7 Idiot Enemies Who Will Kill Your Enemies for You

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Hallucinating soldiers! Captive zombies! Hungry tigers! We love to work smarter not harder by outsourcing our murder to various enemies who can be poisoned, freed or otherwise manipulated into killing other enemies on our behalf. Please enjoy these seven idiot enemies who will do the killing for you, and subscribe for a video like this one every week on Outside Xbox.


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Fun fact: in the Oblivion quest "The Ultimate Heist", the regular guards in the lower floors that try to arrest you and the fancy guards on the upper floors that try to kill you are listed in game as being part of different factions.

Since these factions are hostile to each other, if you lead one group into another, these guards tasked with protecting the Imperial Palace will kill each other while the intruder gets off scott-free.

Cyrodil's finest, ladies and gentlemen.


There was a Monty Python and the Holy Grail game where you played a version of Tetris that involved stacking corpses in an open grave while occasionally hearing someone shout "Bring out your dead!" It was Epic. Can't play regular Tetris without picturing those poor Medieval stiffs...


In Breath of the wild, if a moblin doesn't have any rocks available to throw at you, they will throw bokoblins.


In Don't Starve, getting enemies to kill each other is a semi-regular thing to do, and you can even do it to several bosses! One strategy is to lure the Bearger to a forest to let it smash down trees for you to collect later, with enraged Treeguards later showing up to kill it for all the trees its destroyed. Its a win-win-win!


"Stripey murder Garfields" is the best description of a tiger I've ever heard😂


In WoW, Priests have an ability called Mind Control that does what it says on the tin, but even better than that was an ability that Outlaw Rogues had during Legion called Bribe. You would give an NPC a fake coin to work for you and start killing other mobs, until they realize the coin is fake after 30 seconds and turn on you. One of the most hilarious explanations for taking control of an enemy I've seen in a video game.


The orcs in Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War games are almost as keen to kill each other as they are to kill you, which you can take advantage of if you poison their grog supplies


In Bioshock it's always fun watching helpless splicers fighting a big daddy


In borderlands 2 and 3 there are goliaths in bandit camps. When you shoot the helmet off of these guys they become enraged and start attacking whoever’s closest to them, friend or foe. The real benefit of this is that after the Goliath kills an enemy it will heal and transform again and again allowing them to kill more enemies and dropping better loot when they get killed.


I like it when a dragon in Skyrim starts picking a fight with giants, other humans, wolves, draugr deathlords, etc. You can also free wolves and/or saber cats in certain dungeons, who will go to town on their bandit captors.


In Minecraft, whenever you have a skeleton shoot any other enemy currently attacking you. Always fun.


I remember being shot at in Alien: Isolation, then running and hiding while the xenomorph came and mopped up the fools shooting at me. We bonded.


Similar to this is AC3 where you can grab an enemy soldier and use them as a human shield against musket fire. Despite having plenty of time to choose to spare their comrade, the soldiers will instead sacrifice them to try and hit you through them. I can only imagine this is because you always happen to grab the one who snores loudly at night.


A lot of games tend to have the "enemy base is full of caged monsters that will gladly kill their captors if released" thing going on.


Definitely thought this would have the Fury spell from Skyrim. Nothing more fun than getting in a dark corner, casting this spell on your hapless victim, and then watching as the city guard, or even just their ole bandit buddies cut them down


Most of the enemy mooks in the open world areas of Dragon Age: Inquisition will fight each other. You might see rebel Templars fighting apostates, bears attacking bandits, demons attacking Freemen (a group of deserters) or undead fighting Avvar barbarians, depending on where you are. There’s also one notable encounter on the Storm Coast where you see a giant fighting a dragon.


In fallout 4 you can reprogram security bots at terminals to scramble their targeting.

The best example of this is at the Raceway where you can trigger absolute chaos for the raiders


My personal favorite is the bears in Ghost of Tsushima. Not only do they normally roam around killing everything in sight, which thankfully includes Mongol patrols, but you can even find caged bears on Mongol ships sometimes. Which you can release upon your enemies as you make a hasty retreat and watch the bear do your dirty work for a while.


A bit debatable on if they fully count as enemies seeing as they only attack you on retaliation, but tricking enemies into hitting cukoos in Breath of the Wild is immensely entertaining.


In Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, Cynder can use her Shadow breath ability to temporarily turn enemies onto their comrades. And as long as you have Mana, you could literally just sit back and enjoy the chaos.
