How Saving $100,000 Changed My Life

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Saved my first 100k in 2.5 years after graduating from university. Now I'm halfway to 250k.


"If you take a small loan of 1 mln dollars from your parents..." In what world do you think the average person lives? If you have millionaire parents you don't watch videos like these.


$100K hits differently for different people.

I think saving that 3-12 months of emergency funds is crucial. The dollar amount is specific to you. Consider this money as different from your first $100K since this money isn't invested. It's there for emergencies.

Your first $100K is supposed to be invested money. This is money that grows due to compound interest. However, $100K is just a random number. The dollar amount that truly matters is specific to you. It's usually around the point where the interest added each year represents a good amount of money to you.


Save + invest you will reach any goal you want
Always look for long term 👍


Sometimes 100k isn't enough, you need twice that if you're really planning to be financially free, For example If you invest $200, 545 into the S&P, then assuming a 10% annual rate of return, your child at an early retirement age will be 2 Million plus rich, excluding every other income channeled to this. We need to invest much more. Focus on the company not just the stock price, true words from my F.A James Fletcher Brennan..I made over half a million from ALB and NVDA..I love passive income.


To everyone that find this comment, keep healthy of your health because HEALTH IS WEALTH


Investing and all the other growth options aside. The point is to save. Whether it’s 100, 100, 000 or more. Having better control of your destiny is always a plus. Having buying power really helps.


Me too..
How I wish I can reverse back to the date I grad and start savings
I would have around 500k by now.


I saved $175.000 over a 5yr period saving most of my Paychecks, and have a 780 credit score, when 10yrs ago i didnt have a DOLLAR in the bank, and owed 4 credit cards.🤺


Thanks for sharing, glad I found your channel, right now everyone needs to find what gives true financial freedom and happiness. Making passive income is really cool I will try this in addition to my investment income😅


Already got my first 100k age of 25 yo, going 3rd now ☺


Whoa in 10 month you reach a million subscribers!


My wife and I are retired and our house is paid off. Is it possible to borrow $100, 000 from a home equity line of credit and invest it in an SP 500 Index ETF? Is that a good idea?


Times have changed and now stock market is all about pump and dump leaving retailers as bag holders. Bag holders turned to long term investors will still bag hold and stock might go to zero. There is too much news, too many analysts, too many factors, too many firms, insiders influencing the stock price. Retailer money is being sucked. I made $172k combined net last year and paid no Federal taxes.


The gospel means “good news”. The gospel is the proclamation of who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only.  The entire Bible (Old testament and New Testament) foreshadows and proclaims who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only (John 5:39, Luke 24:44).

Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16), fully God and fully man (John 1:1 & 1:14) and second person in the Trinity (Matthew 3:16-17).

The gospel is God’s testimony concerning Jesus as revealed in the Holy Scriptures by the Holy Spirit which proclaims how Jesus the Christ (John 1:41, Matthew 16:16) was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23) and born under the law to redeem His elect who were under the law and save His elect from their sins (Matthew 1:21, Galatians 4:4).  

God’s elect /sheep are the people past, present and future from every tribe, tongue and nation God actively chose to redeem/ justify/save based on Christ. God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world was laid according to the good pleasure of His will for His glory (Revelations 5:9, Ephesians 1:4-5). God actively created and chose a people from every tribe, tongue and nation before they were born for salvation whom God has always loved because of Christ and only Christ (Romans 8). God’s elect are vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory to make known the riches of His glory (Romans 9). God’s elect/sheep are God’s chosen vessels of mercy that are Jews and Gentiles because of Christ. (John 10, Romans 9:23-26, Hosea 2:23)

God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3). God’s law is holy and good (Romans 7:12). The law of God demands perfection in word, thought, and deed at all times (James 2:10). The law was given through Moses (John 1:17).  The law condemned all mankind and brought knowledge of sin (Romans 3:19-20). All people are under sin and none are righteous (Romans 3:9-18). Sin entered the world through Adam and death through sin and death spread to all mankind because all sinned. (Romans 5:12-13).

Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb without blemish (1 Peter 1:19) for His elect by God’s sovereign grace (1 Corinthians 5:7). Just as the Israelites were released from Egypt after the death of the firstborn (Exodus 11-13) - Jesus Christ the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15) justified all His elect at the cross from the wrath of God(Romans 5:9-11).  Jesus willingly went to the cross (Philippians 2:8) and offered one sacrifice for all time for His elect He sanctified (Hebrews 10:11-14) as their representative and High priest. Jesus was crucified for the elect’s sin and raised for their justification (Romans 4:25). It pleased God the Father to crush His only begotten Son( Isaiah 53:10) and God the Father accepted Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on behalf of  His sheep( Acts 2:23) . Jesus paid His elect’s sin debt and there is now no condemnation for those who are married to Christ (Romans 7-8).  


By Christ’s knowledge He justified all His elect (Isaiah 53:11) and finished His mission (John 19:30). All of God’s sheep will believe God’s testimony concerning Christ because Jesus justified them by His perfect sacrifice on the cross. Not one sheep Jesus died for will perish. Jesus is the good shepherd. Faith(believing God’s testimony concerning Jesus) is the fruit of what Jesus accomplished for His sheep. God’s sheep are righteous before God by the imputed righteousness of Christ provided at the cross as prophesied in Psalm 32 and fulfilled in John 19. All Jesus died for are regenerated at God’s appointed time to believe God’s testimony concerning Christ on who Christ is and what He did at the cross( Acts 13:48).


100k by 25?

I was basically homeless (lived with parents), worked at a sh*tty job, and did with a 45 minute commute to

I guess I could've been wiser with the few ones I did have.... but I was also trying to remain sane and enjoy some aspect of life lol


*Let's offer a course on Western/liberal marriage:*

_*Lesson #1: Don't ever argue with your wife because that is emotional abuse, and she will call the police and accuse you of hurting her. Police don't need any evidence to arrest you, so enjoy your stay in prison.
Lesson #2: Don't you ever dare to deny your wife having sex with others. You don't own her. If you're a real man, you'll help her find a boyfriend or two and let them use your bed while you sleep on the couch.
Lesson #3: Be fair to each other, but remember, she can accuse you of abuse at any time and destroy your life.
Lesson #4. Your wife is tilth for all men (and women). They will use her as they please. Enjoy your married celibacy.

Lesson #5: If your spouse wants to change "their" gender, don't argue. Just be happy for "them, " you transphobe.

Lesson #6: Want a divorce? Don't want a divorce? Doesn't matter. She can leave you for any reason or no reason at all. She gets to take at least half your wealth and custody of your children, and you pay all her legal fees. She might even end up living with her boyfriends in the house you bought with your kids.*_ /


This is for wealthy people or Americans.
If you know what $100, 000 is in other countries you wouldn't make posts like these.
I'm Nigerian and I haven't had up to $10, 000 pass through my hands the whole year


Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy 😊I have been earning $ 60, 000 returns from my $7, 000 investment every 12days.


need 100K + now, Bidenflation is kiling me....
