When You're Bad At Math

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Many people believe they are bad at math. There are different reasons that people might believe they are not good at mathematics, and I discuss the reasons and give some ideas for improvement. Do you have any suggestions or interesting stories to share? If so, please leave a comment below.

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Ive always struggled with math; and I mean straight up sucked. I was very intimidated by it, and often did whatever I could to avoid it. But at the same time, Ive always had this burning desire to get better at it. One thing that's helped me tremendously is going back to the very basics, the earliest math I remember, and studying it all the way up from there. Math and I are becoming "friends" now.


I've always considered myself to be bad at math since I was younger. I kinda have trouble understanding concepts that are too vague or abstract in nature. Probably that's why I like words better. Less complicated. Numbers kinda mess up with your mind. Not that I mean it in a bad way, in my head, they just get jumbled up. I don't know if anyone can relate, but I'm just sharing my thoughts.


In the early 2010, I failed Calc II three times while having no stressors in life except college classes.

Yesterday, I finished an 8-week Calc II course. I earned an A-. I achieved this despite being in the middle of a long tour overseas with the military, working 50+ hours a week, and losing a full week due to a field training exercise.

Math Sorcerer is right. Sometimes time just needs to pass. I'm way different than I was when I was 20. Honestly, it feels like a myth that "learning gets harder as you get older". I legitimately feel like I'm learning faster at 30 even though I have serious external stressors in my daily life. Getting a grip on my mental health and ADHD has really helped, and learning solid study techniques helped.


"sometimes it's just not your time, sometimes you just need time" that words made my eyes quite teary. I'll keep improving. Thank you ♥️


I was horrible at math in elementary and HS. I was looking at my report cards the other day and I always flunked out of math classes, I surprisingly got a B in HS geometry but I credit that to the teacher because he was excellent at teaching the material. I worked in health care for a few years and decided I wanted to become a PA or a doctor so I signed up for CC but needed to take college arithmetic and college algebra because of my deficiencies in HS... I ended up loving those courses more than my bio and chemistry courses and decided to change my major to mathematics kind of unsure of what I was getting into... fast forward a couple years and I have one more year before I get my undergraduate degree in math. I have completed the calculus sequence, differential equations, linear algebra, and proof-writing with high marks.. I am currently studying real analysis and group theory prior to the fall semester. I enjoy my coursework and I have been happy so far with my progress. If I can do it so can you!


I am a high school drop out. I just found your channel and its given me more hope than i couldve ever imagined. I, for the first time, feel like I can actually learn all the things i missed in my youth.
You have allowed me the privilege of hope and changed my life. Thank you.


In my first assignment in Advanced Calculus (grad school), I got a zero. Yet for some reason my professor told my advisor that there was hope for me. After a couple more rough assignments, I went to his office to go through things to see where I stood. After seeing me one on one, he said, "You are not without mathematical insight, but I suspect you have a learning disability." This was such a relief to hear, as there was a reason I was struggling apart from effort and conceptual abilities. Later, in a different class, I received a B+, when a B- would have been more accurate. I went to the professor to find out if the grade was an error. In a thick Chinese accent he said, "It's okay, you have a psychological problem." I never got any disability accommodations, but I did earn an MS in Mathematics (Computational Finance).


I was bad at doing math until i started doing math. Weird how that works lol


You're one of the most intelligent people I've encountered in my life. Keep up the good work, mate.


Thank you so much for making this video.

This is a very good morale-booster for not just students but also for anyone who needs to sit down and learn in order to reach proficiency in a skill. Such as language learning, military tactics, sports. The best thing about this video is that the lessons don't just apply to math, they pretty much apply to all skills in life.

And as someone with an MID (Mild Intellectual Disability), hearing you explain about your students with learning disabilities was very reassuring. I've always had a hard time learning in school throughout my life and had distressing experiences with learning as a result. I gained a mental barrier from my insecurities and an aversion to learning complicated subject matter.

I still dislike learning but I do it anyway because I want to grow as an individual, I want to become someone that I'm finally proud of.

You can't like *everything* that you do in this life, but you're gonna have to do it anyway.

Not everyone can be talented and a genius, but we all can decide to improve ourselves one day at a time.

Thanks a ton for this video, sir!


Thanks im really bad at math but i have this spark that i really REALLY want to learn it. And your guiding that spark within me. Thank you so much! 😊


Like Euler when he went blind his math output went up not down🥰🥰...for some of us who are "blind" thats amazing. Math is for everyone...


I feel like I’ve found your videos at the perfect time. I’m a 9 year Starbucks barista, taking care of, and giving my 11 year old pup, Milo, the best golden years of his life are my top priority - but I also don’t want to be stuck working for Starbucks forever, or in retail work. I’ve been looking into taking the Software Engineering BS course through ASU online, and I’m not even confident in my basic arithmetic. But thanks to watching your videos, I’m being reminded that a lot of it is ‘doing’ and practicing what we’re not good at. My main concern is that I will lose time to spend with Milo.


I remember paying full attention in Calc 2 and being in a very conflicted, complicated mental state... went from super high A in Calc 1 to failing :/ went from wanting to double major with math to having to give it up, was brought to this channel in the hopes of going back into that love

Thankfully my main major, Computer Science only required Calc 1 at the time


As a computer science major who takes a lot of math courses as electives for fun, I was lucky that my university requires comp sci majors to take 2 courses on sets, logic, proof techniques, graph theory, etc. in their first year of undergrad study. I think the early exposure to proofs really helped me in understanding math better at a fundamental level.


Thank you for the excellent advice. Also, thank you for being understanding and accommodating to students who have a learning disability. I worked with this student population for ten years. Sometomes, it's the simplest accommodations that make the most significant difference resulting in the greatest success.


One thing that has really helped me with math is turning it into a social event with my friends back in school from 11 to 12th grade. We all got together and we sat down and we would do math; trying to lay things out and understand things together. It's more fun that way. I think collaboration is underrated. We tend to only think of geniuses, and how they have impacted us, but we don't often really appreciate the power of a collaborative effort to solve problems. Four of us were all average-pretty bad at math before this, but together we managed to get good grades. My math grades from 11th grade to 12th grade were the best I've ever had.


Thanks for your advice and for encouraging people who think they are bad at maths but the is still hope for them. I have experienced this before which makes me feel that I can't solve a math problem ever since I have had a change of mindset for math I can barely see that I'm getting the math concept easily. Have always been scared of huge values when my teacher tells the students to simply a question or twist the questions in such a way that you have to find this before they will be able to get the final answer that gives me a headache.


I love your channel and I have only just really started to learn how to study math despite getting my bachelor's degree in physics, the thinking style is much much slower (at least for me) and getting used to self learning outside of a class has been interesting.


Thank You Professor! What I love about your videos is, there is this sensitive layer to it uk like wrapped in a blanket of understanding. It's beautiful! Your advice is really empowering. Some people aren't blessed with great supporting families and thriving environments where even trying to live a bloody normal life is so suffocating, where every time you try to slither out of this darkness, the fathom of your mental illness grabs you in, its grip tighter every single time. I'm so grateful and often get emotional watching someone so supportive and kind out there who cares. You make things seem simple, there is tranquility in stability and objectiveness. Heartfelt Gratitude <3 Also promise to come back here once I rise from the ashes and my own personal demons. I bet I'm gonna give you a story to share, an interesting one indeed **winks
