R-Ladies Freiburg (English) Best of 2021: Data Wrangling with dyplyr / the tidyverse!

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All materials available on the R-Ladies Freiburg Github repo:
Event was originally live on Zoom with R-Ladies Freiburg, check out our upcoming events here:
2021 was a great year for R-Ladies Freiburg! As the new year begins, let's review our favorite tips and tricks from last year's workshops.
In this workshos, we'll go through the most life-changing data wrangling tips we learned last year. These commands make it easy to get your data in exactly the right format for graphs or statistical modeling and make your workflows more reproducible and less error-prone! Join us to learn tips for working with select(), mutate() and summarize() including across(), rowwise(), slice_max() and more!
Event was originally live on Zoom with R-Ladies Freiburg, check out our upcoming events here:
2021 was a great year for R-Ladies Freiburg! As the new year begins, let's review our favorite tips and tricks from last year's workshops.
In this workshos, we'll go through the most life-changing data wrangling tips we learned last year. These commands make it easy to get your data in exactly the right format for graphs or statistical modeling and make your workflows more reproducible and less error-prone! Join us to learn tips for working with select(), mutate() and summarize() including across(), rowwise(), slice_max() and more!
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) – Best of 2021: Data visualisation
R-Ladies Freiburg (English) Best of 2021: Data Wrangling with dyplyr / the tidyverse!
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