R-Ladies Bergen (English) - Reproducible analysis in anthropology - Li-Ying Wang

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Li-Ying will present how their lab uses R Markdown to combine data, manuscript text, and code for data analysis and visualization, thereby incorporating their work into a reproducible compendium. With R Markdown, we can write a manuscript that can be executed to typical document formats. Using Git version control helps us to track changes as we write our code and text. This standard compendium structure organizes our files nicely and enables other researchers to easily inspect our data and analytical processes to enhance research reproducibility in anthropology.
Li-Ying Wang (she/her) short bio:
Li-Ying Wang is a recent PhD graduate from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington. Her study focuses on a 14-19th century site in northeastern Taiwan during the European colonization period. She employs multiple computational methods to visualize and analyze archaeological data, including spatial analysis, shape analysis, and Bayesian network modeling using R. She is very interested in open science and reproducible research and incorporates these approaches into her analysis, writing, and teaching practices.