One Legendary Scene - Zaheer’s Philosophy in The Legend of Korra

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This video is part of the One Legendary Scene Collaboration, where various Youtubers like Antoine Bandele, Hello Future Me, Kato, AvatarCritic & more have come together to analyze One Legendary Scene from The Legend of Korra.
I'll be focusing on the scene from Book 3 Episode 9 The Stakeout where Zaheer explains the Red Lotus Ideology. A great opportunity to talk about Anarchy.

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- This Channel is all about using NERDY Material to derive a deeper life lesson from it. To find *The Meaning of Life* through *The Meaning of NERD*💪🏼
Throughout Life, we are tasked with finding our true purpose or at least with getting close to it. What many of us don't realize though, is how most NERDY material, like TV shows, Animes, Movies, Books & Games can help us out in said goal. How we can learn so many meaningful lessons from them.
It's all about opening your eyes to important life lessons and changing your perspective of your favorite childhood shows, animes, movies, books & games.
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- This video is part of an expanding series I'm working on called Avatar Philosophy. It's all about Avatar the Last Airbender and the Philosophy & life lessons you can learn from it.


0:00 One Legendary Scene - Zaheer's Philosophy
01:55 Zaheer Explains The Red Lotus Philosophy
05:55 The Downfall of Zaheer
08:20 What is Anarchy?
11:05 How to achieve Anarchy
12:41 Understanding Zaheer & Anarchy
15:10 Final Thoughts
15:53 Teaser
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All of these small things help out a lot. Thanks a lot & I hope you enjoyed the video💪🏾
PS: Make sure to check out the other videos in the "One Legendary Scene" Playlist. There are some really great videos in there!


Freedom isn't about doing what you want, it's about not having to do what you don't want to do.


Thank you for joining our collaborative event. And my goodness, when will your channel blow up!? Definitely want to work with you again, my dude! This is my favorite out of our whole bunch, I think.


I find it interesting cause the Guru taught Aang something that is mentioned very slightly. In the Light Chakra blocked by Illusions. Aang and the Guru say, "The greatest illusion of the world is separation. Like the four nations. We are one people, but we live as if we are divided. We are all connected.". Which fits really well with the Anarchist philosophy of what governments do. When wars and violence are waged we end up dividing each other, instead of working together.


I have an anarchy symbol tatted on my chest but I’m a very peaceful guy. Anarchism is not always the answer. There’s a time and a place and you nailed it on the head with your explanation and I thank you for it.


I found this wonderfully thought provoking. Best video in the playlist!


This video got me thinking on already thought provoking topics. From my perspective, Zaheer was acting on a concept as opposed to a feasible goal. Korra had to deal with the harsh reality that things are not perfect. She could only do so much. Honestly, it makes the Avatar seem a whole lot more human. These imperfect ideas are further enunciated by the fact that in the end, she didn't truly get a victory against them. Next season they come to a tentative ally ship of sorts, if only for a moment. Love the analysis, psychology and politics in fiction is an underappreciated form of analysis!


A good villain is one who has a legitimate point, but their proposed solution is objectively wrong.

They are right and wrong at the same time.


Great video. The Red Lotus were my favorite characters from the Korra era.


This video was incredibly insightful and thought provoking. Thank you so much for making such a great analysis! I live in Mexico and I heard of the Cheran people and what they did, but now I'm even more interested in learning more about them and exploring this new path you've opened. 🌟


Such an incredible video of yours. So deep and perspective-changing.


Ultimately, if your principles are so good, why not try to convince others of your principles. After all, it was Zaheer, the man himself who said "There is no need for aggression".


I'm really glad you participated in this project because it let me find your channel. You have a new subscriber and I look forward to bringing your channel and seeing what comes next.


This video is honestly an amazing intro to anarchy in general. Such good insight into into LOK's political standpoint.


Mate the editing in this video is insane! This video inspires me to keep improving my editing skills. The only thing that does need improvement is the audio, other than that this is some fine work you've done. I gotta thank Made2Express for mentioning your channel.


I don't think the show gets anarchy wrong. Zaheer clearly preaches for stateless communities driven by mutual aid. What he's wrong about is his zealous method of achieving that goal.


the problem with how anarchy is presented in the show is that anarchy isn't necessarily against all structure. the key to anarchy is consent and voluntarisms and that no individual or institution has the right to use coercive power (with force) upon dissenters. Zaheer made a good point on nations and borders are foolish ideas, and people suffer under the hands of despotic leaders, but the chaos and natural order part is a big naturalistic fallacy and an excuse to avoid dealing with potential issues after dismantling an establishment. my last point: anarchy thrusted upon a population is just as despotic as authoritarian regimes since you're dictating what an ideal life and freedom means to other people


I'd recommend the site "anarchy works", too. And as for violence... It depends. Zaheer's violence is certainly nonsensical.
Complete anarcho-pacifism like that of Tolstoy isn't exactly viable either though, in my eyes:

While I do think that ideally, a peaceful transition towards an anarchist system is preferred, I do believe that should the people go down that route, the state and its agents will try and enforce compliance through violence, at which point in my eyes the people do have the right to defend themselves and their ideals, with violence if need be.

Violence should never be one's preferred means, but it certainly can be the lesser evil. And I do think that, say, Nestor Makhno's attempt, or that of the CNT-FAI, prove that *genuine* revolutionary violence can work, so long as one has the support of (a significant part of) the masses. Whilst yes, both those examples failed, I'd say they did achieve significant successes too, and failed only because of outside suppression.

The Zapatistas and Rojava provide two other interesting examples.


This is pretty much why I’m done with the news and politics and just want a peaceful life helping others. All this rising against terrible leaders, taking them down, only for worse leaders to take their place. It’s a vicious cycle that won’t end. And that’s not what I want to be a part of.


This video is a great introductory explainer for anarchism, using a popular show to get people in the door. Anarchism has a rich intellectual tradition that I haven't seen explored very much in popular media -- LoK is the only one I can think of that comes close to treating it as a legitimate philosophy. Even then, it seems like the show writers' research began and ended with listening to Black Flag's discography. (No shade to the band or to lead singer Henry Rollins, who does a great job voicing Zaheer.)

I'm looking forward to the licensed Avatar TTRPG (which is supposed to come out in Summer 2022 last I checked) and I hope to incorporate anarchism in a serious way in a Korra-era campaign. What would happen if, say, a bunch of former Red Lotus and Equalists set up an autonomous collective in the tunnels of Republic City?
