Weird Things only AMERICANS Do! | Koreans Girls Reaction

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In the previous video, we talked about some of the weird things only Koreans do!

Well now it's time to talk about weird things only AMERICANS do!

Seriously, Why do you guys put SUGAR into EVERYTHING??

In case you want their Instagram!!!

Lia: @asmrlia

Bom: @bb__vely_
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I laughed out loud at the "Americans put sugar in everything" because as a foreigner in Korea, one of the biggest complaints so many foreigners have is that ALL Korean snacks are SWEET! Garlic Bread in Korea has freaking sugar on it! Potato chips in Korea are sweet! Popcorn in Korea is sweet! Everything is so sweet! I desperately want salty snacks and I have to go to Itaewon to get them because they don't exist in Korea.
So uh... yeah.... this is not just an American thing.


As a westerner living in Korea currently, I can say from experience that Koreans actually put so much sugar in things too. Like sugar on garlic bread... It's the most disappointing thing to bite into what you think will be an amazing garlicy toast and you get sugar on top. I've even gotten savory paninis with powdered sugar on top 🤷‍♀️ I think we just have different senses of what should be sweet


Nobody puts sugar in ramen haha. Also, I've never greeted or been greeted by someone with a kiss on the cheek or something like that. A hug maybe; if I knew them well. But never a kiss. That might just be something that a few people do to those they're close with. We'd never kiss someone or hug them if we didn't know them well.


they really need an American with them to explain that some of the ideas they think happen, really don't. Like putting sugar on Ramen.


Um we don’t put sugar on ramen 💀 never known anyone to that. But coffee yes!


Theyre acting like the whole US has diabetes or something lol. Ive never heard of anyone putting sugar in ramen. Sugar in cereal not everyone does but its not a weird concept to us, mostly its done for cereals that don't really have sugar in them, or that might be less flavorful. Kind of like adding salt to a steak.


They really need an American with them to explain a lot of things


Tipping culture in America needs to die. If I tip you, it means you did a great job. If I don't tip, that's my choice. Some people pay their waiters less than minimum wage because of tipping culture, and some restaurants actually add tips automatically to the bill, making it mandatory. Thanks, I hate it.


having lived in korea for a bit I can tell you any western food you get there is loaded with a ton of sugar for no reason.... sandwiches? glazed in sugar. bagel? sugar sauce. hot dog? coated in sugar. mashed potatoes? sickly sweet. so we're not the only ones who do that lmao


Microwaves don't contaminate anything, it's just electromagnetic waves that go away as soon as you turn off the machine :P
All the waves do is heat the stuff you put in it :P


this is just not all the way accurate but good effort


Most Americans use kettles for tea not microwaves


Finding the sugar thing hilarious, since Koreans eat pizza with jam and eat tomatoes with honey on them...and sweet garlic bread. But go off I guess lmao. Also, nobody puts sugar in ramen. like??? what. Aaand so what if you need a microwave safe cup? Obviously?? This video was kinda weird ngl. lol There's plenty of weird stuff America does, but these were kinda lackluster tbh.


We don’t put sugar in everything, a lot of things sure but not things that it would taste bad in


It's funny they criticize Americans for having sugar in everything. I'm Canadian, and when I started cooking Korean food, I was wondering why so many recipes have sugar. Tteokkboki, even stews that seem like they're supposed to be savory/spicy have some sugar in it, very bizarre. And apparently Korean pizza and garlic bread is also sweet. To me Korean food LOOKS good, but then when I hear that it's sweet, I'm like, ehh....


When I heard the one about sugar, I thought about something that Koreans do. They use waaaay too much salt in their food.


Where I grew up we greet people with two kiss, and we're my parents are from it is with one kiss. But my parents are from Mexico and I grew up on a French community. Then the tip as a server essential. I get paid minimum wage, it is not enough to survive here, and tip is view as what is rightfully yours, for the great service I gave you. But if I didn't have a good service you are in all rights to tip less or none. That is how we see it


I smile and wave at everyone, including babies and dogs. I'm really comfortable talking about my feelings. No, *really comfortable* talking about my feelings. Some stereotypes about Americans make me laugh, because I used to think everyone was like this.


I grew up with the DD/MM/YYYY format but after I moved to the US, I got used to the MM/DD/YYYY. It's really helpful when you're organising files by month and usually, when you try to search files by date, it's more intuitive to narrow down by month first, then look for the day, or year, month, then day.
I do wish we adopt the Metric system in day to day situations. I travel every year and I constantly have to convert meter to miles. I've gotten the general idea of temp by Celsius now though.


*I like watching these since I get so see and hear the thoughts of someone else from a different perspective.*

I've never made tea in the microwave, and I think this is the first time I've heard of that.
I just boil water in either a pot on the stove or in those electric pot things.

Tips are everything in diners and restaurants. Big time. When I worked as a waitress at a diner, tips were the majority of our pay. Because hourly pay was so low, $3 per hour. So most of us got so excited when we got tips.
