Bwipo realises why Western teams are losing against Eastern teams

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In this League of Legends clip Bwipo realises why Western teams are losing against Eastern teams.

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It's not a genetics gap, the reason the west will never win worlds is simply there are players who want it more in asia, think about their culture compared to ours. " its okay little timmy you got third place you still get a bronze medal " vs " you'll be the best or you'll be nothing " culture in asia. Also there is much less incentive to improve when you're getting paid 6 figures to be a bottom tier LCS player. easier to cope and make excuses than give it your all. not that hard of a concept to grasp.


G2 needs Bwipo, he has everything that G2 lacks... intelligent player, doesn't tilt as much, plays weird champs well and is also a leader


This right here shows that western teams are playing scared. They see enemy walk up and they just assume that they are making the right play. They are playing their opponent rather than playing the game




I think western teams give the Asian teams too much respect. If your not on your toes at all times than at any time they will pounce on you I saw it so much with Mad, c9 and GG they get a lead and instead of pressuring lanes they start grouping like a death ball on off timers while letting the Asian teams just Side-lane. Or this example right here you have your sion as a body blocker and the moment they get kanavi flash they instantly disperse in different directions and JDG see that sion is not with his team and instantly pounce on GG. I think more decisiveness and team synergy is really needed.


As a Sion mid player, with Gori on Sion unless he hits a huge Q, it's more like a 3v3 than you think...


They are more.
They play more.
They want it more.

Simple as.


I think I’m staring at a 3v4 no tp enemy top, 2 of the 3 are tanks and we can just all dive onto the jayce and we win the fight


league teams should treat their players like sport teams, "you get this amount of money, but if you win the finals, you will make the triple of it, if not, you're out of our company"


He's not wrong that western teams are trash, however the reasons given in this video are beyond terrible. GG is lacking 2 crucial ultimates in Sejuani and Sion meaning they have no way of catching Jayce or Jinx, whereras JDG is sitting on a Braum and Maokai ultimate which are very big equalizers. GG has no way of getting onto them since JDG can just keep push/kiting if they decide to turn... On top of that, they have literally 0 vision on where jinx is, as far as they're concerned, she's in the fog of war behind Braum somewhere ready to follow up on any engage. Bwipo's information is based on the fact that he can see what they're doing as a spectator, but in reality, there's no way for GG to get into this fight and win, even in a 3v4 because they have no possible way of getting past Braum E + R and Moakai Ultimate since there is no sej or sion ultimate. So they can only wait for JDG to come to them and use those abilities first. If you're thinking Huhi can flash ult, then you're still stupid because whose he gonna flash ult? The jinx he can't see ? The jayce with flash who can get away before any follow ups since there are no ults on the engage mid and jung? Dogshit opinion. I love bwipo and he was an amazing player a couple years ago but there's a reason he's a top laner and even at his best, was never the strategist/shotcaller and also why many considered him a 50/50 player along with hylint. L opinion.


In Asian culture most people tend to be good at one thing only, in this case being very good at playing league of legends.


each time western teams played their own game rather then copying asia, eu won against asia


NA has "deer in headlights" syndrome, really EU as well nowadays. It's not that they don't know what to do or how to do it, they just think about "yeah but what if I fuck up and am the reason we lose?" and are paralyzed unable to do anything.


Think this is omega cope, the reason GG doesn't want to fight isn't because they think they lose 3v4, I'm pretty sure they think they win, but they think it's a close fight, and if jinx comes in and cleans up 2 or 3 kills, then the game will be snowballed to complete hell and theres no way they win. They tried to take a fight early on their own terms, they fucked it up, and now if they take a fight, braum, maokai has enough stalling potential that the jinx can come in and clean up whatever fight happens. I am not the biggest Bwipo fan, but this is a new low in terms of analysis.


Western team dont train as hard as eastern team, They are just grinder. YSKM grind soloQ soo much he had to be hospitalized. Meanwhile, in NA, players are forced to play soloQ.


because Eastern teams actually want to win, train hard and are passionate about the game
while most Western players just go pro for money
that's a big difference


The most simple explanation to why the west will never been better than the east
Just take he support role for example
Has EU ever had good support players? No just a couple of them during all those years while the east had seasons where the best player on earth was the support
Here in EU support players just become support players because it just occured or they sucked at other lanes
The culture in the East is I want to be the very best and nothing less, Im gonna spend hours doing this, not going out missing on activities just to become the best version of myself. In the East it's a job, in the west it's just a hobby for most that also happened to pay them and once they make it to a team they don't really care as much. Here in the west end game=get into a team.
East endgame=win and become the best version of yourself


lol cherrypicks game and moment just to shit on NA. I get NA isnt great and not saying they are but objectively just flaming cuz NA lul
