad