Diablo 4 - New Best GAME CHANGING Sorcerer Esadora Build Found - CRACKLING ENERGY is OP Now - Guide!

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3600+ Int Esadora Crackling Energy = 300 MILLION DAMAGE A HIT! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter gameplay is on pause for now as we look at new Diablo 4 and the Diablo 4 gameplay specifically the best Diablo 4 guide walkthrough breakdown tips tricks explained with Diablo 4 best class Diablo 4 Sorceress Barbarian Necromancer Druid Rogue build guide all abilities spells skills playstyle Diablo 4 most powerful class Diablo 4 best build skills abilities Diablo 4 best leveling build all classes highest damage Diablo 4 Sorcerer guide best build all abilities Sorcerer new legendary aspects unique gear effects Season 5 best class Diablo 4 Sorcerer endgame build Diablo 4 Level 1-50 1 to 50 1-70 1 to 70 80 90 100 leveling Nightmare Torment WT3 WT4 build Diablo 4 Sorcerer Build Diablo 4 best Capstone build Dungeon Diablo 4 Season 5 Sorcerer buffs builds tier list ranked Patch Season 5 infernal hordes endgame Build Diablo 4 Sorcerer infernal hordes tier 8 t8 best burn burning build new unique uniques axial conduit chain lightning infinite mana andariels visage andariel esadora's overflowing cameo int intelligence crackling energy!

00:00 3600 Int is Good
0:36 A Whole New Way to Play
1:01 The Plan
1:24 1 Billion Damage
2:07 T8 Council Record
3:01 Highest Damage
3:19 Build Power & Engine Showcase
4:36 Not JUST Crackling Energy
5:35 Different Way to Sorc
6:43 Skill Tree Guide
9:55 How the Build Works & CE Boom
10:56 Splinter Energy Comparison
12:35 Gear Unique Aspect Stats Guide
18:58 Getting 3.6k Int
19:29 Disclaimer
20:01 Masterworking & Tempering Guide
21:09 Bonus 150+ Int Items
21:37 How to Play It
23:42 Paragon Guide
27:45 Final Thoughts

#diablo4 #diablo4sorcerer #diablo4sorcererguide #guide #sorcerer #cl #axialconduit #sorcererseason5 #season5sorcererbuild #chainlightning #chainlightningbuild #bestsorcererbuild #cracklingenergysorcerer #diablo4season5 #bestchainlightningbuild #cracklingenergy #season5

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Nearly 300 million damage from crackling energy, I'm so happy with this and I hope you guys enjoy it!


When you salvaged Ahavarion for Harelquin and then this vid drops lmao


Ok i tried it, complete MW gear, all GA int / stats, same passives, same paragon, 3600 int without buffs, on dummies and inside T8 horde i see max crit 60m from the NOVA, dont waste time and resources for this build, without correct shrine buff its nowhere near LS, long cooldowns, in 20 T8 horde runs i didnt complete 9 of them due to random oneshots, T8 bosses takes longer time to kill than with Unlimited Chain Lightning build.
Anyway +1 for trying to achiev something different, i like those different build approaches.


And then tomorrow “NEW AMAZING BUILD FOUND” … I can’t keep up 😅


With the luck, I've had so far this season.. the expansion will be out before, I find even half the gear required for this build.


Making an esadoras build is exactly what the doctor ordered! GOOD SHIT


While trying to make this work for me without any ubers, I stumbled on something you should try. I can't maximize it, but I bet you can. Swap in vox, tassets, and God slayer. Aspects: moonrise😮, mage lord, recharging, and abundant energy. Max flickering spark, max destructive chain, shimmering Tele, mystical ice, max glass, summoned, invoked, max con mastery, typical Def buffs, max ice veil, max devouring, max static and invigorating conduit, prime unstable, 1 in coursing currents, max electrocution, finally vyrs. Amazing non uber build and exceedingly fast, like rogue fast. Didn't change a thing on the paragon board per this video. This was built as a nessecity since after 5 seasons of playing for hours every day since launch and buying 3 seasons passes plus pre ordering the expansion, I still have NOT HIT A SINGLE FREAKING Not on a single character! I really don't know how you guys do it. I have hundreds of hours into this game and still can't get a freaking sheiko😢. Anyway, try it out and post a maxed out version if you like it. Keep up the good work


Now THIS is TRULY special. I enjoy your channel but sometines, your builds are very meta oriented and often similar or near identical to other streamers. But this is genuinely great and amazing! In fact, if you started taking forgotten uniques with their own special mechanics and found ways to make insane builds around that, I would truly become a fighter for you as the most original build planner out there🎉❤


I cannot wait to try this build!
Found my very first uber uniques (yes 2) yesterday - and was disappointed that is was Andariel and the staff….
And now all I am missing is the ring 😅

Thank you very much for this build


I want to say thanks. I tried 4 different builds with the mage and all were kind of "meh" for me so I thought the mage probably just isn't for me. Found your build and since I love lightning element in any game I figured I can try one more build and boy is it fun to play. Not nearly enough experience with the sorcerer to judge how it compares to other "meta" builds but it is just pure fun. Absolutely loving it, maining sorcerer now, thank you for sharing :)


Just when I finally get a Shako and Tyriels for the other build. Of course.


Hell yeah finally some esadora love. I perfected this build last season and they made it even more cracked this season. So overlooked.


This is actually a really cool build that utilizes the spear. Probably the ONLY build this season I’ve seen using the spear. I’m sure Blizzard will find a way to ruin soon, so I’m a little discouraged to build for it, but we’ll see.


Nooo! I've been working on this build in secret. Great vid!


lol just salvaged Ahavarion oh well, I have been running esodora's with my lightning spear build since it was best in slot while I was working on finding gear and it has since become a staple in my build


I tried this and huge lack of survivabilty.


I love this build so far and I'm not even fully built. 1990 int and i think the feel of hte build feels better to play than the other builds


FIRE LETS try it! Thanks for making this videos. I just hit 100 on my chain lightning and it’s been a blast!


I knew this build was coming. I leveled on it but for some reason I can't get a 925 esadora. You can really combine all the meta sorc things into one monster. You can get these big pops, with the chain lightning dps, and be spawning spears the whole time. It's very fun


Not even fully MWed but I cleared t8 hord with this build easy last night. Enjoying the build alot
