R-Ladies Bergen (English) - 'Making and publishing your first R package' - Sarah Popov
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R-Ladies Bergen (English) - 'Making and publishing your first R package' - Sarah Popov
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - Become an R-package developer!
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - cReating visualizations and a book!
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - Best coding practices
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - An ordinary reporter's journey from Excel to R (and the SKUP prize)
R-Ladies Bergen & R-Ladies Cologne (English) - Hello, Quarto - Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - Reproducible analysis in anthropology - Li-Ying Wang
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - 'Taking text data analysis to the next level'
R-Ladies Bergen (English) - exploratory data analysis (EDA) workflow - Priyanka Gagneja
R-Ladies Sydney (English) - DIY R Package - Dr Fonti Kar
R-Ladies DC (English) - How to Spatial Modeling with R - Federica Gazzelloni
R-Ladies Nairobi (English) - Making Web-Ready Maps - Asmae Toumi
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - Create beautiful documents, presentations, & articles with R Markd...
R-Ladies Coventry (English)- An introduction to R Markdown
R-Ladies Coventry (English) - Introduction to data wrangling with the tidyverse - Bodo Winter
R-Ladies DC (English) - This month, I learned ... - Charlotte Wickham
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - Tidy Data: Zero to sHero {Part 2}
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - Colourful, publication-ready tables with {gt} & {gtsummary}
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) Best of 2021: Data Wrangling with dyplyr / the tidyverse!
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - Visualization: Zero to sHero {Part 4}
R-Ladies Nairobi & #NairobiR (English) - Working with Databases in R - Christopher Maronga
R-Ladies Nairobi (English) - Data Manipulation Part 1
R-Ladies Johannesburg (Eng) - Around the world in a single table - Isabella Velásquez
aRt + ggplot: exploring radial visualizations