What does a Biblical Man look like? | Voddie Baucham

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In this video, Voddie Bacuham talks about the bare minimum requirements for biblical manhood. He talks about the type of man you should become in order to get married. He also speaks about what a woman should look for when marrying a man. The three minimum things a man should do are:

1) A man must be committed to God-honoring labor

2) A man must be committed to the law of God

3) A man must be committed to prioritizing his family

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I am so challenged by this message. Often I prayed for a godly woman so that we can grow together, point eachother closer to the Lord but now I realise that I am not even qualified to even think about dating and marriage. Gosh I'm so stupid. But I thank the lord because i often pray about unknown sins to be exposed. I am a slothful 25yr old (soon to be 26) boy not worthy to even think about dating. This message is gold because it shows me how unqualified I really am.


I married at 21. We went from paying for college, to getting paid to go to college because we were married. Now we are both teachers with schedules and holidays in agreement. We get to spend so much more time together than most people do. Yesterday August 17 was out 21st anniversary. We met in Spanish class when we were high school. I met her when I was 17. We didn't date. We went to church. Her family was almost always around. God blessed me to marry a virgin. He helped me to also protect her virginity until we married. I never realized until now how blessed our beginning was. This message is all truth.


A real man is one who loves Jesus Christ with all his heart, mind and soul. He will confess this truth to the world and not be ashamed.


Sitting in my living room alone listening to this with tears running down my face. I'm 36 yrs old.


Just got baptized 4/7/24 at the age of 32. I realized I didn’t stand a chance in this world with the parents I had and their lawlessness. But with God all things are possible. I wish I had a father like this and I do now in God. Knowing the laws are the main ingredients to a good life, let us not pass on it. ❤


I am 42, never been married, no children, and i am glad because I've never heard of this kind of beautiful guidance and direction before. It's never too late to walk out the principles of God. God bless you all that this word doesn't fall on death ears.


That actually made me mad, sad and happy... I realize, with this message, the reason why my wife became unhappy since I came into her life. I am a failure because of my ignorance and overall laziness.
This message has spoken to me in the way I needed the most. Thank you Lord Jesus for bringing this video up to my ears and heart. I pray that I put my focus on YOU. Searching for the truth ( Your holy word) more and more everyday & also, most importantly, that I shall not part ways away from you anymore. I am tired and I need some rest.


For those of you looking for the simplified 10 Commandments:

1. I’m God. You don’t get another one.
2. Don’t even make anything that looks like me.
3. Don’t mess with my name.
4. Work for 6 days. Not on the 7th.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. Don’t murder.
7. Don’t commit adultery.
8. Don’t steal.
9. Don’t bear false witness.
10. Don’t covet. Don’t lust.


I can truly say, God has blessed my daughter with such a man; has a good job. He loves and serves and worships and is obedient to God. Also loves, respects my daughter. Thank You Jesus


A masculine man sets his mind to attain the strong qualities of sound character, rock-solid confidence and strength. He is an unselfish, stable, dominant (though not domineering), decisive leader. Yet he is balanced and tempered by the complementary traits of humility, attentiveness, gentleness and refinement. In short, he strives to live as Jesus Christ did. A passage from a book I’m reading


My father was not present when I grew up. I was raised correctly by my mum, now god is my father, Jesus is my inspiration and influence.


I wish I had had a father like this Pastor and not a drunk that beat my mother and us .. I would have been a different woman and not made so many mistakes in my life the little I learned was from my Christian mother .. now I’m old and I realize how much I need to make things right with God I need him and I’m sorry ✝️🧎‍♀️


i have always claimed to be a Man but after this i know i've been Childish. Wow this has really changed my life and perspective. we claim Qualities that even we don't have


WOW!!! POWERFUL!!! This sermon should be seen by EVERY MAN AND WOMAN in the world! Unfortunately, millions of males and females, would walk out after the first few minutes of this convicting truth, because they have been “raised?” to live by self-serving, narcissistic, arrogant, childish, ignorant beliefs, like, “You do you!”, “Don’t let anyone tell you what to do!”, “As long as you get YOURS!” and, “They OWE me!”
The culture of today is written about in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 PRIDE!


I thought it was the three C's that define guys
#1 courage
#2 compassion
3 conviction


What a wonderful Christian man, and in turn, what a wonderful Christian father


As a faithful woman who fears God, married to a man who does not, I needed to hear this. I didn't realize how much our feelings toward God would affect our marriage over time. He has never lived up to being a husband and resents that I am not working, in order to take care of our children.


This sermon came at the perfect time for me. I really felt this changed my whole perspective on the type of Man I currently am.


Really wish I could have heard this as a young man. However, I am thankful to hear it now at 53 and married for the last 14 years. It brings me hope that I can takes steps to improve my marriage for my wife and myself.


I got married 20 years ago when I belonged to the world. Now I suffer because the demons that inhabit my husband are irritated by the Spirit of God in me.
Nobody told me this will be so, and if they even did I wouldn't believe it because my mother is a godly woman but my father wasn't.
You cannot raise your children with an unbeliever. The demons rulling that person won't tolerate it. You will have to struggle greatly like me. I know I can't break out of my marriage because Bible forbids it. You can't be a believer and have a divorce and get remarried. If you had a church marriage before God. So think good before get married and pray, pray, pray for guidance.
