Diablo 4 - New Best TRILLION DPS INFINITE Mana Sorcerer Chain Lightning Build - OP S5 Combo - Guide!

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You can get INFINITE mana which means INFINITE Chain Lightning! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter gameplay is on pause for now as we look at new Diablo 4 and the Diablo 4 gameplay specifically the best Diablo 4 guide walkthrough breakdown tips tricks explained with Diablo 4 best class Diablo 4 Sorceress Barbarian Necromancer Druid Rogue build guide all abilities spells skills playstyle Diablo 4 most powerful class Diablo 4 best build skills abilities Diablo 4 best leveling build all classes highest damage Diablo 4 Sorcerer guide best build all abilities Sorcerer new legendary aspects unique gear effects Season 5 best class Diablo 4 Sorcerer endgame build Diablo 4 Level 1-50 1 to 50 1-70 1 to 70 80 90 100 leveling Nightmare Torment WT3 WT4 build Diablo 4 Sorcerer Build Diablo 4 best Capstone build Dungeon Diablo 4 Season 5 Sorcerer buffs builds tier list ranked Patch Season 5 infernal hordes endgame Build Diablo 4 Sorcerer infernal hordes tier 8 t8 best burn burning build new unique uniques axial conduit chain lightning infinite mana andariels visage andariel!

00:00 Early CL VS Endgame CL
0:17 Proper Chain Lightning
1:08 Infinite Mana = Infinite Chain Lightnings
2:01 One of the Best Builds in the Game
2:24 Build Power Showcase
3:41 Infinite Mana Solution - IMPORTANT OR BUILD WONT MAKE SENSE
6:47 Skill Tree Guide
10:25 Gear Unique Aspect Guide
14:25 Doombringer Testing
14:44 Alternate Gear & No Mythics Version
15:56 Stats & Gems
16:30 Affix Guide - IMPORTANT
17:35 Tempering & Masterworking Guide
18:17 Disclaimer & How to Play It
20:13 Paragon Guide
22:58 Final Thoughts & Next Build

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Holy shit. I'm building a non mythic version of this to farm the rest. Insane. My current chain lightning build hit a wall. It just doesn't have the damage to push much higher than tier 4 and felt super depressing to play.

Update: No mythics required boys. I'm now cruising through Tier 7 with Tal rasha's, an axial conduit (with garbage rolls) and a god slayer's helm. I have 102 life on hit built and can more or less constantly spam and have enough CD that unstable is always up

Further update: I have Andy's and Starless Skies and I'm pooing all over T8 and carrying people through Uber Lilith


When you've made LOH on anything but Andariel's good, you know you've made a great build. This is great


First time sorc here. I didn't know about the 2 enchantment slots and was struggling until I watched your guide. Thank you sincerely. Subscribed.


Working toward this. Just hit 95 last night. 3 hours an evening on and off working dad 😂 still enjoying incinerate lvling build 💪 luv the vids! Keep it up


Another solution if you can't get doombringer is to put a point into charged bolts that gives 25% DR from enemies hit by charged bolt for 3 seconds. With 100% uptime on unstable currents you'll essentially just be getting 25% DR


Can confirm this build is a lot better than the maxroll chain lightning build. The single target damage is so much better. Went from struggling on pit bosses in tier 90, to completing a 110 easily today, also did a horde tier 7 with no issues at all.


I don't have the ubers for this and ended up getting crafty and used Flamescar, which has an inherent 130 life on hit


For those without andariel, I run +2 warmth on helm and chest, this gets to +3 at masterwork rank 6 or 7. The starlight aspect with the recharging aspect on rings. Run the unleash glyph instead of the crackling energy one. For 8x dam increase and the 25x mana regen. A few mana regen affixes and you have infinite mana (especially against bosses) without any need for crackling energy. I could honestly remove recharging aspect when fully masterworked.


I carried two people through NMD100 with this build, at level 80 with not a single equipped glyph. I got powerlevelled to 80 so I could wear some of the gear I needed, and after testing a NMD50 and 80, I just went max level NMD and smoked it. This build is a game changer.

EDIT: Also just realised I haven't completed the sorc class quest yet, so no spells powered up either.


The best thing about your video is you take time to explain the purpose of each gear and aspect. And most importantly how to play the build.Keep up the good work!


I recommend some minor changes on the Paragon board:

Save 4 points on the Enchantment Master board by not branching up to the Elementalist node. Save 2 more by not getting the extra 2 Dex nodes on the Static Surge board. Use those 6 points on the Elemental Summoner board to branch down to the Reservoir and max mana nodes. You get 28 max mana and 4 % health, in exchange for 6% health and useless non-physcial additive damage


It’s nice as a sorc since release to see that we got the treatment like we wanted for a year now. Buildwise I love yours the most, since they mostly work for everyone in some way or the other and I just had one time when frozen orb v2 last season was worse for me than v1 of it… still don’t know why to be honest.. but every other build I can find is a similar version of yours just sometimes they are behind your theory crafting and you was at least from what I found out the first one who used the fist of fate and understood its power sinergy with other gear when I comes to the blitz spear build.. now everyone got this figured out, lovely and happy to be part of your community and seeing here something that get created by try and error for hours and hours every day again. You’re dedication is what let me stick to it and brings the trust from my side on.
I was on chain lighting early version since lvl 35 up to lvl 100 within 3-4 hours on solo game… tried to get the build with blitz spear without any mythic and it went really bad… so yesterday in the evening I watched the fireball build, I saw a lot of ppl playing kinda like this before in hellfire and such but never thought on the dmg amount, just went to my chest… saw that I have what I need and reskilled, boom today was a great day and now this will stick to me until I get the mythics for this chain lighting overpowered version.
Keep it up


lol, I loved that "where 's my chain lightening?" Great builds, using the fireball one right now.


I did a bunch of runs one night and ended up with nearly all the uber gear in under 10 runs. So I'm glad I was able to come across a buid that actually utilizes them.


if you unassign charge bolts an fire armor and use 1 skill point in 7% chance to reset defensive skill an 2 in barrier duration you'll have infinite barrier with damage buff active.
Great build thx


Finally got enough sparks to make the Doombringer and converted from LS to CL. This is by far a less punishing build than the button-masher that LS is and I don’t think the damage is far off, maybe 95% of the DPS from the LS, and I still have a couple of items that are only 8/12 masterworked. It plays like a less frenetic Andariel Puncture Rogue. I was playing a similar Andariel CL build in Season 4 (without Axial of course) and it was fun spamming chain lightning but it didn’t quite have the same DPS as this Axial Infimana CL. This could be my go-to farmer build this season. Was worried about the Movement Speed but managed to crit twice on the MS on the boots and I’m up to 174%.

Just before I logged off for the night I managed to get a 3GA Amulet (Max Life, Crit Chance, Cooldown) from the Helltide. Got a max temper on the Ultimate Cooldown and about 5 points off max for Crit Strike Damage. Re-rolled the Max Life into +4 Devouring Blaze and I just fell into the perfect amulet for this build.

Loving this build already and I only have a couple of hours in it. Nicely done sir!


I was limping along with a non-mythic version while I worked on either dropping or making an Andariel's and I have got to tell you, no matter how much LOH you stack, without Andariel's it just doesn't go as well. Just got it this morning and it's completely bananas, I'm having SO much fun


Found an Andariels on Uber duriel and decided to go with this build. In a few hours in just one night using all my boss mats from leveling and seasons journey, got a doombringer, tyraels might, and heart of skellig. Salvaged the heart to craft the one ring. Life is good.


I've used vamp curse affix to help with this without having the mythic atm. 1.7% or so health on hit along with smaller on hit health picks up lots of the slack.


It has arrived. This season I got 3 mythics in the first 24 hours, then nothing since. Fingers crossed my zir faming later nets me one. Side note, I saw that little hidden gem on boots requiring armor GA. Son of monkey I had one. Lucked out and hit the rolls without bricking!
