Black Men Read 'Project 2025' And Share Their Unfiltered Reactions

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While many have heard Project 2025 is an extremist blueprint for the next Republican president, many have not read it. So we decided to do something about it.

We spoke to Black men in various parts of the community and had them read excerpts from Project 2025 and share their raw reactions. Then we broke it down with the help of UCLA Professor Dr. Tyrone Howard.

The result? A spirited dialogue about how various policy agendas including education, abortion rights, the death penalty and more will directly affect the Black community and why it's a must, we get out and vote.

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Black history is not just black history, It’s History!! Thank you, brother. Mad respect. ❤️🤍💙💙💙💙


This doesn't only affect the African American population, it affects everyone who isn't rich.


I’m a white dude, and most of this bull isn’t aimed at me. But I’ve got daughters and student loans and I’m not a Christian. This is unamerican period.


In the barbershop a few weeks ago a younger guy said he was reading it, so I started that night too and I’m 637 pages in. READ IT and SHARE IT along with commentary content for those who might not.


I’m a white guy born and raised in a black neighborhood, still here almost 50 years now. I been warning people in my neighborhood about Project2025 for two years now. I follow politics heavily, so I was up on this before it was getting any mainstream attention, and I was telling people in neighborhood, my neighbors, my friends, their voting age kids, cashiers in the supermarket and other stores that I’m friendly with, and until recently, nobody knew wtf I was talking about. I was telling them the type of sh!t in there, and they’re thinking it’s impossible, like it can’t happen, not in this day and age anymore. Even nowadays not enough people have heard of Project2025. I got one guy in the supermarket near me, black guy about in his early 20’s, and this guy is so F’n frustrating. He tells me he’s still not voting.🤯 On some BS like, Meh…both sides are F up, nothing’s gonna change anyway.
I tell him, not for me it won’t. I’m a straight white Christian male, no matter who wins, I’ll be fine, but if Trump win, you have no clue how much things are gonna change for you.
I’m to see this video. More people need to warned about Project2025. It needs more attention put on it.


I am sharing this on my Instagram and Facebook . I am white, and I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to see how Project 2025 affects all of us Americans. We need to join together for all of our sakes!🤟


Praise The Lord for those Black Men taking the time to read and understand what Project 2025 will do to our people (black, brown, red, yellow) and communities! Let's make this go viral!


This is such an incredible example of getting people involved with policies that are generally spoken about in 3min or less in the news but have huge consequences in their lives. It's a great lesson in public education and participation 🙌🏾. Thank you for putting in the time to produce it and to share it. Definitely taking the lesson to apply in my work 🙏🏾


Something for everyone to remember. P2025 is not something that was written over night. And the ideas in it will definitely not go away over night either. We need to be ready to play the long game on Project 2025.


Blacks and Latinos, please READ Project 2025 before you vote !!!


White woman here. Project 2025 scares the living crap out of me. We all have an interest in squashing this thing. Every. Single. One.. Of Us Thanks for this.


I wish more people would read this. It's really shocking, scary and insane.


On day one, guys... day one. Its not just about Trump either. That man from the Heritage Foundation said theyre waiting for the next republican president to complete the last phase. Theyve been slowly getting their agenda passed thru republican candidates since Reagan. 😳


Thank you, my brother, for providing this. I wish more younger Brothers and sisters would see this. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves!!!


White woman here. I really appreciate this perspective. Project 2025 would put our country back years or put us in the sci-fi era of Hand Maidens Tale. Scary, not just for women, but all people of color. Watched this entire video. GREAT JOB!! Thank you!!


Project 2025 is not good for ANYONE!!!!😢


THANK YOU TO ALL THE MEN THAT TOOK THE TIME TO DO THIS!!! I'm SOO GLAD to see this, because it's NOT the same for me to try and tell people what Project2025 REALLY is and how it affects their lives. I don't think people would take me seriously. I'm ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of Project 2025, not only for myself and my sons!! My sons are biracial, so it'd be harder for them. MORE people of all races, NEED to look for themselves, because it's bad for EVERYONE!!


God! I am so tired of the level of hate still out there towards neighbors and fellow Americans! The people who wrote this project 2025 should not be allowed in politics, voting or any profession around law.


Im an old white lady from England and i think project 2025 stinks. Keep up the good work and put an end to this fascism


Im a 67yo white woman living in the deep south, and I'm beyond excited to have such a capable, brilliant, compassionate woman as my president! I'm also terrified of the possibility of a 2nd trump presidency after the chaos of his first term. The only Americans who'll benefit from Project 2025 are rich white men so I sincerely want to thank these gentlemen for educating themselves on the dangers of these policies and informing others in their communities who may not have heard of this. Knowledge is so powerful! VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT!!!
