American Reacts to A Day in German High School

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As a student in German Gymnasium, she will most likely also have either Latin or French classes. Some schools offer Italian or Spanish, or if they are close to those borders, Czech or Polish etc.


As a person who graduated from a German high-school (Abitur), I can say that I really like the system where students are able to choose their classes. You choose between your intensive courses (Leistungskurse) and basic courses (Grundkurse) to improve your individual strengths and focus on subjects you are going to study later in the university. I really enjoyed the 2 years in the German high school. Comparing with other systems like Russian (I used to go to middle school in Russia) I can definitely claim the German education focuses more on individual and allows more freedom . Furthermore, it demands more self-reflection and analysis instead of simple memorization of dates and facts.
Of course there are problems in the German educational system like the lack of digitalization, but I think it will be fixed within one generation.
Thanks for your vids bro, I like seeing the American perspective.


Talking about school in Germany depends much in which Bundesland (federal state) you live, what means, there are 16 different school-systems in Germany, what makes it difficult to move from one to the other. For example, I (from Baden-Württemberg) never had to sing alone in front of the class getting marks for it, which looked quite shocking to me. When we sang it was only the whole class together. Excuse my bad English.


and remember: schools in Germany are totally free. My daughter attended a music class at high school, there we had to pay a small fee (some 300€ a term) for the instrument rent, but thats nearly all. buy some books (about < 100€ per term), and a fee for an excursion, not much, and even reduced for not so well-off families. - So, whoever complains about high german income taxes - they pay for the schools and universities, and a lot of other public infrastructure.


The music teacher reminds me of our choirmaster. "That wasn't so bad... Some things were right..."


Nice video she did a great job. I travel to Germany often and always impressed with the education of the people from all ages.


I can't imagine how embarrassed I would feel standing in front of the class singing. I think I would much rather score 0 in that activity than to stand up and sing. As an introvert, that is my worst nightmare.


Most German states have a 3-main-tiers school system above elementary system: Gymnasium is 5th to 12th or 13th grade, graduating with Abitur (which is roughly the same as "Matura" in Austria and Switzerland), which allows access to University studies, Realschule (names can differ, but they have generally a more hands-on approach) goes from 5th to 10th grade, graduating with "Mittlere Reife" (= middle maturity), which gives access to training in most craftsmanships as well as to "Berufsgymnasium" (vocational high school, in 2 years to Fachhochschulreife (access to advanced technical or engineering college = Fachhochschule), in 3 years to general Abitur, see above) and Hauptschule or Mittelschule (5th to 9th grade or 10th grade, graduation gives access to a number of apprenticeships, but also vocational schools, which sometimes offer a 1 or 2 years course to Mittlere Reife). University is free at least for Germans and EU citizens, depending on state also for foreign students. There is no college time between Gymnasium and university.


Hello Joel. Back when I learned German at school we learned to sing some German songs, Germany having a long musical tradition. The teacher for French copied this, though pronunciation can be different in song in that language, which feels a bit strange, but was interesting to learn. Something for future videos?
Back then Germany won Eurovision and Nena was singing about balloons in the charts, so there was not just the classical music to look at.


Pop Culture told us that the American High School experience was the best because you could do anything you want. Only later do you reality of the American education system.


Very nice video Joel. Some insight to the German education system. That school seemed like a good place to be for both students and teachers. John in Canada


Well, it varies. In our upper school (11th - 13th grade Wirtschaftsgymnasium), we had advanced courses (German or English), English (if advanced course German), business administration, law, practical subjects, art, Spanish or French, chemistry or biology, information processing, history, mathematics, economics and sports.


I graduated from German High school as well (13 years - Abitur) and my school offered so many awesome classes that were mandatory for at least a period of time so everyone gets to try and experience it such as Gardening, Art, Music, Choir, Circus, wheelchair sports etc.


music and arts was mandatory in my school.
i think that´s good.


In Britain a "Gymnasium" is called "Grammar School".


In Germany we have seen 3 levels of basic education, also called secondary education.

1. Lower:
Hauptschulbildung (Main school) = Hauptschule = mainschool certificate (after 9 years of education).

2. Middle:
Mittelschule (Middle school) = Realschule = realschool certificate (after 10 years of education).

3. Higher:
Gymnasium (High school) = Abitur certificate (after 10-13 years of education).

We also have a elementary school, also called primary education:
Grundschule (elementary school) = elementary certificate (after 4 years of education)
Which everyone visits first before he or she then goes into one of the 3 levels of education.

After graduation one of the 3 levels, there are various other educational opportunities available.

For example:
Vocational school for training in a specific profession (job)
Various colleges
Studies and much more...


Singing a capella in high school was pure torture. Well "singing"? More "making noise". Later I played keyboards in a rock/pop group and I was the only one of us not allowed to sing when we recorded stuff. 😃But singing in front of all is a common part of music education in Germany.


Also See what they do in japan . My daughter went from Adelaide to Koyoto a few years back and they had sport at 7am before classes started . We dont have canteens here you buy your food provided by volunteers


4, 12m ? My record was 3, 50m 😂 Respekt
Best wishes from Germany ✌️


Earlier than I went to secondary school, that`s now 37 years ago allmain subjects like german, math, english, as well as all minor subjects lke history, geography, etc. also taught together (boys and girls) . There used to be no all- day school, we only had lessons until noon. That`s why there was no cafeteria where you could sit during the break, but only a kiosk where you could buy something to drink, etc. It was a good time in my memories. ☺💞
