Autism Documentary: Inside the UK’s only school for autistic girls

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Up to 100,000 girls with autism could be still undiagnosed. Keme Nzerem has been to visit the only school in the UK that’s exclusively for autistic girls.
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im an autistic girl and i have nearly finished my first year of college and seeing these 14-15 year old girls in this school for autistic girls makes me feel really sad because i can tell that 14-15 year old me would've gotten along with those sort of people, but instead i spent my gcses with no friends and in and out of counseling. i now have depression and trust issues and i just wish i had gotten the chance to go somewhere like that. the last few years of school were hell for me.


I'm so, so happy for these girls. They got what I never got to have. My weirdness was laughed at, not with. Warms my heart that they found a place they belong. It took me so long to find my place and to slowly let my true self back out. Dealt with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts as a result. I'm just tearing up looking at this. I wish them the best in life.


Shout out to the mom who kept tying to get her girl help despite the doubters.


this made me bawl. i wish so so so badly i could’ve went to a high school like this. instead of all the years of bullying and misunderstanding. i’m in an art college now that is mostly made up of neurodivergent people and i LOVE it. i didn’t know it was possible to LOVE a place that wasn’t my bed. i wish there were more places centred around autism where people can just be themselves.


it would have been nice to go to a school like this


“Parents are afraid of labels, but you have so many labels being thrown at you. It’s nice to have the right one.”

Yep. 100%. Having the right diagnosis and “label” is so validating.


These girls are my people. I’d love to be friends with them, as an autistic female myself. I feel a lot less alone watching this and I’m so happy they’re getting the support they need here that mainstream schools might not be able to provide. Keep shining ladies💜


These lovely girls are so lucky, and so jealous! im caged in a shitty, underfunded public school, with teachers and parents who dont give a heck because "well you where only diagnosed at 14, if you've lived with it this long, then you can just get on with it without any help" and its torture, my school days are filled with suicidal thoughts, near breakdowns and hours spent with my head on my desk. i hope that in the future, more schools like this can be opened in other places, so people dont have to suffer like i have <3333


Really nice its good to see that they are allowed to develop their lovely and unconventional personalities within a space where they can be themselves I think the idea of being able to make friends in a space where you don't feel like a imposter is always a positive.


It's sad that in 30 years, THIRTHY YEARS, there hasn't changed much in schools and education on girls with autism....


I was diagnosed at 21 and it makes me happy to see there is a place for all these lovely girls where they get support <3


Was at this school for 4 years it's not just a school for girls with autism but special needs in general. I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic and started going there in year 8 I was at least 5 years behind where I should have been by the time I left I was only 2 years they gave us the tools we need for life I left back in 2015 went to a very good mainstream college and left a year ago I have just got my dream job


I am one of the lost ones, and now i'm just going to get lost in the comments.
I know i have Aspergers, but even my parents don't believe me.
Mum says i just put up a fuss and skip school because i'm 'lazy'
I don't want to be lost anymore, i need help.. we all do.
And people need to start realizing.


I’m on the autistic spectrum. I used to always be open and smile a lot when I was younger, but when I developed depression in high school, I retreated back to my quiet self and kept myself in a shell I could never come out of. I’m always worrying about everything and I never want to be too awkward around people. I don’t want to be considered a freak like the girls used to call me.


I'm 26 and I just got diagnosed. I wish I could have gone to this school... school was a living hell for me. No exaggeration. It got to the point that people were actually telling me I should kill myself and they meant it literally not figuratively. Some days hurt so much... I wish I had listened because I hate living in a world where I don't belong... So glad these girls have supportive families who paid attention to their needs.


What an amazing school and staff. Wish there could be more schools like this to help children and young adults too


There are more girls or women with autism than we realize. Something should be done about this! Autism affects females differently than the males. In the United States, there are 7.2 million children and adults with autism. Being autistic affects people in multiple ways.


I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome when I was 21 I think I would have done better in a school like this, I hated school I felt very isolated @ times.


My daughter is 54 - I took her to my G.P. when she was three years old as I was aware she wasn't responding to myself, her father or her brother. I was more or less told off and advised she was a perfectly healthy little girl. Despite the education system she is brilliant on the computer, also a talented artist and musician but she certainly had struggles interacting with others and had problems with socialising while she was growing up. There were only two school friends throughout her whole time in the education system. It was a relief to find she was autistic because I really considered I had failed as a Mum unable to understand what was going on. On the other hand her son is autistic - was diagnosed early and is also brilliant on the computer. What pulled my daughter through was the realisation that she had a Father In heaven that understood and loved her and her passion for horses.


Sounds like an excellent environment that allows girls and young women on the spectrum to express themselves and a place that celebrates and nurtures creativity and unique skill, things no mainstream school could do. There needs to be a few more places that allow people on the Autistic spectrum to reach their potentials, especially for girls and women. In the right environments, with the right company and the right services, these girls can go on to achieve absolutely anything - be it go to uni, be a nurse or midwife, be a published author, create an app or a video game, or be businesswomen
