Math for Absolute Beginners

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This is the book I used to learn math. It is called Intermediate Algebra and it was written by Miller, O'Neill, and Hyde.

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Best decision of my life was to take a speed math course from the basics all the way to pre algebra. It helped me find exactly where I was getting lost. Next thing I knew I was tackling calc and trig and running conduit for city projects. I started understanding math as a formulaic language. I was hoping I would never have to lift heavy weight at work again. The instructor used to tell us, when you close your eyes at night and see it on the back of your eyelids you are ready for the exam lmao.


I think its so cool and inspirational that you never even intended to pursue math,
and now your our math sorcerer, and that now you help and inspire us


Oh man, I have a warm spot for algebra books. I decided to do engineering years ago and somehow wound up in calc 1. I was doing more or less ok for the first couple weeks but then things went south. After some soul searching I realized it was because I didn't know algebra hardly at all. I asked my professor if she had any old algebra books, and after pestering her almost every class period she brought me the sample instructor versions of a basic and intermediate algebra book (2 books, in other words). I failed calculus, but over the summer I did about 2000 problems out of those books, discovered how much I loved the puzzle solving aspect of it, came back like a rock star, and ended up getting a math degree instead.


The only way I survived my college math classes was to work every problem in every section. It paid off when I realized that my professor created tests with the unassigned problems. I would finish an exam in twenty minutes and walk out. That was a good feeling.


For this level of mathematics, I actually found that taking solid notes on the explanations of definitions and worked examples far more useful than doing just the exercises.
I find you learn it correctly by definition this way instead of stumbling your way through the problems maybe being unsure of some rules.
I also think that this approach is VERY important at this stage as you do not want any questions about these basic principals to be left in your mind.
These principals should be reflex if you want to have an easy time learning higher mathematics.

My first go through of algebra I just did a quick read of the examples then did a bunch of questions.
Big mistake. I had not fully learned the definitions and it made me more confused at higher levels.
I went back and fully learned all the definitions and worked examples by taking through notes and learned it to a point of reflex.
The only questions I did were the couple unworked in the exercises themselves and the mid and end chapter tests.
This allows you to breeze through the content without doing hours of mindless work and test yourself just enough to make sure you know it.


Math anxiety is a real problem. The video helps those whom have that problem. Teaching material directly and being a guide to the material are two different techniques. The second is a strength of the videos. Well done.


Just got the book. Looking to self study math and physics for a couple years before studying aerospace engineering. Currently just going through Khan academy and will then be switching to books so this was a great help!


Thank you for your real takes. It's nice to watch and get pointers from someone who is not pretentious and and totally passionate. ❤ Great channel.


You made me fall in love with maths, waiting for more super cool videos and for more spell book suggestions ❤❤


You have changed my life in a way I cannot even begin to describe. Thanks.


I went to college intending to studying something else.
And I too took that same accelerated math class your talking about which was the beginning of this journey I’ve been on learning math and I’ve never stopped and I love it!


4:06 okay bro thats actually insane,
they're talking about injective, surejective, and bijective functions,
what an incredible book for an intermediate algebra


It's that introduced me to Stewart book's. I have bought Precalculus and Calculus books and started reading the first one, almost half done. Enjoying my learning time.

At 58, I am loving to revise all that I learnt during my College days but have forgotten much of it with time. I was thinking of refreshing my maths skills and I saw your channel, and I am hooked.
Thanks a lot 🙏


0:57 what the?!
They taught you set theory in intermediate algebra?
Thats so freaking cool!


I had to give up engineering (civil or electrical) because I STRUGGLED with calculus 1. I had just passed trig a few semesters prior and had practiced all summer before taking Calc 1. Well I only made it through half the course and wound up dropping out. I thought I was ready but wasn’t, and pursued something else. Now I have an IT degree and an MBA. I was always a better researcher/writer than a math student.


Your channel is amazing. I'm going to give you my two cents.

You have exercises by discipline.
Book recommendations.
Book Review.
The craftsmanship of study and learning mathematics.

As an observation you can organize these materials by subject and subsubject. This channel grew a lot in content. Having a small glossary or a map of videos would help the practitioner get started. This became your hobby and your job at the same time.

Never quit. Many people need this.


Professor Math Sorcerer, thank you for the video. Math books are needed in Science and Applied Engineering.


Woah. I just bought this book recently. What a coincidence- Math Sorcerer what sorcery is this! 🎉


Getting a kind book like you mentioned is the lifeline to someone like myself. I wish I knew about this book when I was going through school. You see, I normally cannot do math --it does not click with me. However, I have done very well but I had to study like crazy every single day. I did so much practice my hands hurt badly, and I had to buy a large stamp to make graph paper. I had to use a special pencil holder because it was too painful to handle the pencils. I studied like 8 hours a day, everyday. It was the only way I could get through what was required of me. When I was getting my Bachelor's degree I expected straight As because that way my college and tuition were always free. Schools hand out scholarships like candy and sometimes I would win two of them. Master's program has no such scholarships but I did enter writing contests so I won some money for tuition like $500 or $700. I got my Master's for $22, 000. My Associates and Bachelor's were all free due to scholarships. I owe schools nothing.


on a video you said that you should have a role model in your passion.i think my role model is you,
because you never stop learning
