pov: you're a heartbroken ghost

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monsters are real. ghosts are too. they live inside of us, and sometimes, they win ― stephen king.

time stamps
00:00 — the new century (jessica curry)
01:52 — little one (philip sheppard)
05:01 — alone (mikko tarmia)
10:18 — echo angels (christopher young)
14:27 — into the unknown (evetty)

art illustrator: henry hutt



✨ did you produce the songs? — no. the songs here are not made by me in any way or form. the credits go to the righteous music producers and compositors.

✨ is the music copyright free? — no.

✨ did you make the art in the thumbnails? — no. whenever i choose an illustration for a thumbnail, i always try my best to find the artistʼs name so i can credit them in the description.

✨ where do you find the illustrations? — on pinterest, mostly. they usually come from 1800-2000 fairytale books.

✨ do you accept suggestions? — yes, you can always ask me for a themed playlist. i do not promise, however, that i will make it. but i'll definitely look into it.
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*hello, darlings!*

here is a list of books and movies that have this playlist's vibe.

*♡ books*
the turn of the screw (henry james)
the graveyard book (neil gaiman)
the haunting of hill house (shirley jackson)
the woman in black (susan hill)
the complete stories (edgar allan poe)
ghost bride (yangsze choo)
daughters of the lake (wendy webb)

*♡ movies*
the ghost and mrs. muir (1947)
the innocents (1961)
sleepy hollow (1999)
the sixth sense (1999)
the others (2001)
crimson peak (2015)


She did not expect the afterlife to be like this...To watch over the one she loved as the years slipped by. To be murdered in cold blood and to see the regret on your lover's face as he held you dead in his arms. For years he chose to dedicate his life to avenge you, to bring your murderer to justice. He left behind a trail of bodies in his wake. The man you once knew but a shell of what he once was. Like a pale reflection in the mirror you continued to watch, hoping he would one day let you move on yourself. You realized long ago he was the tether to this reality. It was torture to see, but do nothing. To scream at him, but be unheard as he sliced another body to bits. Her lover became twisted, until you were nothing but an obsession for a crazed killer.

"Are you watching love? I think I've finally caught the mongrel." An eerie smile split across his face as he took another innocent life. You saw the spirit of the victim flit by you, ascending onwards to beyond. And you wondered why you couldn't follow.

So you sat there as you always did...and watched.

(So sad you keep getting copyright claimed >.<)


My suggestions: heartbroken composer/ druid/ potion maker/ illusionist/ astronomer ❤️✨ Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and for filling with magic our hearts and ears🌷🌌


“All I wanted was to be loved for myself.” — Gaston Leroux, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

This selection so dark and lovely, it hurts. Beautifully done ✨🖤🖤


*You’re beautiful*
*Without even trying*
*But each time*
*I bring you a flower*
*It ends up dying*
*And you don’t see*
*How I look at you*
*You just keep crying*
*And the saddest part*
*Is that you’re so special*
*But you think I’m lying*

Pillow thoughts by Courtney Peppernell


The most common type of fairy in Germany is the lady in White. And the Lady in White is almost always also a ghost. 
They say she hid her masters' treasures When they escaped, but she could never tell anyone where. They say she was a nun who tried to escape the nunnery with her lover, but he never came. They say she killed her own baby when its father deserted her. 
Now she comes out at Midnight and Midday, walking the fields and forests in a white dress and a flower crown, the keys to her domain hanging at a chain at her girdle. She sings her saddest songs, washes the shrouds that will never be clean, dances with partners who didn't show up. 
One day, she'll be freed, by a virgin born in a cradle made from one of her trees. One day, he'll bless her when he hears her sneeze. One day, he'll pick up the flower she showed him, and open the caves where she is hidden away with her treasures. One day, he'll kiss her three times and lay her to rest.
But until now, he has always run away, terrified of her ash grey face, of her slimy toad skin, of her howling lamentations.
The Lady in white sighs, and waits for her next saviour to come…


we absolutely need a heartbroken druid playlist


you should do: "POV: you're a heartbroken poet"
TYSM i love your videos


Bestie, hear me out
Something inspired by swan lake, like idk, "you're an heartbroken swan/ballerina"


I remembered reading a novel about a psychologist and a professor being in love during 1950's but the professor died in a train collision. The psychologist was extremely depressed and sorrowful but still continued living life because that's what the professor had wanted.

Thus the psychologist lived a successful life feeling empty and broken. Always contemplating whether to jump of a cliff and reunite with the professor or continue a life without a purpose.

After a decade, the psychologist died the same date as the professor did. The psychologist was given a choice whether to enter heaven or stay on earth's realm. The psychologist felt that the professor's soul was still on the earth's realm hence chose to stay to find the professor and enter heaven together.

The psychologist searched for 6 decades (as a ghost) feeling hopeless but still haven't reunite with the professor. One day the psychologist met a person person with the exact same feature as the professor. Completely forgetting the fact it was modern time 2021, the psychologist blindessly fell in love with the said person.

The person with the same feature as the professor at their first encounter got terrified with the psychologist's staying at the attic. Although after hearing the psychologist's backstory and motive, felt pity for the psychologist. That person swore that they both will help each other to find the psychologist's long lost lover to enter heaven. Both having own personal gain, the psychologist reuniting with the professor and the person would live a quiet life without the ghost staying inside the lhouse.

Time passed and that person studied the psychologist's success during the 1950's era at historical libraries. And was amazed to know that the psychologist had invented different kinds of vaccines, medicines, and the answer to curing mental disordered people that were used up until the modern time.

Ask in the comment to know what happens next


ok we need a heartbroken werewolf playlist now


All she ever wished for was to be loved, but people dash away upon sight of her. “Is there something wrong with me?” Is what she would ask herself each and every time. “Even the corrupt can be loved, so why can’t I be loved just as much? I was once a human too…”


Weary spirits cannot pass on, the weight of grief and heartbreak stays their souls to the earth, and thus they wander alone, calling out a name of a lover, long since past.


never stop making these playlists, they are always so good ^^


Suggestion: a heartbroken fallen angel

I am just in love with your playlist, please never stop. I am : Mesmerized <3


:0!! Literally heard of a story today on a documentary about a woman sitting on a chair looking out the window waiting for her husband to come back home but that never happened because he was executed (I think they were in war), and they say her spirit is still there, still waiting.. it's really sad ಥ_ಥ (yes, the same chair is still there too)


List of shows/movies/games used in playlist <3

00:00 • Amnesia (A Machine for Pigs)
01:52 • Detroit Become Human (PLEASE go play/watch this game it's so good)
05:01 • SOMA
07:20 • A Care For Wellness
10:18 • Pet Sematary
14:27 • Over the Garden Wall

Have a beautiful day <3


I never get tired of your playlists, you always do such an amazing job...I actually get genuinely so excited every time I receive the notifications warning me you released another haha. Oh and I'm so happy seeing you getting more and more the recognition you deserve ! You're going to be one of the big on youtube ;)


To the ones who lost their lives, to the ones who still have theirs, to the old souls who still roam this world. I wish you the best of luck, to finding your happiness, your reason of being. Good luck.


So relaxed and peaceful, anyone still listening to this?
Make me want to hear more of heartbroken povs like “pov: you’re a heartbroken princess/queen/empress” or “pov: you’re a heartbroken angel/Cupid/devil”. Just some suggestions.
